Source code for tensorrt_llm.plugin.plugin

# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright (c) 2022-2024 NVIDIA CORPORATION & AFFILIATES. All rights reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import argparse
import ctypes
import platform
from collections import OrderedDict
from dataclasses import asdict, dataclass, field, fields
from enum import IntEnum
from pathlib import Path
from textwrap import dedent
from typing import List, Optional, Tuple

import tensorrt as trt

from .._ipc_utils import IpcMemory, can_access_peer
from ..logger import logger
from ..mapping import Mapping


def plugin_lib_path() -> str:
    project_dir = Path(__file__).parent.parent.absolute()
    dyn_lib = "" if platform.system(
    ) != "Windows" else "nvinfer_plugin_tensorrt_llm.dll"
    return str(project_dir.joinpath("libs", dyn_lib))

def _load_plugin_lib():
    on_windows = platform.system() == "Windows"
    winmode = 0 if on_windows else None
    handle = ctypes.CDLL(plugin_lib_path(),
        handle.initTrtLlmPlugins.argtypes = [ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_char_p]
        handle.initTrtLlmPlugins.restype = ctypes.c_bool
    except AttributeError as err:
        raise ImportError('TensorRT-LLM Plugin is unavailable') from err

        assert handle.initTrtLlmPlugins(
            None, TRT_LLM_PLUGIN_NAMESPACE.encode('utf-8'))
    except OSError as e:
        windows_err = """
        The error above may be caused by an outdated Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable Version.
        Please install the latest MSVC from the link below and re-launch.
        err_msg = dedent(windows_err if on_windows else "Unknown error")
        raise RuntimeError(err_msg) from e
    except Exception as e:
        raise e

class ContextFMHAType(IntEnum):
    disabled = 0
    # FP16 I/O, FP16 Accumulation
    enabled = 1
    # FP16 I/O, FP32 Accumulation
    enabled_with_fp32_acc = 2

    "auto", "float16", "float32", "bfloat16", "int32", None
    "gemm_swiglu_plugin": ["fp8", None],
    ["auto", "float16", "float32", "bfloat16", "int32", "fp8", None],
    "low_latency_gemm_plugin": ["fp8", None],

def _make_plugin_property(field_name: str, field_type: type):

    def bind(field_name):
        storage_name = f'_{field_name}'

        def prop(self):
            field_value = getattr(self, storage_name)
            if field_name != 'dtype' and field_value == 'auto':
                return self.dtype
                return field_value

        def prop(self, value):
            if field_type is bool:
                assert isinstance(value, bool), \
                    f"Plugin {field_name} expects {field_type}, got {type(value)}"
            elif field_type in (str, Optional[str]):
                plugin_dtype_options = DEFAULT_PLUGIN_DTYPE_OPTIONS
                if field_name in PLUGIN_DTYPE_OPTIONS_MAP:
                    plugin_dtype_options = PLUGIN_DTYPE_OPTIONS_MAP[field_name]
                assert value in plugin_dtype_options, \
                    f"Plugin {field_name} expects values in {plugin_dtype_options}, got {value}"
            if field_name == 'dtype':
                assert value not in ['auto', None], \
                    "Plugin dtype cannot be auto or None"
            setattr(self, storage_name, value)
  "Set {field_name} to {value}.")

        return prop

    return bind(field_name)

class PluginConfigMeta(type):

    def __new__(cls, name, bases, attrs):
        for storage_name, field_type in attrs['__annotations__'].items():
            assert storage_name.startswith('_')
            field_name = storage_name.lstrip('_')
            attrs[field_name] = _make_plugin_property(field_name, field_type)
        return super().__new__(cls, name, bases, attrs)

[docs] @dataclass(slots=True) class PluginConfig(metaclass=PluginConfigMeta): """The config that manages plugin-related options. There are two option categories: * Plugin options (typically with xxx_plugin naming). These options can be assigned with: * "float16"/"bfloat16"/"float32"/"int32", which means the plugin is enabled with the specified precision; (Some plugins only support limited dtype, i.e., gemm_swiglu_plugin only supports fp8 now) * "auto", which means the plugin is enabled with the precision of `dtype` field (the `dtype` field must be same to model dtype, i.e., the one in PretrainedConfig); * None, which means the plugin is disabled. * Other features. These options can be assigned with boolean: * True, which means the plugin is enabled; * False, which means the plugin is disabled. Note: All the fields should use a prefix "_"; PluginConfigMeta will wrap each field as a property. This ensures the fields can only be assigned with allowed values. """ _dtype: str = field(default="float16", init=False) # Plugins _bert_attention_plugin: Optional[str] = field(default="auto", init=False) _gpt_attention_plugin: Optional[str] = field(default="auto", init=False) _gemm_plugin: Optional[str] = field(default=None, init=False) _gemm_swiglu_plugin: Optional[str] = field(default=None, init=False) _fp8_rowwise_gemm_plugin: Optional[str] = field(default=None, init=False) _smooth_quant_gemm_plugin: Optional[str] = field(default=None, init=False) _identity_plugin: Optional[str] = field(default=None, init=False) _layernorm_quantization_plugin: Optional[str] = field(default=None, init=False) _rmsnorm_quantization_plugin: Optional[str] = field(default=None, init=False) _nccl_plugin: Optional[str] = field(default="auto", init=False) _lookup_plugin: Optional[str] = field(default=None, init=False) _lora_plugin: Optional[str] = field(default=None, init=False) _weight_only_groupwise_quant_matmul_plugin: Optional[str] = field( default=None, init=False) _weight_only_quant_matmul_plugin: Optional[str] = field(default=None, init=False) _quantize_per_token_plugin: bool = field(default=False, init=False) _quantize_tensor_plugin: bool = field(default=False, init=False) _moe_plugin: Optional[str] = field(default="auto", init=False) _mamba_conv1d_plugin: Optional[str] = field(default="auto", init=False) _low_latency_gemm_plugin: Optional[str] = field(default=None, init=False) # Features _context_fmha: bool = field(default=True, init=False) _bert_context_fmha_fp32_acc: bool = field( default=False, init=False) # will use fp16 if disabled _paged_kv_cache: Optional[bool] = field(default=None, init=False) _remove_input_padding: bool = field(default=True, init=False) _reduce_fusion: bool = field(default=False, init=False) _enable_xqa: bool = field(default=True, init=False) _tokens_per_block: int = field(default=64, init=False) _use_paged_context_fmha: bool = field(default=False, init=False) _use_fp8_context_fmha: bool = field(default=False, init=False) _multiple_profiles: bool = field(default=False, init=False) _paged_state: bool = field(default=True, init=False) _streamingllm: bool = field(default=False, init=False) _manage_weights: bool = field(default=False, init=False) _use_fused_mlp: bool = field(default=True, init=False) def update_from_dict(self, config: dict): for name in config.keys(): if hasattr(self, name): value_to_be_update = config[name] if isinstance(getattr(self, name), bool) or name == 'paged_kv_cache': if value_to_be_update == "enable": value_to_be_update = True elif value_to_be_update == "disable": value_to_be_update = False elif value_to_be_update == "disable": value_to_be_update = None setattr(self, name, value_to_be_update) @classmethod def from_dict(cls, config: dict): plugin_config = cls() plugin_config.update_from_dict(config) return plugin_config @classmethod def from_arguments(cls, args: argparse.Namespace): return cls.from_dict(vars(args)) def to_dict(self): config = asdict(self) # Remove prefix "_" of the storage name config = {key.lstrip('_'): value for key, value in config.items()} return config
[docs] def to_legacy_setting(self): '''Legacy setting means that all of the plugins and features are disabled, this is needed for the legacy `` script, which will be migrated to the centralized building script `tensorrt_llm/commands/`. After the migration is done, this function may or may not be deleted. ''' for field in fields(self): # Remove prefix "_" of the storage name field_name ='_') if field_name == 'dtype': continue if field.type in (str, Optional[str]): setattr(self, field_name, None) elif field.type == bool or field_name == 'paged_kv_cache': setattr(self, field_name, False)
@property def context_fmha_type(self): if self.bert_context_fmha_fp32_acc: return ContextFMHAType.enabled_with_fp32_acc elif self.context_fmha: return ContextFMHAType.enabled else: return ContextFMHAType.disabled @context_fmha_type.setter def context_fmha_type(self, value): if value == ContextFMHAType.disabled: self.context_fmha = False self.bert_context_fmha_fp32_acc = False else: self.context_fmha = True if value == ContextFMHAType.enabled: self.bert_context_fmha_fp32_acc = False elif value == ContextFMHAType.enabled_with_fp32_acc: self.bert_context_fmha_fp32_acc = True def set_smooth_quant_plugins(self, dtype: str = "auto"): self.smooth_quant_gemm_plugin = dtype self.rmsnorm_quantization_plugin = dtype self.layernorm_quantization_plugin = dtype self.quantize_per_token_plugin = True self.quantize_tensor_plugin = True return self def set_fp8_rowwise_quant_plugins(self, dtype: str = "auto"): self.fp8_rowwise_gemm_plugin = dtype self.rmsnorm_quantization_plugin = dtype # self.layernorm_quantization_plugin = dtype self.quantize_per_token_plugin = True self.quantize_tensor_plugin = True return self def set_context_fmha(self, context_fmha_type=ContextFMHAType.enabled): assert type(context_fmha_type) == ContextFMHAType self.context_fmha_type = context_fmha_type return self def enable_paged_kv_cache(self, tokens_per_block: int = 64): self.paged_kv_cache = True self.tokens_per_block = tokens_per_block return self def set_nccl_plugin(self, dtype: str = "auto"): self.nccl_plugin = dtype init_all_reduce_helper() return self
cli_plugin_args = [ # Plugins "bert_attention_plugin", "gpt_attention_plugin", "gemm_plugin", "gemm_swiglu_plugin", "fp8_rowwise_gemm_plugin", "lookup_plugin", "lora_plugin", "moe_plugin", "mamba_conv1d_plugin", "nccl_plugin", "low_latency_gemm_plugin", # Features "context_fmha", "bert_context_fmha_fp32_acc", "remove_input_padding", "enable_xqa", "tokens_per_block", "use_paged_context_fmha", "use_fp8_context_fmha", "multiple_profiles", "paged_state", "streamingllm", "reduce_fusion", "use_fused_mlp", ] def add_plugin_argument(parser: argparse.ArgumentParser): plugin_config = PluginConfig() for field in fields(plugin_config): # Remove prefix "_" of the storage name field_name ='_') if field_name not in cli_plugin_args: continue if field.type in (str, Optional[str]): plugin_dtype_options = DEFAULT_PLUGIN_DTYPE_OPTIONS if field_name in PLUGIN_DTYPE_OPTIONS_MAP: plugin_dtype_options = PLUGIN_DTYPE_OPTIONS_MAP[field_name] parser.add_argument( "--" + field_name, type=str, default=field.default if field.default else "disable", choices=[x if x else "disable" for x in plugin_dtype_options], help=f"Whether to enable/disable ``{field_name}`` and the dtype." ) elif field.type == bool: parser.add_argument( "--" + field_name, type=str, default="enable" if field.default else "disable", choices=["enable", "disable"], help=f"Whether to enable/disable ``{field_name}``.") else: parser.add_argument("--" + field_name, type=field.type, default=field.default, help=f"``{field_name}``.") return parser class CustomAllReduceHelper: """ Globally visible class to help usage of custom_all_reduce plugin. Provides the following utilities: workspace: Tensor When using CUSTOM or AUTO mode, a tensor containing pointers to memory visible to all GPUs. It should be 3 pointers per TP rank - ptr to data buffer, ptr to barriers in, ptr to barriers out. It must be initialized using IpcMemory class. Usage: - Set custom_all_reduce_helper.workspace with the required tensor. Then, each instance of allreduce will reference that tensor automatically. """ POINTERS_PER_RANK = 4 def __init__(self) -> None: self.workspace: Optional[Tensor] = None def set_workspace_tensor(self, mapping: Mapping, num_profiles: Optional[int] = None): from ..functional import Tensor workspace_size = self.POINTERS_PER_RANK * mapping.tp_size + 1 dim_range = None if num_profiles is not None: dim_range = OrderedDict([('all_reduce_size', [workspace_size] * num_profiles)]) self.workspace = Tensor( name='all_reduce_workspace', dtype=trt.int64, shape=[workspace_size], dim_range=dim_range, ) @staticmethod def max_workspace_size_auto(tp_size: int) -> int: if tp_size <= 2: return 16_000_000 return 8_000_000 @staticmethod def allocate_workspace(mapping: Mapping, size: int) -> Tuple[List[IpcMemory], "torch.tensor"]: import torch is_p2p_supported = can_access_peer(mapping) ipc_buffers_ping = IpcMemory(mapping, size * mapping.tp_size, is_p2p_supported) ipc_buffers_pong = IpcMemory(mapping, size * mapping.tp_size, is_p2p_supported) ipc_barriers_in = IpcMemory( mapping, IpcMemory.IPC_BARRIERS_SIZE_PER_GPU * mapping.tp_size * 2, is_p2p_supported) ipc_barriers_out = IpcMemory( mapping, IpcMemory.IPC_BARRIERS_SIZE_PER_GPU * mapping.tp_size * 2, is_p2p_supported) buffers = [ ipc_buffers_ping, ipc_buffers_pong, ipc_barriers_in, ipc_barriers_out, ] return buffers, torch.tensor( ipc_buffers_ping.serialize() + ipc_buffers_pong.serialize() + ipc_barriers_in.serialize() + ipc_barriers_out.serialize() + [0], dtype=torch.int64, device="cpu") custom_all_reduce_helper = None def init_all_reduce_helper(): global custom_all_reduce_helper custom_all_reduce_helper = CustomAllReduceHelper() def current_all_reduce_helper(): global custom_all_reduce_helper assert custom_all_reduce_helper is not None, "You must call `init_all_reduce_helper` first" return custom_all_reduce_helper