# Copyright (c) 2018 NVIDIA Corporation
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import tensorflow as tf
from open_seq2seq.utils.utils import mask_nans, deco_print
from .loss import Loss
[docs]def dense_to_sparse(dense_tensor, sequence_length):
indices = tf.where(tf.sequence_mask(sequence_length))
values = tf.gather_nd(dense_tensor, indices)
shape = tf.shape(dense_tensor, out_type=tf.int64)
return tf.SparseTensor(indices, values, shape)
[docs]class CTCLoss(Loss):
"""Implementation of the CTC loss."""
[docs] @staticmethod
def get_optional_params():
return dict(Loss.get_optional_params(), **{
'mask_nan': bool,
[docs] def __init__(self, params, model, name="ctc_loss"):
"""CTC loss constructor.
See parent class for arguments description.
Config parameters:
* **mask_nan** (bool) --- whether to mask nans in the loss output. Defaults
to True.
super(CTCLoss, self).__init__(params, model, name)
self._mask_nan = self.params.get("mask_nan", True)
# this loss can only operate in full precision
# if self.params['dtype'] != tf.float32:
# deco_print("Warning: defaulting CTC loss to work in float32")
self.params['dtype'] = tf.float32
[docs] def _compute_loss(self, input_dict):
"""CTC loss graph construction.
Expects the following inputs::
input_dict = {
input_dict (dict): input dictionary that has to contain
the following fields::
input_dict = {
"decoder_output": {
"logits": tensor, shape [batch_size, time length, tgt_vocab_size]
"src_length": tensor, shape [batch_size]
"target_tensors": [
tgt_sequence (shape=[batch_size, time length, num features]),
tgt_length (shape=[batch_size])
averaged CTC loss.
logits = input_dict['decoder_output']['logits']
tgt_sequence, tgt_length = input_dict['target_tensors']
# this loss needs an access to src_length since they
# might get changed in the encoder
src_length = input_dict['decoder_output']['src_length']
# Compute the CTC loss
total_loss = tf.nn.ctc_loss(
labels=dense_to_sparse(tgt_sequence, tgt_length),
if self._mask_nan:
total_loss = mask_nans(total_loss)
# Calculate the average loss across the batch
avg_loss = tf.reduce_mean(total_loss)
return avg_loss