
Losses to be used in seq2seq models


class losses.loss.Loss(params, model, name='loss')[source]

Bases: object

Abstract class from which all losses must inherit.

__init__(params, model, name='loss')[source]

Loss constructor. Note that loss constructors should not modify TensorFlow graph, all graph construction should happen in the self._compute_loss() method.

  • params (dict) – parameters describing the loss. All supported parameters are listed in get_required_params(), get_optional_params() functions.
  • model (instance of a class derived from Model) – parent model that created this loss. Could be None if no model access is required for the use case.
  • name (str) – name for loss variable scope.

Config parameters:

  • dtype — data dtype. Could be either tf.float16 or tf.float32.

This function performs automatic cast of all inputs to the loss dtype.

Parameters:input_dict (dict) – dictionary passed to self._compute_loss() method.
Returns:same as input_dict, but with all Tensors cast to the loss dtype.
Return type:dict

This is the main function which should construct loss graph. Typically, loss will take decoder-produced logits as an input and return a singleton loss tensor.

Parameters:input_dict (dict) –

dictionary containing loss inputs. If the loss is used with models.encoder_decoder class, input_dict will have the following content:

  "decoder_output": dictionary returned from decoder.decode() method
  "target_tensors": data_layer.input_tensors['target_tensors']
Returns:singleton loss tensor. This tensor will be computed independently for each GPU batch and then averaged (reduce_mean) over the number of GPUs (or Horovod workers).

Wrapper around self._compute_loss() method. Here name and dtype are set in the variable scope and then self._compute_loss() method is called.

Parameters:input_dict (dict) – see self._compute_loss() docs.
Returns:see self._compute_loss() docs.
static get_optional_params()[source]

Static method with description of optional parameters.

Returns:Dictionary containing all the parameters that can be included into the params parameter of the class __init__() method.
Return type:dict
static get_required_params()[source]

Static method with description of required parameters.

Returns:Dictionary containing all the parameters that have to be included into the params parameter of the class __init__() method.
Return type:dict

Loss name.


Parameters used to construct the loss (dictionary).


class losses.ctc_loss.CTCLoss(params, model, name='ctc_loss')[source]

Bases: losses.loss.Loss

Implementation of the CTC loss.

__init__(params, model, name='ctc_loss')[source]

CTC loss constructor.

See parent class for arguments description.

Config parameters:

  • mask_nan (bool) — whether to mask nans in the loss output. Defaults to True.

CTC loss graph construction.

Expects the following inputs:

input_dict = {

Parameters:input_dict (dict) –

input dictionary that has to contain the following fields:

input_dict = {
  "decoder_output": {
    "logits": tensor, shape [batch_size, time length, tgt_vocab_size]
    "src_length": tensor, shape [batch_size]
  "target_tensors": [
    tgt_sequence (shape=[batch_size, time length, num features]),
    tgt_length (shape=[batch_size])
Returns:averaged CTC loss.
static get_optional_params()[source]

Static method with description of optional parameters.

Returns:Dictionary containing all the parameters that can be included into the params parameter of the class __init__() method.
Return type:dict
losses.ctc_loss.dense_to_sparse(dense_tensor, sequence_length)[source]


class losses.sequence_loss.BasicSampledSequenceLoss(params, model, name='basic_sampled_sequence_loss')[source]

Bases: losses.loss.Loss

Basic sampled sequence-to-sequence loss. This is used when the full softmax is computational prohibitive. This one does not use one-hot encodings.

__init__(params, model, name='basic_sampled_sequence_loss')[source]


Parameters:params (dict) –

dictionary with loss parameters. Should contain the following: * tgt_vocab_size: Target vocabulary size * batch_size_per_gpu: Size of the per-worker batch * offset_target_by_one: (default: True). Keep it true for auto-regressive models * average_across_timestep: (default: False). If True, will average

loss across timesteps, else it will sum across timesteps
  • do_mask: (default: True) whether to mask based on tgt_lengths (which is passed as part of loss_input_dict to compute_loss and has to be not None then)

Computes cross entropy based sequence-to-sequence loss.

Parameters:input_dict (dict) –
inputs to compute loss::
“logits”: logits tensor of shape [batch_size, T, dim] “target_sequence”: tensor of shape [batch_size, T] “tgt_lengths”: tensor of shape [batch_size] or None


Returns:Singleton loss tensor
static get_optional_params()[source]

Static method with description of optional parameters.

Returns:Dictionary containing all the parameters that can be included into the params parameter of the class __init__() method.
Return type:dict
static get_required_params()[source]

Static method with description of required parameters.

Returns:Dictionary containing all the parameters that have to be included into the params parameter of the class __init__() method.
Return type:dict
class losses.sequence_loss.BasicSequenceLoss(params, model, name='basic_sequence_loss')[source]

Bases: losses.loss.Loss

Basic sequence-to-sequence loss. This one does not use one-hot encodings

__init__(params, model, name='basic_sequence_loss')[source]


Parameters:params (dict) –

dictionary with loss parameters. Should contain the following: * tgt_vocab_size: Target vocabulary size * batch_size_per_gpu: Size of the per-worker batch * offset_target_by_one: (default: True). Keep it true for auto-regressive models * average_across_timestep: (default: False). If True, will average

loss across timesteps, else it will sum across timesteps
  • do_mask: (default: True) whether to mask based on tgt_lengths (which is passed as part of loss_input_dict to compute_loss and has to be not None then)

Computes cross entropy based sequence-to-sequence loss.

Parameters:input_dict (dict) –
inputs to compute loss::
“logits”: logits tensor of shape [batch_size, T, dim] “target_sequence”: tensor of shape [batch_size, T] “tgt_lengths”: tensor of shape [batch_size] or None


Returns:Singleton loss tensor
static get_optional_params()[source]

Static method with description of optional parameters.

Returns:Dictionary containing all the parameters that can be included into the params parameter of the class __init__() method.
Return type:dict
static get_required_params()[source]

Static method with description of required parameters.

Returns:Dictionary containing all the parameters that have to be included into the params parameter of the class __init__() method.
Return type:dict
class losses.sequence_loss.CrossEntropyWithSmoothing(params, model, name='cross_entropy_with_smoothing')[source]

Bases: losses.loss.Loss

Softmax cross entropy loss with label smoothing. This one uses one-hot encodings for labels.

__init__(params, model, name='cross_entropy_with_smoothing')[source]


Parameters:params (dict) –

dictionary with loss parameters. Should contain the following:

  • tgt_vocab_size: Target vocabulary size
  • batch_size_per_gpu: Size of the per-worker batch
  • offset_target_by_one: (default: True). Keep it true for auto-regressive models
  • do_mask: (default: True) whether to mask based on tgt_lengths (which is passed as part of loss_input_dict to compute_loss and has to be not None then)

Computes cross entropy based sequence-to-sequence loss with label smoothing.

Parameters:input_dict (dict) –
inputs to compute loss::
“logits”: logits tensor of shape [batch_size, T, dim] “target_sequence”: tensor of shape [batch_size, T] “tgt_lengths”: tensor of shape [batch_size] or None


Returns:Singleton loss tensor
static get_optional_params()[source]

Static method with description of optional parameters.

Returns:Dictionary containing all the parameters that can be included into the params parameter of the class __init__() method.
Return type:dict
static get_required_params()[source]

Static method with description of required parameters.

Returns:Dictionary containing all the parameters that have to be included into the params parameter of the class __init__() method.
Return type:dict
class losses.sequence_loss.PaddedCrossEntropyLossWithSmoothing(params, model, name='padded_cross_entropy_with_smoothing')[source]

Bases: losses.loss.Loss

static get_optional_params()[source]

Static method with description of optional parameters.

Returns:Dictionary containing all the parameters that can be included into the params parameter of the class __init__() method.
Return type:dict


class losses.cross_entropy_loss.CrossEntropyLoss(params, model, name='cross_entropy_loss')[source]

Bases: losses.loss.Loss

Implementation of the usual cross_entropy loss with softmax.


class losses.text2speech_loss.Text2SpeechLoss(params, model, name='text2speech_loss')[source]

Bases: losses.loss.Loss

Default text-to-speech loss.


Computes loss for text-to-speech model.

Parameters:input_dict (dict) –
  • “decoder_output”: dictionary containing:
    ”outputs”: array containing:
    • mel: mel-spectrogram predicted by the decoder [batch, time, n_mel]
    • post_net_mel: spectrogram after adding the residual corrections from the post net of shape [batch, time, feats]
    • mag: mag-spectrogram predicted by the decoder [batch, time, n_mag]

    ”stop_token_predictions”: stop_token predictions of shape [batch, time, 1]

  • ”target_tensors”: array containing:
    • spec: the true spectrogram of shape [batch, time, feats]
    • stop_token: the stop_token of shape [batch, time]
    • spec_length: the length of specs [batch]
Returns:Singleton loss tensor
static get_optional_params()[source]

Static method with description of optional parameters.

Returns:Dictionary containing all the parameters that can be included into the params parameter of the class __init__() method.
Return type:dict


class losses.wavenet_loss.WavenetLoss(params, model, name='wavenet_loss')[source]

Bases: losses.loss.Loss


Computes the cross-entropy loss for WaveNet.

Parameters:input_dict (dict) –
  • “decoder_output”: array containing: [ * logits: predicted output signal as logits * outputs: array containing: [
    • ground truth signal as encoded labels
    • mu-law decoded audio




Static method with description of optional parameters.

Returns:Dictionary containing all the parameters that can be included into the params parameter of the class __init__() method.
Return type:dict

Static method with description of required parameters.

Returns:Dictionary containing all the parameters that have to be included into the params parameter of the class __init__() method.
Return type:dict