Installing on Linux

  1. Retrieve and launch the docker container (optional).

    You can pre-install the environment using the NVIDIA Container Toolkit to avoid manual environment configuration.

    # Obtain and start the basic docker image environment (optional).
    docker run --rm --ipc=host --runtime=nvidia --gpus all --entrypoint /bin/bash -it nvidia/cuda:12.5.1-devel-ubuntu22.04

    Note: please make sure to set --ipc=host as a docker run argument to avoid Bus error (core dumped).

  2. Install TensorRT-LLM.

    # Install dependencies, TensorRT-LLM requires Python 3.10
    apt-get update && apt-get -y install python3.10 python3-pip openmpi-bin libopenmpi-dev git git-lfs
    # Install the latest preview version (corresponding to the main branch) of TensorRT-LLM.
    # If you want to install the stable version (corresponding to the release branch), please
    # remove the `--pre` option.
    pip3 install tensorrt_llm -U --pre --extra-index-url
    # Check installation
    python3 -c "import tensorrt_llm"

    Please note that TensorRT-LLM depends on TensorRT. In earlier versions that include TensorRT 8, overwriting an upgraded to a new version may require explicitly running pip uninstall tensorrt to uninstall the old version.

  3. Install the requirements for running the example.

    git clone
    cd TensorRT-LLM
    pip install -r examples/bloom/requirements.txt
    git lfs install

Beyond the local execution, you can also use the NVIDIA Triton Inference Server to create a production-ready deployment of your LLM as described in this Optimizing Inference on Large Language Models with NVIDIA TensorRT-LLM blog.