Source code for tensorrt_llm.models.eagle.model

# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright (c) 2022-2024 NVIDIA CORPORATION & AFFILIATES. All rights reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

from collections import OrderedDict

import numpy as np
import tensorrt as trt

from tensorrt_llm.mapping import Mapping
from tensorrt_llm.models.generation_mixin import GenerationMixin
from tensorrt_llm.models.llama.model import LLaMAForCausalLM, LLaMAModel

from ..._common import default_net, default_trtnet
from ..._utils import pad_vocab_size
from ...bindings import KVCacheType
from ...functional import (Tensor, _create_tensor, concat,
                           gather_last_token_logits, index_select, shape)
from ...layers import AttentionParams, ColumnLinear, SpecDecodingParams
from ...module import Module, ModuleList
from ...plugin import TRT_LLM_PLUGIN_NAMESPACE
from .config import EagleConfig

class TreeParams(object):

    def __init__(self,
                 paths: Tensor = None,
                 use_dynamic_tree: Tensor = None,
                 dynamic_tree_max_topK: Tensor = None):
        self.paths = paths  # on GPU
        # When 'use_dynamic_tree' is False, which means use Eagle-1;
        # When 'use_dynamic_tree' is True, which means use Eagle-2;
        self.use_dynamic_tree = use_dynamic_tree  # bool, on CPU
        # Indicates how many new draft tokens are expanded for each draft token of each request.
        # For Eagle-2, dynamic_tree_max_topK is equal to max_non_leaf_nodes_per_level in the internal EagleNets.
        self.dynamic_tree_max_topK = dynamic_tree_max_topK  # int, on CPU

def eagle_sample_and_accept_draft_plugin(lm_logits: Tensor = None,
                                         draft_tokens: Tensor = None,
                                         draft_lens: Tensor = None,
                                         eagle_temperature: Tensor = None,
                                         rand_data_validation: Tensor = None,
                                         posterior_alpha: Tensor = None,
                                         posterior_threshold: Tensor = None,
                                         tree_params: TreeParams = None,
                                         greedy_sampling: Tensor = None):
    Takes input logits and samples golden token + predictions from draft tokens.
    Runs acceptance algorithm to accept draft tokens.
    When greedy_sampling is True, all decoding is done using Top1 and token equality is used
    for acceptance. Otherwise, typical acceptance and multinomial samplings are used.

    Visit tests/model/eagle/ for input/output examples.

        lm_logits : Tensor
            [num_tokens, vocab_size]
            Logits produced by the base model.

        draft_tokens : Tensor
            [batch_size, max_decoding_draft_tokens]
            Input draft tokens. Only the first draft_lens[bi] tokens are relevant for bi'th row.

        draft_lens : Tensor
            Lengths of the draft_tokens. 0 for context request. Actual draft length for generation requests.

        eagle_temperature : Tensor
            Temperature of the decoding.

        rand_data_validation : Tensor
            [batch_size, max_decoding_tokens]
            Random data for multinomial sampling.

        posterior_alpha : Tensor
            Delta in typical acceptance in

        posterior_threshold : Tensor
            Minimum probability threshold.
            Epsilon in typical acceptance in

        tree_params : TreeParams
            Tree params of the input draft tokens.

        greedy_sampling : Tensor
            Whether to do greedy or non-greedy sampling.

        accepted_tokens : Tensor
            [batch_size, max_path_len]
            Accepted token ids. Only the first num_accepted_tokens[bi] tokens are relevant for bi'th row,

        num_accepted_tokens : Tensor
            Number of accepted tokens per request. Each entry is >= 1.

        accepted_paths : Tensor
            Indices of the accepted path per request of the input paths in tree_params.paths.

        next_draft_tokens : Tensor
            [batch_size, max_decoding_draft_tokens]
            Empty tensor used to allocate space for the next draft tokens.

        next_draft_lens : Tensor
            Empty tensor used to allocate space for lens of the next draft tokens.

        next_draft_paths : Tensor
            [batch_size, max_decoding_len, max_path_len]
            For EAGLE-1 just a copy of input path.

        hidden_size_batch_level_starts : Tensor
            [max_draft_path_len * batch_size + 1]
            Empty tensor used to allocate space for eagle_prepare_drafter_inputs_plugin.

    plg_creator = trt.get_plugin_registry().get_plugin_creator(
        'EagleSampleAndAcceptDraftTokens', '1', TRT_LLM_PLUGIN_NAMESPACE)
    assert plg_creator is not None

    pf_type = trt.PluginField("type_id",
                              np.array([int(lm_logits.dtype)], np.int32),

    pfc = trt.PluginFieldCollection([pf_type])
    plugin = plg_creator.create_plugin("eagle_sample_and_accept_draft_plugin",

    plug_inputs = [
        lm_logits, draft_tokens, draft_lens, eagle_temperature,
        rand_data_validation, posterior_alpha, posterior_threshold,
        tree_params.paths, greedy_sampling

    plug_inputs = [i.trt_tensor for i in plug_inputs]
    layer = default_trtnet().add_plugin_v2(plug_inputs, plugin)

    accepted_tokens = _create_tensor(layer.get_output(0), layer)
    num_accepted_tokens = _create_tensor(layer.get_output(1), layer)
    accepted_paths = _create_tensor(layer.get_output(2), layer)
    next_draft_tokens = _create_tensor(layer.get_output(3), layer)
    next_draft_lens = _create_tensor(layer.get_output(4), layer)
    next_draft_paths = _create_tensor(layer.get_output(5), layer)
    hidden_size_batch_level_starts = _create_tensor(layer.get_output(6), layer)
    return tuple([
        accepted_tokens, num_accepted_tokens, accepted_paths, next_draft_tokens,
        next_draft_lens, next_draft_paths, hidden_size_batch_level_starts

def eagle_draft_decoder_plugin(
        layer_idx: int, num_eagle_layers: int, top_k_sampling: bool,
        logits: Tensor, num_last_token_indices: Tensor, rand_sample: Tensor,
        tree_params: TreeParams, input_draft_token_ids: Tensor,
        input_draft_lens: Tensor, input_prev_scores: Tensor,
        input_current_expand_indices: Tensor, input_all_layers_scores: Tensor,
        input_all_layers_draft_token_ids: Tensor,
        input_all_layers_draft_token_ids_predecessor: Tensor):
        layer_idx : int
            The index of the EagleNet.

        num_eagle_layers: int
            The total number of eagle layers.

        top_k_sampling: bool
            Whether to use top K sampling. Otherwise, use multinomial sampling.

        logits : Tensor
            [num_logits, vocab_size]
            Input logits.

        num_last_token_indices : Tensor
            Number of valid logits in logits.

        rand_sample : Tensor
            Used by multinomial sampling.

        tree_params : TreeParams
            Tree params of the input draft tokens.

        input_draft_token_ids: Tensor
            [batch_size, max_decoding_draft_tokens]
            Draft tokens generated by previous EagleNets.

        input_draft_lens: Tensor
            Number of draft tokens for each request.

        input_prev_scores: Tensor
            [batch_size, max_decoding_draft_tokens]
            Last layer's scores

        input_current_expand_indices: Tensor
            [batch_size, max_decoding_draft_tokens]
            The indices of the nodes that expand in this layer.
            The index is related to the final output tree, which has max_decoding_draft_tokens draft tokens.

        input_all_layers_scores: Tensor
            [batch_size, num_eagle_layers, max_decoding_draft_tokens x max_decoding_draft_tokens]
            For Eagle-2, record scores from all EagleNets

        input_all_layers_draft_token_ids: Tensor
            [batch_size, num_eagle_layers, max_decoding_draft_tokens x max_decoding_draft_tokens]
            For Eagle-2, record all draft tokens from all EagleNets

        input_all_layers_draft_token_ids_predecessor: Tensor
            [batch_size, num_eagle_layers, max_decoding_draft_tokens x max_decoding_draft_tokens]
            For Eagle-2, record all draft tokens' predecessor

        output_draft_token_ids: Tensor
            [batch_size, max_decoding_draft_tokens]
            Draft tokens generated by this EagleNets, also include the previous draft tokens.

        output_draft_draft_lens: Tensor
            Number of draft tokens for each request.

        output_paths: Tensor
            [batch_size, max_decoding_draft_tokens, max_path_len]
            The latest path.

        output_current_scores: Tensor
            [batch_size, max_decoding_draft_tokens]
            This layer's scores, which will be used in next layer.

            [batch_size, max_decoding_draft_tokens]
            The indices of the nodes that expand in next layer.
            The index is related to the final output tree, which has max_decoding_draft_tokens draft tokens.

            [batch_size, num_eagle_layers, max_decoding_draft_tokens x max_decoding_draft_tokens]
            For Eagle-2, record scores from all EagleNets

        output_all_layers_draft_token_ids: Tensor
            [batch_size, num_eagle_layers, max_decoding_draft_tokens x max_decoding_draft_tokens]
            For Eagle-2, record all draft tokens from all EagleNets

        output_all_layers_draft_token_ids_predecessor: Tensor
            [batch_size, num_eagle_layers, max_decoding_draft_tokens x max_decoding_draft_tokens]
            For Eagle-2, record all draft tokens' predecessor


    plg_creator = trt.get_plugin_registry().get_plugin_creator(
        'EagleDecodeDraftTokens', '1', TRT_LLM_PLUGIN_NAMESPACE)
    assert plg_creator is not None

    pf_type = trt.PluginField("type_id", np.array([int(logits.dtype)],

    layer_idx_t = trt.PluginField("layer_idx",
                                  np.array(layer_idx, dtype=np.int32),

    num_eagle_layers_t = trt.PluginField(
        "num_eagle_layers", np.array(num_eagle_layers, dtype=np.int32),

    top_k_sampling_t = 1 if top_k_sampling else 0
    top_k_sampling_t = trt.PluginField(
        "top_k_sampling", np.array(top_k_sampling_t, dtype=np.int32),

    pfc = trt.PluginFieldCollection(
        [pf_type, layer_idx_t, num_eagle_layers_t, top_k_sampling_t])
    plugin = plg_creator.create_plugin("eagle_draft_decoder_plugin", pfc)

    plug_inputs = [
        logits, rand_sample, tree_params.paths, num_last_token_indices,
        tree_params.use_dynamic_tree, tree_params.dynamic_tree_max_topK,
        input_draft_token_ids, input_draft_lens, input_prev_scores,
        input_current_expand_indices, input_all_layers_scores,

    plug_inputs = [i.trt_tensor for i in plug_inputs]
    layer = default_trtnet().add_plugin_v2(plug_inputs, plugin)

    output_draft_token_ids = _create_tensor(layer.get_output(0), layer)
    output_draft_lens = _create_tensor(layer.get_output(1), layer)
    output_paths = _create_tensor(layer.get_output(2), layer)
    output_current_scores = _create_tensor(layer.get_output(3), layer)
    output_next_expand_indices = _create_tensor(layer.get_output(4), layer)
    output_all_layers_scores = _create_tensor(layer.get_output(5), layer)
    output_all_layers_draft_token_ids = _create_tensor(layer.get_output(6),
    output_all_layers_draft_token_ids_predecessor = _create_tensor(
        layer.get_output(7), layer)
    return tuple([
        output_draft_token_ids, output_draft_lens, output_paths,
        output_current_scores, output_next_expand_indices,
        output_all_layers_scores, output_all_layers_draft_token_ids,

def eagle_prepare_drafter_inputs_plugin(
        layer_idx: int, num_layers: int, max_non_leaves_per_layer: int,
        attention_params: AttentionParams, input_ids: Tensor,
        chunked_context_next_tokens: Tensor, accepted_token_ids: Tensor,
        accepted_lens: Tensor, accepted_path_ids: Tensor,
        next_draft_tokens: Tensor, next_draft_lens: Tensor,
        next_draft_paths: Tensor, prev_draft_lens: Tensor,
        prev_draft_paths: Tensor, hidden_size_batch_level_starts: Tensor,
        input_gen_tokens: Tensor,
        input_spec_decoding_generation_lengths: Tensor):
    Prepares inputs for the EagleNet inference.

    Visit tests/model/eagle/ for input/output examples.

        layer_idx : int
            Index of the EagleNet. 0 means context phase EagleNet or EagleNet0,
            > 0 means EagleNetX or generation phase of EagleNet

        num_layers : int
            Number of Eagle layers.

        max_non_leaves_per_layer : int
            Number of nodes that can be non leaf in the tree at each level of the tree.

        attention_params : AttentionParams

        input_ids : Tensor
            Tokens ids, inputs to the base model.

        chunked_context_next_tokens : Tensor
            The first token of the next chunk in chunked context.
            -1 if current chunk is the last chunk or requests is in the gen phase.

        accepted_token_ids : Tensor
            [batch_size, max_path_len]
            Accepted tokens ids.

        accepted_lens : Tensor
            Number of accepted tokens.

        accepted_path_ids : Tensor
            Idx of the accepted path in prev_draft_paths.

        next_draft_tokens : Tensor
            [batch_size, max_decoding_draft_tokens]
            Tokens ids of the draft tokens being drafted by EagleNet

        next_draft_lens : Tensor
            Number of drafted tokens in next_draft_tokens

        next_draft_paths : Tensor
            [batch_size, max_decoding_tokens, max_path_len]
            Paths of the draft tokens for the next iteration. In EAGLE-1 is the same as prev_draft_paths

        prev_draft_lens : Tensor
            Number of draft tokens, inputs to the base model.
            0 for ctx requests and actual draft len for gen requests.

        prev_draft_paths : Tensor
            [batch_size, max_decoding_tokens, max_path_len]
            Paths of the draft tokens inputs to the base model.

        hidden_size_batch_level_starts : Tensor
            [max_draft_path_len * batch_size + 1]
            Exclusive sum of the starts of the segments of the hidden states in the concatenated array.
            Hidden states shape is (flattened and w/o padding)
            [max_draft_path_len, batch_size, num_output_tokens_i_j], where num_output_tokens_i_j
            depends on the path of request j at level i.

        input_gen_tokens : Tensor
            Only needed to infer number of generation tokens from its shape. The content is irrelevant

        input_spec_decoding_generation_lengths : Tensor
            Number of tokens for the base model. Only used to infer num_gen_requests from its shape, the content is irrelevant.

        sequence_length : Tensor
            Sequence length of the next EagleNet iteration.
            For EagleNet0 equals to the (prompt_len + num_generated_tokens + accepted_lens).
            For EagleNetX (X > 0) (seq_len_eagle_net_0 + spec_decoding_generation_lengths).

        context_length : Tensor
            Context length of the next EagleNet iteration.
            For EagleNet0 it is either the actual context length of the request (for ctx requests)
            or the number of accepted tokens in this iteration. EagleNet0's attn does chunked context attn.
            For EagleNetX (X > 0), context length equals to the sequence length of the EagleNet0.

        spec_decoding_generation_lengths : Tensor
            Only relevant for EagleNetX (X > 0).
            Number of draft tokens.

        spec_decoding_position_offsets : Tensor
            [batch_size, max_decoding_tokens]
            Only relevant for EagleNetX (X > 0).
            Position offsets of the selected tokens from output_ids.

        spec_decoding_packed_mask : Tensor
            [batch_size, max_decoding_tokens, ceil(max_decoding_tokens / 32)]
            Only relevant for EagleNetX (X > 0).
            uint32_t packed masks.

        output_ids : Tensor
            [batch_size * max_non_leaves_per_layer * layer_idx] for layer_idx > 0
            [num_tokens - num_gen_tokens + num_gen_requests * (num_layers + 1)] for layer_idx == 0
            Token ids selected for the EagleNet iteration.
            Tensor's actual size is larger than num_output_tokens.

        position_ids : Tensor
            [batch_size] for layer_idx > 0
            [num_tokens - num_gen_tokens + num_gen_requests * (num_layers + 1)] for layer_idx == 0
            Position ids of the tokens selected for the EagleNet iteration.
            Tensor's actual size is larger than num_output_tokens.

        hidden_states_indices : Tensor
            [batch_size * max_non_leaves_per_layer * layer_idx] for layer_idx > 0
            [num_tokens - num_gen_tokens + num_gen_requests * (num_layers + 1)] for layer_idx == 0
            Indices of the hidden states to be selected from aggregated hidden states for the next iteration.
            Tensor's actual size is larger than num_output_tokens.

        last_token_indices : Tensor
            [batch_size * max_non_leaves_per_layer]
            Indices of the hidden states to be converted to logits after the next EagleNet iteration.
            Tensor's actual size is larger than num_output_tokens.

        num_last_token_indices : Tensor
            Number of logits selected after the next EagleNet iteration.
            Tensors containing size of the outputs of V3 plugins. 0-D tensor.

        out_hidden_size_batch_level_starts : Tensor
            [max_draft_path_len * batch_size + 1]
            Same as hidden_size_batch_level_starts, but with updated path lens for the next level.

    plg_creator = trt.get_plugin_registry().get_creator(
        'EaglePrepareDrafterInputs', '1', TRT_LLM_PLUGIN_NAMESPACE)
    assert plg_creator is not None

    layer_idx = trt.PluginField("layer_idx", np.array(layer_idx,

    num_layers = trt.PluginField("num_layers",
                                 np.array(num_layers, dtype=np.int32),

    max_non_leaves_per_layer = trt.PluginField(
        np.array(max_non_leaves_per_layer, dtype=np.int32),

    pfc = trt.PluginFieldCollection(
        [layer_idx, num_layers, max_non_leaves_per_layer])
    plugin = plg_creator.create_plugin("eagle_prepare_drafter_inputs_plugin",
                                       pfc, trt.TensorRTPhase.BUILD)

    plug_inputs = [
        attention_params.sequence_length, attention_params.context_lengths,
        input_ids, chunked_context_next_tokens, accepted_token_ids,
        accepted_lens, accepted_path_ids, next_draft_tokens, next_draft_lens,
        next_draft_paths, prev_draft_lens, prev_draft_paths,
        hidden_size_batch_level_starts, input_gen_tokens,

    plug_inputs = [i.trt_tensor for i in plug_inputs]
    shape_inputs = []
    layer = default_trtnet().add_plugin_v3(plug_inputs, shape_inputs, plugin)

    sequence_length = _create_tensor(layer.get_output(0), layer)
    context_length = _create_tensor(layer.get_output(1), layer)
    spec_decoding_generation_lengths = _create_tensor(layer.get_output(2),
    spec_decoding_position_offsets = _create_tensor(layer.get_output(3), layer)
    spec_decoding_packed_mask = _create_tensor(layer.get_output(4), layer)
    output_ids = _create_tensor(layer.get_output(5), layer)
    position_ids = _create_tensor(layer.get_output(6), layer)
    hidden_states_indices = _create_tensor(layer.get_output(7), layer)
    last_token_indices = _create_tensor(layer.get_output(8), layer)
    num_last_token_indices = _create_tensor(layer.get_output(9), layer)
    out_hidden_size_batch_level_starts = _create_tensor(layer.get_output(10),
    return tuple([
        sequence_length, context_length, spec_decoding_generation_lengths,
        spec_decoding_position_offsets, spec_decoding_packed_mask, output_ids,
        position_ids, hidden_states_indices, last_token_indices,
        num_last_token_indices, out_hidden_size_batch_level_starts

class EagleNet(Module):

    def __init__(
        self.drafter = LLaMAModel(config)
        self.config = config

        vocab_size_padded = pad_vocab_size(config.vocab_size,
        if config.mapping.is_last_pp_rank():
            self.lm_head = ColumnLinear(config.hidden_size,
            self.lm_head = None

    def forward(self,
        hidden_states, cache = self.drafter(

        if self.config.mapping.is_last_pp_rank():
            hidden_states = gather_last_token_logits(
                hidden_states, last_token_indices,
            return self.lm_head(hidden_states), hidden_states, cache

        return None, hidden_states, cache

[docs] class EagleForCausalLM(LLaMAForCausalLM): config_class = EagleConfig def __init__(self, config: EagleConfig): super().__init__(config) self.num_eagle_layers = config.num_eagle_layers self.max_non_leaves_per_layer = config.max_non_leaves_per_layer self.hidden_size = config.hidden_size self.vocab_size = config.vocab_size vocab_size_padded = pad_vocab_size(self.vocab_size, config.mapping.tp_size) eagle_net_config = config.eagle_net_config eagle_net_config.mapping = Mapping(world_size=config.mapping.world_size, rank=config.mapping.rank, cp_size=1, tp_size=config.mapping.world_size, pp_size=1) eagle_net_config.fc_after_embed = True eagle_net_config.use_input_layernorm_in_first_layer = False eagle_net_config.use_last_layernorm = False eagle_net_config.layer_idx_offset = config.num_hidden_layers if self.mapping.is_last_pp_rank(): self.eagle_nets = ModuleList([ EagleNet(config=eagle_net_config) for _ in range(self.num_eagle_layers) ]) self.max_draft_len = config.max_draft_len def _prepare_drafter_inputs( self, layer_idx, input_ids, chunked_context_next_tokens, accepted_token_ids, accepted_lens, accepted_path_ids, next_draft_tokens, next_draft_lens, next_draft_paths, prev_draft_lens, prev_draft_paths, input_attention_params, input_kv_cache_params, hidden_states, host_ctx_eagle_net_request_types, host_ctx_eagle_net_context_lengths, host_ctx_eagle_net_past_key_value_lengths, host_gen_eagle_net_request_types, host_gen_eagle_net_context_lengths, host_gen_eagle_net_past_key_value_lengths, hidden_size_batch_level_starts, input_gen_tokens, input_spec_decoding_generation_lengths, spec_decoding_use): drafter_inputs = eagle_prepare_drafter_inputs_plugin( layer_idx, self.num_eagle_layers, self.max_non_leaves_per_layer, input_attention_params, input_ids, chunked_context_next_tokens, accepted_token_ids, accepted_lens, accepted_path_ids, next_draft_tokens, next_draft_lens, next_draft_paths, prev_draft_lens, prev_draft_paths, hidden_size_batch_level_starts, input_gen_tokens, input_spec_decoding_generation_lengths) sequence_length, context_lengths, \ spec_decoding_generation_lengths, spec_decoding_position_offsets, \ spec_decoding_packed_mask, output_ids, position_ids, hidden_states_indices, \ last_token_indices, num_last_token_indices, out_hidden_size_batch_level_starts \ = drafter_inputs attention_params = input_attention_params kv_cache_params = input_kv_cache_params attention_params.sequence_length = sequence_length attention_params.context_lengths = context_lengths if layer_idx == 0: attention_params.host_request_types = host_ctx_eagle_net_request_types attention_params.host_context_lengths = host_ctx_eagle_net_context_lengths kv_cache_params.host_past_key_value_lengths = host_ctx_eagle_net_past_key_value_lengths else: attention_params.host_request_types = host_gen_eagle_net_request_types attention_params.host_context_lengths = host_gen_eagle_net_context_lengths kv_cache_params.host_past_key_value_lengths = host_gen_eagle_net_past_key_value_lengths spec_decoding_params = None if layer_idx > 0: spec_decoding_params = SpecDecodingParams( True, self.max_draft_len, spec_decoding_generation_lengths, spec_decoding_position_offsets, spec_decoding_packed_mask, spec_decoding_use) # Get hidden states for accepted ids hidden_states = self._slice_hidden_states(hidden_states, hidden_states_indices) eagle_net_inputs = {} eagle_net_inputs["input_ids"] = output_ids eagle_net_inputs["position_ids"] = position_ids eagle_net_inputs["last_token_indices"] = last_token_indices eagle_net_inputs["attention_params"] = attention_params eagle_net_inputs["kv_cache_params"] = kv_cache_params eagle_net_inputs["spec_decoding_params"] = spec_decoding_params eagle_net_inputs["hidden_states"] = hidden_states return eagle_net_inputs, out_hidden_size_batch_level_starts, num_last_token_indices def _slice_hidden_states(self, hidden_states, indices): hidden_states = index_select(hidden_states, 0, indices) hidden_states = hidden_states.view(concat( [shape(indices, 0), shape(hidden_states, 1)]), zero_is_placeholder=False) return hidden_states def _eagle_fwd_helper(self, lm_logits, hidden_states, *args, **kwargs): ''' EAGLE inference can be viewed as TRT_Engine(Target -> Draft0 -> Draft1 -> .. -> DraftK-1) -> Runtime -> TRT_Engine(..) -> .. Target is Base model and Draft is EagleNet. Each EagleNet call can be viewed as call to Draft LLM in TensorRT-LLM. We have to 1. prepare input tensors before the EagleNet call (like in the the runtime), 2. call EagleNet, 3. decode draft tokens after the EagleNet. The only difference with normal execution of the Draft model is that in EAGLE, all these 3 things happen inside of the TensorRT engine execution. We do 1 and 3 inside of the plugins. For 1. We call eagle_prepare_drafter_inputs_plugin and for 3. eagle_draft_decoder_plugin. The first call to the EagleNet (Draft0 == EagleNet0) is the context phase. For context request we populate the KV cache of the EagleNet. For generation request that have accepted tokens we emulate KV cache reuse by doing chunked attention, where chunk is the newly accepted tokens -- all previous tokens are already in the KV cache. The following calls to the EagleNet (EagleNetX (X > 0)) are generation phase. For each EagleNetX we select tokens based on the current path which are going to be used for the generation. Let's consider an example: prompt ABCD. EAGLE-1, i.e tree is fixed for the iteration. Tree: ┌───┐ │ 0 │ └─┬─┘ ┌─────┴─────┐ ┌─┴─┐ ┌─┴─┐ ┌─┴─┐ │ 1 │ │ 2 │ │ 3 │ └─┬─┘ └─┬─┘ └───┘ ┌─┴─┐ ┌─┴─┐ │ 4 │ │ 5 │ └─┬─┘ └─┬─┘ ┌─┴─┐ ┌─┴─┐ │ 6 │ │ 7 │ └───┘ └───┘ First iteration of the TRT engine. Request is context request: 1. Base model is called for [ABCD] tokens produces token E. 2. Draft0 is called for tokens [BCDE] and produces three possibilities F, G and H for positions 1, 2 and 3 respectively. 3. Since H (position 3) is a leaf, it is not chosen as the input to Draft1 inference. 4. Draft1 is called for tokens [FG] with appropriate mask of: |F|G F|1|0 G|0|1 It produces tokens I and J for positions 4 and 5. 6. Draft2 is called for inputs [FGIJ] with mask of |F|G|I|J F|1|0|0|0 G|0|1|0|0 I|1|0|1|0 J|0|1|0|1 Note that we could've stored FG in KV cache and provide only IJ tokens here with mask for past KV cache, but it is not supported in TensorRT-LLM attention at the moment. Draft2 produces tokens K and L at positions 6 and 7. 7. Resulting outputs are: 7.1 accepted_ids [E] 7.2 next_draft_tokens [FGHIJKL] Second iteration of the TRT engine. Request is the generation request. 1. Base model is called for [EFGHIJKL]. Let's assume that it accepts [FIKM], i.e. the left-most path in the tree. 2. Draft0 is called as context phase for [FIKM] -- to append to kv cache of the existing [BCDE]. It produces tokens N, O and P for positions 1, 2 and 3. 3. Draft1 is called as generation phase for [NO] tokens. etc. ''' input_tree_params = kwargs["tree_params"] draft_tokens = kwargs['draft_tokens'] draft_lens = kwargs['draft_lens'] eagle_temperature = kwargs['eagle_temperature'] rand_data_validation = kwargs['rand_data_validation'] posterior_alpha = kwargs['posterior_alpha'] posterior_threshold = kwargs['posterior_threshold'] rand_data_sample = kwargs['rand_data_sample'] input_ids = kwargs['input_ids'] chunked_context_next_tokens = kwargs['chunked_context_next_tokens'] host_ctx_eagle_net_request_types = kwargs[ 'host_ctx_eagle_net_request_types'] host_ctx_eagle_net_context_lengths = kwargs[ 'host_ctx_eagle_net_context_lengths'] host_ctx_eagle_net_past_key_value_lengths = kwargs[ 'host_ctx_eagle_net_past_key_value_lengths'] host_gen_eagle_net_request_types = kwargs[ 'host_gen_eagle_net_request_types'] host_gen_eagle_net_context_lengths = kwargs[ 'host_gen_eagle_net_context_lengths'] host_gen_eagle_net_past_key_value_lengths = kwargs[ 'host_gen_eagle_net_past_key_value_lengths'] input_gen_tokens = kwargs["input_gen_tokens"] greedy_sampling = kwargs["greedy_sampling"] # Sample target tokens and accept them # next_draft_tokens, next_draft_lens, hidden_size_batch_level_starts are outputted here just to # reserve the tensor with max size, which eagle_draft_decoder_plugin and # eagle_prepare_drafter_inputs_plugin are going to directly write to output = eagle_sample_and_accept_draft_plugin( lm_logits, draft_tokens, draft_lens, eagle_temperature, rand_data_validation, posterior_alpha, posterior_threshold, input_tree_params, greedy_sampling) accepted_tokens, num_accepted_tokens, accepted_paths, next_draft_tokens, \ next_draft_lens, next_draft_paths, hidden_size_batch_level_starts = output attention_params = kwargs["attention_params"] kv_cache_params = kwargs["kv_cache_params"] spec_decoding_params = kwargs["spec_decoding_params"] input_hidden_states = hidden_states # Run EAGLE nets for li in range(self.num_eagle_layers): # Prepare EAGLE Net inputs. eagle_net_inputs, hidden_size_batch_level_starts, num_last_token_indices = self._prepare_drafter_inputs( layer_idx=li, input_ids=input_ids, chunked_context_next_tokens=chunked_context_next_tokens, accepted_token_ids=accepted_tokens, accepted_lens=num_accepted_tokens, accepted_path_ids=accepted_paths, next_draft_tokens=next_draft_tokens, next_draft_lens=next_draft_lens, next_draft_paths=next_draft_paths, prev_draft_lens=draft_lens, prev_draft_paths=input_tree_params.paths, input_attention_params=attention_params, input_kv_cache_params=kv_cache_params, hidden_states=input_hidden_states, host_ctx_eagle_net_request_types= host_ctx_eagle_net_request_types, host_ctx_eagle_net_context_lengths= host_ctx_eagle_net_context_lengths, host_ctx_eagle_net_past_key_value_lengths= host_ctx_eagle_net_past_key_value_lengths, host_gen_eagle_net_request_types= host_gen_eagle_net_request_types, host_gen_eagle_net_context_lengths= host_gen_eagle_net_context_lengths, host_gen_eagle_net_past_key_value_lengths= host_gen_eagle_net_past_key_value_lengths, hidden_size_batch_level_starts=hidden_size_batch_level_starts, input_gen_tokens=input_gen_tokens, input_spec_decoding_generation_lengths=spec_decoding_params. spec_decoding_generation_lengths, spec_decoding_use=spec_decoding_params.spec_decoding_use) def single_eagle_net_iter(next_draft_tokens, next_draft_lens): # Run EAGLE Net # NOTE: handle base net kv cache and eagle net kv cache are in the same tensor. # EagleNet's kv cache is located starting at numBaseNetHiddenLayers in the kv tensor. logits, hidden_states, _ = self.eagle_nets[li]( **eagle_net_inputs) # Decode draft tokens # FIXME We need to take top_k_sampling as an input top_k_sampling = True next_draft_tokens, next_draft_lens, _, _, _, _, _, _ = eagle_draft_decoder_plugin( li, self.num_eagle_layers, top_k_sampling, logits, num_last_token_indices, rand_data_sample, input_tree_params, next_draft_tokens, next_draft_lens, rand_data_sample, # dummy input_prev_scores next_draft_tokens, # dummy input_current_expand_indices rand_data_sample, # dummy input_all_layers_scores next_draft_tokens, # dummy input_all_layers_draft_token_ids next_draft_tokens, # dummy input_all_layers_draft_token_ids_predecessor ) return next_draft_tokens, next_draft_lens, hidden_states next_draft_tokens, next_draft_lens, hidden_states = \ single_eagle_net_iter(next_draft_tokens, next_draft_lens) # Update params if li == 0: eagle_net_0_sequence_length = eagle_net_inputs[ "attention_params"].sequence_length input_hidden_states = hidden_states else: input_hidden_states = concat( [input_hidden_states, hidden_states]) kv_cache_params = eagle_net_inputs["kv_cache_params"] attention_params = eagle_net_inputs["attention_params"] attention_params.context_lengths = eagle_net_0_sequence_length attention_params.sequence_length = eagle_net_0_sequence_length # Mark tensors as output accepted_tokens.mark_output('accepted_tokens') num_accepted_tokens.mark_output('num_accepted_tokens') accepted_paths.mark_output('accepted_paths') next_draft_tokens.mark_output('next_draft_tokens') next_draft_lens.mark_output('next_draft_lens') next_draft_paths.mark_output('next_draft_paths') return next_draft_tokens
[docs] def forward(self, *args, **kwargs): extra_args = [ "draft_tokens", "draft_lens", "eagle_temperature", "rand_data_validation", "rand_data_sample", "tree_params", "host_ctx_eagle_net_request_types", "host_ctx_eagle_net_context_lengths", "host_ctx_eagle_net_past_key_value_lengths", "host_gen_eagle_net_request_types", "host_gen_eagle_net_context_lengths", "host_gen_eagle_net_past_key_value_lengths", "input_gen_tokens", "chunked_context_next_tokens", "posterior_alpha", "posterior_threshold", "greedy_sampling" ] base_kwargs = {k: v for k, v in kwargs.items() if k not in extra_args} # Base model forward hidden_states = super().forward(*args, **base_kwargs) if self.mapping.is_last_pp_rank(): extra_args = ["hidden_states"] kwargs = {k: v for k, v in kwargs.items() if k not in extra_args} assert kwargs['use_cache'] and default_net( ).plugin_config.paged_kv_cache if self.mapping.is_last_pp_rank(): lm_logits, hidden_states, all_hidden_states = hidden_states # Call eagle logic to accept prev draft tokens and predict next draft tokens next_draft_tokens = self._eagle_fwd_helper(lm_logits, all_hidden_states, *args, **kwargs) else: hidden_states.mark_output('hidden_states_output', self.config.dtype) if self.mapping.is_last_pp_rank(): return next_draft_tokens return hidden_states
[docs] def prepare_inputs(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Inputs needed: device_request_types: [bs] draft_tokens: [bs, max_draft_len] draft_lens: [bs] spec_decoding_generation_lengths: [bs] spec_decoding_position_offsets: [bs, max_gen_tokens] spec_decoding_packed_mask: [bs, max_draft_len, packed_length] ** eagle_temperature: [bs] rand_data_sample: [bs] rand_data_validation: [bs, max_draft_tokens] ** The mask is tricky since the boolean mask will need to be packed in runtime. So, the last dim will be: packed_length = ceil((max_draft_tokens+1)/32) """ default_range = GenerationMixin.default_range remove_input_padding = default_net().plugin_config.remove_input_padding use_gpt_attention_plugin = default_net( ).plugin_config.gpt_attention_plugin use_gemm_plugin = default_net().plugin_config.gemm_plugin paged_kv_cache = default_net().plugin_config.paged_kv_cache multiple_profiles = default_net().plugin_config.multiple_profiles max_batch_size = kwargs['max_batch_size'] assert max_batch_size is not None gt_range = default_range(max_batch_size * (self.max_draft_len + 1), min_range=0, opt_offset=1) kwargs['speculative_decoding_draft_tokens_external'] = False kwargs['max_draft_len'] = self.max_draft_len kwargs['spec_decoding_is_generation_length_variable'] = True kwargs[ 'num_hidden_layers'] = self.config.num_hidden_layers + self.config.eagle_net_config.num_hidden_layers # Call base class prepare inputs inputs = super().prepare_inputs(*args, **kwargs) assert inputs['spec_decoding_params'] is not None kv_cache_type = KVCacheType.PAGED if paged_kv_cache else KVCacheType.CONTINUOUS enable_ctx_gen_opt_profiles = GenerationMixin.has_ctx_gen_opt_profiles( use_gpt_attention_plugin=use_gpt_attention_plugin, use_gemm_plugin=use_gemm_plugin, remove_input_padding=remove_input_padding, kv_cache_type=kv_cache_type) num_profiles, ranges = GenerationMixin.get_profiles_ranges( max_batch_size=max_batch_size, max_beam_width=kwargs['max_beam_width'], max_input_len=kwargs['max_input_len'], max_num_tokens=kwargs['max_num_tokens'], max_draft_len=self.max_draft_len, opt_batch_size=None if 'opt_batch_size' not in kwargs else kwargs['opt_batch_size'], opt_num_tokens=None if 'opt_num_tokens' not in kwargs else kwargs['opt_num_tokens'], enable_ctx_gen_opt_profiles=enable_ctx_gen_opt_profiles, multiple_profiles=multiple_profiles, kv_cache_type=kv_cache_type) bb_range = ranges['bb_range'] draft_len_range = [self.max_draft_len for _ in range(len(bb_range))] decoding_len_range = [(self.max_draft_len + 1) for _ in range(len(bb_range))] path_len_range = [(self.num_eagle_layers + 1) for _ in range(len(bb_range))] gen_tokens_range = [gt_range for _ in range(len(bb_range))] draft_tokens = Tensor(name='draft_tokens', dtype=trt.int32, shape=[-1, self.max_draft_len], dim_range=OrderedDict([ ('batch_size', bb_range), ('draft_len', draft_len_range), ])) draft_lens = Tensor(name='draft_lens', dtype=trt.int32, shape=[-1], dim_range=OrderedDict([ ('batch_size', bb_range), ])) eagle_temperature = Tensor(name='eagle_temperature', dtype=trt.float32, shape=[-1], dim_range=OrderedDict([ ("batch_size", bb_range), ])) rand_data_validation = Tensor(name='rand_data_validation', dtype=trt.float32, shape=[-1, self.max_draft_len + 1], dim_range=OrderedDict([ ('batch_size', bb_range), ('decoding_len', decoding_len_range), ])) rand_data_sample = Tensor(name='rand_data_sample', dtype=trt.float32, shape=[-1], dim_range=OrderedDict([ ('batch_size', bb_range), ])) posterior_alpha = Tensor(name='posterior_alpha', dtype=trt.float32, shape=[-1], dim_range=OrderedDict([ ("batch_size", bb_range), ])) posterior_threshold = Tensor(name='posterior_threshold', dtype=trt.float32, shape=[-1], dim_range=OrderedDict([ ("batch_size", bb_range), ])) draft_paths = Tensor( name='draft_paths', dtype=trt.int32, shape=[-1, self.max_draft_len + 1, self.num_eagle_layers + 1], dim_range=OrderedDict([ ('batch_size', bb_range), ('decoding_len', decoding_len_range), ('path_len', path_len_range), ])) host_ctx_eagle_net_request_types = Tensor( name='host_ctx_eagle_net_request_types', dtype=trt.int32, shape=[-1], dim_range=OrderedDict([ ('batch_size', bb_range), ])) host_ctx_eagle_net_context_lengths = Tensor( name='host_ctx_eagle_net_context_lengths', dtype=trt.int32, shape=[-1], dim_range=OrderedDict([ ('batch_size', bb_range), ])) host_ctx_eagle_net_past_key_value_lengths = Tensor( name='host_ctx_eagle_net_past_key_value_lengths', dtype=trt.int32, shape=[-1], dim_range=OrderedDict([ ('batch_size', bb_range), ])) host_gen_eagle_net_request_types = Tensor( name='host_gen_eagle_net_request_types', dtype=trt.int32, shape=[-1], dim_range=OrderedDict([ ('batch_size', bb_range), ])) host_gen_eagle_net_context_lengths = Tensor( name='host_gen_eagle_net_context_lengths', dtype=trt.int32, shape=[-1], dim_range=OrderedDict([ ('batch_size', bb_range), ])) host_gen_eagle_net_past_key_value_lengths = Tensor( name='host_gen_eagle_net_past_key_value_lengths', dtype=trt.int32, shape=[-1], dim_range=OrderedDict([ ('batch_size', bb_range), ])) input_gen_tokens = Tensor(name='input_gen_tokens', dtype=trt.int32, shape=[-1], dim_range=OrderedDict([ ('gen_tokens', gen_tokens_range), ])) chunked_context_next_tokens = Tensor(name='chunked_context_next_tokens', dtype=trt.int32, shape=[-1], dim_range=OrderedDict([ ('batch_size', bb_range), ])) greedy_sampling = Tensor(name='greedy_sampling', dtype=trt.int32, shape=[1], dim_range=OrderedDict([ ('greedy_sampling_flag', [1]), ])) use_dynamic_tree = Tensor(name='use_dynamic_tree', dtype=trt.bool, shape=[1]) tree_params = TreeParams( paths=draft_paths, use_dynamic_tree=use_dynamic_tree, dynamic_tree_max_topK=host_ctx_eagle_net_request_types # dummy ) inputs['draft_tokens'] = draft_tokens inputs['draft_lens'] = draft_lens inputs['eagle_temperature'] = eagle_temperature inputs['posterior_alpha'] = posterior_alpha inputs['posterior_threshold'] = posterior_threshold inputs['rand_data_validation'] = rand_data_validation inputs['rand_data_sample'] = rand_data_sample inputs['tree_params'] = tree_params inputs[ 'host_ctx_eagle_net_request_types'] = host_ctx_eagle_net_request_types inputs[ 'host_ctx_eagle_net_context_lengths'] = host_ctx_eagle_net_context_lengths inputs[ 'host_ctx_eagle_net_past_key_value_lengths'] = host_ctx_eagle_net_past_key_value_lengths inputs[ 'host_gen_eagle_net_request_types'] = host_gen_eagle_net_request_types inputs[ 'host_gen_eagle_net_context_lengths'] = host_gen_eagle_net_context_lengths inputs[ 'host_gen_eagle_net_past_key_value_lengths'] = host_gen_eagle_net_past_key_value_lengths inputs['input_gen_tokens'] = input_gen_tokens inputs['chunked_context_next_tokens'] = chunked_context_next_tokens inputs['greedy_sampling'] = greedy_sampling return inputs