Source code for tensorrt_llm.models.gemma.config

# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright (c) 2022-2024 NVIDIA CORPORATION & AFFILIATES. All rights reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Optional, Union

import torch
from typing_extensions import Literal

from tensorrt_llm._utils import torch_dtype_to_str
from tensorrt_llm.functional import PositionEmbeddingType
from tensorrt_llm.logger import logger
from tensorrt_llm.mapping import Mapping
from tensorrt_llm.models.modeling_utils import (Gemma2ConfigGroup,
                                                PretrainedConfig, QuantConfig)

    from os import PathLike

    import transformers

    HfConfigOrDir = Union[str, PathLike, transformers.PretrainedConfig]


[docs] class GemmaConfig(PretrainedConfig): def __init__( self, *, architecture: str, rotary_base: float = 10000.0, rotary_scaling: Optional[dict] = None, attn_bias: bool = False, mlp_bias: bool = False, share_embedding_table: Literal[True] = True, position_embedding_type: PositionEmbeddingType = PositionEmbeddingType. rope_gpt_neox, query_pre_attn_scalar: Optional[int] = None, final_logit_softcapping: Optional[float] = None, attn_logit_softcapping: Optional[float] = None, mapping: Optional[Union[Mapping, dict]] = None, **kwargs, ): if not share_embedding_table: """ We always pass `True` - the passed value is `False` by default, and ignored either way. We can't just raise an exception here, because this will force the user to explicitly pass `LLM(share_embedding_table=False)`. """ logger.debug("Using `share_embedding_table=True` for Gemma") use_parallel_embedding = False if mapping: use_parallel_embedding = mapping.tp_size > 1 if isinstance( mapping, Mapping) else mapping["tp_size"] > 1 if use_parallel_embedding != kwargs.pop("use_parallel_embedding", None): """ We always pass `bool(mapping.tp_size > 1)` - the passed value is `False` by default, and ignored either way. We can't just raise an exception here, because this will force the user to explicitly pass `LLM(use_parallel_embedding=True)`. """ logger.debug( f"Using `use_parallel_embedding={use_parallel_embedding}` for Gemma" ) super().__init__( architecture=architecture, share_embedding_table=True, use_parallel_embedding=use_parallel_embedding, rotary_base=rotary_base, attn_bias=attn_bias, mlp_bias=mlp_bias, position_embedding_type=position_embedding_type, mapping=mapping, **kwargs, ) self.rotary_base = rotary_base self.rotary_scaling = rotary_scaling self.attn_bias = attn_bias self.mlp_bias = mlp_bias self.inter_layernorms = False if self.is_gemma_2: self.inter_layernorms = True assert query_pre_attn_scalar is not None, "Gemma2 models must configure `query_pre_attn_scalar`" self.query_pre_attn_scalar = query_pre_attn_scalar self.final_logit_softcapping = final_logit_softcapping self.attn_logit_softcapping = attn_logit_softcapping GEMMA_ADDED_FIELDS = { "rotary_base", "rotary_scaling", "attn_bias", "mlp_bias", "inter_layernorms" } GEMMA2_ADDED_FIELDS = Gemma2ConfigGroup.keys() VERBATIM = { "num_hidden_layers", "num_attention_heads", "hidden_size", "intermediate_size", "vocab_size", "max_position_embeddings", "hidden_act", "use_parallel_embedding" } | GEMMA2_ADDED_FIELDS @property def is_gemma_2(self) -> bool: return self.architecture == GEMMA2_ARCHITECTURE
[docs] def gemma2_config(self): if self.is_gemma_2: return self.get_config_group(Gemma2ConfigGroup) return None
[docs] def to_dict(self): """Serialize the fields added in GemmaConfig""" return { **super().to_dict(), **{f: getattr(self, f) for f in self.GEMMA_ADDED_FIELDS}, **({f: getattr(self, f) for f in self.GEMMA2_ADDED_FIELDS} if self.is_gemma_2 else {}) }
[docs] @classmethod def from_hugging_face( cls, hf_config_or_dir: "HfConfigOrDir", dtype: str = "auto", mapping: Optional[Mapping] = None, quant_config: Optional[QuantConfig] = None, **kwargs, ) -> "GemmaConfig": import transformers if isinstance(hf_config_or_dir, transformers.PretrainedConfig): hf_config = hf_config_or_dir else: hf_config = transformers.GemmaConfig.from_pretrained( hf_config_or_dir) if dtype == "auto": dtype = getattr(hf_config, "torch_dtype", None) if dtype is None: dtype = "float16" if isinstance(dtype, torch.dtype): dtype = torch_dtype_to_str(dtype) if dtype == "float32": dtype = "float16" assert isinstance(quant_config, QuantConfig) or quant_config is None assert isinstance(mapping, Mapping) or mapping is None return cls( architecture=hf_config.architectures[0], dtype=dtype, head_size=hf_config.head_dim, norm_epsilon=hf_config.rms_norm_eps, num_key_value_heads=getattr(hf_config, "num_key_value_heads", hf_config.num_attention_heads), rotary_scaling=getattr(hf_config, "rotary_scaling", None), quantization=quant_config, mapping=mapping, **{ k: v for k, v in hf_config.to_dict().items() if k in cls.VERBATIM }, **kwargs, )