Source code for tensorrt_llm.runtime.multimodal_model_runner

import json
import os
import sys
from io import BytesIO

import requests

# isort: off
import torch
import numpy as np
# isort: on
from huggingface_hub import hf_hub_download
from PIL import Image
from safetensors import safe_open
from transformers import AutoConfig, AutoProcessor, AutoTokenizer

from .. import profiler
from .._utils import (mpi_rank, str_dtype_to_torch, str_dtype_to_trt,
                      supports_inflight_batching, trt_dtype_to_torch)
from ..logger import logger
from .enc_dec_model_runner import EncDecModelRunner
from .model_runner import ModelRunner
from .session import Session, TensorInfo

    import tensorrt_llm.bindings  # NOQA
except ImportError:

    from .model_runner_cpp import ModelRunnerCpp

class LlavaNextUtils:

    def select_best_resolution(original_size, possible_resolutions):
            Selects the best resolution from a list of possible resolutions based on the original size.

                original_size (tuple): The original size of the image in the format (width, height).
                possible_resolutions (list): A list of possible resolutions in the format [(width1, height1), (width2, height2), ...].

                tuple: The best fit resolution in the format (width, height).
        original_width, original_height = original_size
        best_fit = None
        max_effective_resolution = 0
        min_wasted_resolution = float('inf')

        for width, height in possible_resolutions:
            scale = min(width / original_width, height / original_height)
            downscaled_width, downscaled_height = int(
                original_width * scale), int(original_height * scale)
            effective_resolution = min(downscaled_width * downscaled_height,
                                       original_width * original_height)
            wasted_resolution = (width * height) - effective_resolution

            if effective_resolution > max_effective_resolution or (
                    effective_resolution == max_effective_resolution
                    and wasted_resolution < min_wasted_resolution):
                max_effective_resolution = effective_resolution
                min_wasted_resolution = wasted_resolution
                best_fit = (width, height)

        return best_fit

    def get_anyres_image_grid_shape(image_size, patch_size):
            Calculate the shape of the image patch grid after the preprocessing for images of any resolution.

                image_size (tuple): The size of the input image in the format (width, height).
                patch_size (int): The size of each image patch.

                tuple: The shape of the image patch grid in the format (width, height).
        IMAGE_GRID_PINPOINTS = [[336, 672], [672, 336], [672, 672], [1008, 336],
                                [336, 1008]]
        width, height = LlavaNextUtils.select_best_resolution(
            image_size, IMAGE_GRID_PINPOINTS)
        return width // patch_size, height // patch_size

    def unpad_image(tensor, original_size):
            Unpads a PyTorch tensor of a padded and resized image.

            tensor (torch.Tensor): The image tensor, assumed to be in CxHxW format.
            original_size (tuple): The original size of the image (width, height).

            torch.Tensor: The unpadded image tensor.
        original_width, original_height = original_size
        current_height, current_width = tensor.shape[1:]

        original_aspect_ratio = original_width / original_height
        current_aspect_ratio = current_width / current_height

        if original_aspect_ratio > current_aspect_ratio:
            scale_factor = current_width / original_width
            new_height = int(original_height * scale_factor)
            padding = (current_height - new_height) // 2
            unpadded_tensor = tensor[:, padding:current_height - padding, :]
            scale_factor = current_height / original_height
            new_width = int(original_width * scale_factor)
            padding = (current_width - new_width) // 2
            unpadded_tensor = tensor[:, :, padding:current_width - padding]

        return unpadded_tensor

    def rearrange_image_features(image_feature, image_newline, image_size):
            Combine PyTorch feature grids from image patches.

            image_feature (torch.Tensor): The feature grids, assumed to be in NxCxHxW format.
            image_newline (torch.Tensor): The newline embedding.
            image_size (tuple): Size of the original image (width, height).
        CLIP_IMAGE_SIZE = 336
        CLIP_PATCH_SIZE = 14
        if image_feature.shape[0] == 1:
            return, image_newline[None]), dim=0)

        base_image_feature = image_feature[0]
        image_feature = image_feature[1:]
        height = width = NUM_PATCHES_PER_SIDE
        assert height * width == base_image_feature.shape[0]

        num_patch_width, num_patch_height = LlavaNextUtils.get_anyres_image_grid_shape(
            image_size, CLIP_IMAGE_SIZE)
        image_feature = image_feature.view(num_patch_height, num_patch_width,
                                           height, width, -1)

        image_feature = image_feature.permute(4, 0, 2, 1, 3).contiguous()
        image_feature = image_feature.flatten(1, 2).flatten(2, 3)
        image_feature = LlavaNextUtils.unpad_image(image_feature, image_size)
        image_feature =
            (image_feature, image_newline[:, None, None].expand(
                *image_feature.shape[:-1], 1)),
        image_feature = image_feature.flatten(1, 2).transpose(0, 1)
        image_feature =, image_feature), dim=0)
        return image_feature

[docs] class MultimodalModelRunner: def __init__(self, args): self.args = args self.runtime_rank = mpi_rank() device_id = self.runtime_rank % torch.cuda.device_count() torch.cuda.set_device(device_id) self.device = "cuda:%d" % (device_id) = torch.cuda.Stream(torch.cuda.current_device()) torch.cuda.set_stream( # parse model type from visual engine config with open(os.path.join(self.args.visual_engine_dir, "config.json"), "r") as f: config = json.load(f) self.model_type = config['builder_config']['model_type'] self.vision_precision = config['builder_config']['precision'] if self.model_type == 'pix2struct': self.vision_precision = 'float16' self.decoder_llm = not ( 't5' in self.model_type or self.model_type in ['nougat', 'pix2struct'] ) # BLIP2-T5, pix2struct and Nougat are using encoder-decoder models as LLMs if self.model_type == 'video-neva': self.num_frames = config['builder_config'].get('num_frames', None) if self.model_type == "llava_next": self.llm_name = AutoConfig.from_pretrained( self.args.hf_model_dir).text_config._name_or_path if self.decoder_llm: if not supports_inflight_batching(self.args.llm_engine_dir): logger.warning( "The given engine does not support in-flight batching, fallback to python session" ) self.args.use_py_session = True if not PYTHON_BINDINGS and not self.args.use_py_session: logger.warning( "Python bindings of C++ session is unavailable, fallback to Python session." ) self.args.use_py_session = True args.debug_mode = False if args.debug_mode and not self.args.use_py_session: logger.warning( "Debug mode is not supported in C++ session for now, fallback to Python session." ) self.args.use_py_session = True if self.model_type != 'cogvlm' and not self.args.use_py_session: logger.warning( "Only the cogvlm is supported in C++ session for now, fallback to Python session." ) self.args.use_py_session = True self.use_py_session = self.args.use_py_session else: self.use_py_session = True self.init_image_encoder() self.init_tokenizer() self.init_llm()
[docs] def init_tokenizer(self): if self.model_type == 'nougat': from transformers import NougatTokenizerFast self.tokenizer = NougatTokenizerFast.from_pretrained( self.args.hf_model_dir) elif self.model_type == 'neva' or self.model_type == 'video-neva': from sentencepiece import SentencePieceProcessor sp = SentencePieceProcessor( os.path.join(self.args.hf_model_dir, 'tokenizer.model')) class return_obj: def __init__(self, input_ids): self.input_ids = input_ids def __getitem__(self, name): if name in "input_ids": return self.input_ids else: raise AttributeError( f"'return_obj' has no item '{name}'") # sentencepiece does not follow the same interface as HF class HFTokenizerInterface(): def encode(self, x, return_tensors=None, **kwargs): out = sp.encode(x) if return_tensors == "pt": out = torch.tensor(out) return return_obj(out) def __call__(self, x, return_tensors=None, **kwargs): return self.encode(x, return_tensors, **kwargs) def decode(self, x, **kwargs): return sp.decode(x.tolist()) def batch_decode(self, x, **kwargs): return self.decode(x, **kwargs) self.tokenizer = HFTokenizerInterface() self.tokenizer.eos_token_id = sp.eos_id() self.tokenizer.bos_token_id = sp.bos_id() self.tokenizer.pad_token_id = sp.pad_id() elif self.model_type == 'vila': self.tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained( self.args.hf_model_dir + "/llm", use_fast=False, use_legacy=False) else: use_fast = False if self.model_type != "phi-3-vision" else True self.tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained( self.args.hf_model_dir, use_fast=use_fast, use_legacy=False) self.tokenizer.padding_side = "right"
[docs] def init_image_encoder(self): vision_encoder_path = os.path.join(self.args.visual_engine_dir, self.args.visual_engine_name)'Loading engine from {vision_encoder_path}') with open(vision_encoder_path, 'rb') as f: engine_buffer ='Creating session from engine {vision_encoder_path}') self.visual_encoder_session = Session.from_serialized_engine( engine_buffer) if self.model_type in ["phi-3-vision", "llava_next"]: self.image_newlines = {} image_newlines_path = os.path.join(self.args.visual_engine_dir, 'image_newlines.safetensors') with safe_open(image_newlines_path, framework="pt", device=self.device) as f: for k in f.keys(): self.image_newlines[k] = f.get_tensor(k)
[docs] def init_llm(self): if self.decoder_llm: if self.use_py_session: self.model = ModelRunner.from_dir( self.args.llm_engine_dir, rank=tensorrt_llm.mpi_rank(), debug_mode=False,, enable_context_fmha_fp32_acc=self.args. enable_context_fmha_fp32_acc) self.model_config = self.model.session._model_config else: self.model = ModelRunnerCpp.from_dir( self.args.llm_engine_dir, rank=tensorrt_llm.mpi_rank(), debug_mode=False, enable_context_fmha_fp32_acc=self.args. enable_context_fmha_fp32_acc) self.model_config = self.model.model_config self.runtime_mapping = self.model.mapping else: self.model = EncDecModelRunner.from_engine( os.path.basename(self.args.hf_model_dir), self.args.llm_engine_dir, skip_encoder=self.model_type in ['nougat', 'pix2struct'], debug_mode=False,, enable_context_fmha_fp32_acc=self.args. enable_context_fmha_fp32_acc) if self.model_type in ['nougat', 'pix2struct']: self.model_config = self.model.decoder_model_config self.runtime_mapping = self.model.decoder_runtime_mapping else: self.model_config = self.model.encoder_model_config self.runtime_mapping = self.model.encoder_runtime_mapping
[docs] def video_preprocess(self, video_path): from decord import VideoReader if isinstance(video_path, str): vr = VideoReader(video_path) num_frames = self.num_frames if num_frames == -1: frames = [ Image.fromarray(frame.asnumpy()[:, :, ::-1]).convert('RGB') for frame in vr ] else: # equally sliced frames into self.num_frames frames # if self.num_frames is greater than the number of frames in the video, we will repeat the last frame num_frames = min(num_frames, len(vr)) indices = np.linspace(0, len(vr) - 1, num=num_frames, dtype=int) frames = [ Image.fromarray( vr[idx].asnumpy()[:, :, ::-1]).convert('RGB') for idx in indices ] if len(frames) < num_frames: frames += [frames[-1]] * (num_frames - len(frames)) else: frames = self.video_path from transformers import CLIPImageProcessor processor = CLIPImageProcessor.from_pretrained( "openai/clip-vit-large-patch14", torch_dtype=torch.bfloat16) frames = processor.preprocess(frames, return_tensors="pt")['pixel_values'] # make dtype consistent with vision encoder media_tensors = self.vision_precision)) # [num_frames, 3, H, W] return media_tensors.unsqueeze(0) #[1, num_frames, 3, H, W]
[docs] def preprocess(self, warmup, pre_prompt, post_prompt, image): if self.model_type == 'kosmos-2': input_ids = image['input_ids'].clone() image_mask = image["image_embeds_position_mask"] image = image['pixel_values'] input_ids += image_mask * (self.model_config.vocab_size - 4) input_ids = input_ids.expand(self.args.batch_size, *input_ids.shape[1:]) length = input_ids.shape[1] elif self.model_type == 'phi-3-vision': input = image image = input['pixel_values'] bs = image.shape[0] image = image.flatten(0, 1) elif self.model_type == 'llava_next': input = image image = input['pixel_values'] bs = image.shape[0] image = image[0] image_size = input['image_sizes'][0].cpu() if not warmup: profiler.start("Vision") visual_features, visual_atts = self.get_visual_features( torch.stack(image['image_patches'], dim=0) if self.model_type == 'fuyu' else image) if not warmup: profiler.stop("Vision") if self.model_type == 'fuyu': visual_features = visual_features.squeeze() input_ids = image['input_ids'].to(torch.int32) image_patches_indices = image['image_patches_indices'].to( torch.int32) input_ids = input_ids.expand(self.args.batch_size, *input_ids.shape[1:]) image_patches_indices = image_patches_indices.expand( self.args.batch_size, *image_patches_indices.shape[1:]) input_ids = self.ptuning_setup_fuyu(input_ids, image_patches_indices) input_ids = torch.stack(input_ids, dim=0).to('cpu') length = input_ids.shape[1] elif self.model_type == 'kosmos-2': visual_features = visual_features.squeeze() elif self.model_type == 'vila': input_ids = self.tokenizer_image_token( self.args.batch_size, pre_prompt[0] + post_prompt[0], self.tokenizer) batch_split_prompts = self.split_prompt_by_images(input_ids) first_batch_split_prompts = batch_split_prompts[0] # compute prompt length + visual length length = sum([ids.shape[1] for ids in first_batch_split_prompts]) if self.args.batch_size == 1 and len(image) > 1: # mode 1: multiple image as a whole, flatten visual dims length += visual_atts.shape[0] * visual_atts.shape[1] else: # mode 2: multiple images individually (replicate prompt for each image) length += visual_atts.shape[1] input_lengths = torch.IntTensor([length] * self.args.batch_size).to( torch.int32) input_ids, ptuning_args = self.setup_fake_prompts_vila( self.args.batch_size, visual_features, first_batch_split_prompts, input_lengths) return input_ids, input_lengths, ptuning_args, visual_features elif self.model_type == 'phi-3-vision': input_ids = input["input_ids"].clone() glb_GN = torch.squeeze(self.image_newlines["glb_GN"].clone(), dim=0) sub_GN = self.image_newlines["sub_GN"].clone() H = visual_features.shape[1] C = visual_features.shape[-1] #bs*17*12*12*3072 visual_features = visual_features.view(bs, -1, H, H, C) global_img_feature = visual_features[:, 0] #bs*12*12*3072 temp_glb_GN = sub_GN.repeat(bs, H, 1, 1) #bs*12*1*3072 global_img_feature =[global_img_feature, temp_glb_GN], dim=2).reshape(bs, -1, C) crop_visual_features = visual_features[:, 1:] patch_sizes = [ image_size // image.shape[-1] for image_size in input["image_sizes"] ] visual_features = [] for global_img_feature, crop_visual_feature, patch_size in zip( global_img_feature, crop_visual_features, patch_sizes): crop_visual_feature = \ crop_visual_feature[:patch_size[0]*patch_size[1]].view(patch_size[0], patch_size[1], H, H, C).permute(0, 2, 1, 3, 4).reshape(patch_size[0]*H, patch_size[1]*H, C) temp_sub_GN = torch.squeeze(sub_GN.repeat( 1, patch_size[0] * H, 1, 1), dim=0) crop_visual_feature = [crop_visual_feature, temp_sub_GN], dim=1).reshape(-1, C) visual_features.append([crop_visual_feature, glb_GN, global_img_feature], dim=0)) num_img_tokens = [elem.size(0) for elem in visual_features] visual_features =, dim=0) input_ids = input_ids.expand(self.args.batch_size, *input_ids.shape[1:]) input_ids = self.ptuning_setup_phi3(visual_features, input_ids, num_img_tokens) length = input_ids.shape[1] elif self.model_type == 'llava_next': visual_features = LlavaNextUtils.rearrange_image_features( visual_features, self.image_newlines["image_newline"], image_size) input_ids = self.ptuning_setup_llava_next(visual_features, pre_prompt, post_prompt) length = input_ids.shape[1] else: pre_input_ids = self.tokenizer(pre_prompt, return_tensors="pt", padding=True).input_ids if post_prompt[0] is not None: post_input_ids = self.tokenizer(post_prompt, return_tensors="pt", padding=True).input_ids if self.model_type == 'video-neva': length = pre_input_ids.shape[1] + post_input_ids.shape[ 1] + visual_atts.shape[2] * visual_atts.shape[1] else: length = pre_input_ids.shape[1] + post_input_ids.shape[ 1] + visual_atts.shape[1] else: post_input_ids = None length = pre_input_ids.shape[1] + visual_atts.shape[1] input_lengths = torch.IntTensor([length] * self.args.batch_size).to( torch.int32) if self.model_type in [ 'fuyu', 'kosmos-2', 'phi-3-vision', 'llava_next' ]: return input_ids, input_lengths, [visual_features], visual_features input_ids, ptuning_args = self.setup_fake_prompts( visual_features, pre_input_ids, post_input_ids, input_lengths) return input_ids, input_lengths, ptuning_args, visual_features
[docs] @staticmethod def tokenizer_image_token(batch_size, prompt, tokenizer, image_token_index=-200): prompt_chunks = [ tokenizer(chunk).input_ids for chunk in prompt.split("<image>") ] def insert_separator(X, sep): return [ ele for sublist in zip(X, [sep] * len(X)) for ele in sublist ][:-1] input_ids = [] offset = 0 if (len(prompt_chunks) > 0 and len(prompt_chunks[0]) > 0 and prompt_chunks[0][0] == tokenizer.bos_token_id): offset = 1 input_ids.append(prompt_chunks[0][0]) for x in insert_separator(prompt_chunks, [image_token_index] * (offset + 1)): input_ids.extend(x[offset:]) input_ids = torch.tensor(input_ids, dtype=torch.long) input_ids[input_ids == image_token_index] = 0 input_ids = input_ids.unsqueeze(0).expand(batch_size, -1) return input_ids
[docs] def split_prompt_by_images(self, tensor): batch_splits = [] for batch in tensor: # Find indices where value is zero (<image>) zero_indices = (batch == 0).nonzero(as_tuple=False).squeeze(0) # Add starting point for slicing start_idx = 0 splits = [] for idx in zero_indices: if start_idx != idx: # Ensure not slicing zero-length tensors splits.append(batch[start_idx:idx].unsqueeze(0)) start_idx = idx + 1 # Move start index past the zero if start_idx < len( batch): # Handle last segment if it's not zero-ending splits.append(batch[start_idx:].unsqueeze(0)) # Remove empty tensors resulting from consecutive zeros splits = [split for split in splits if split.numel() > 0] batch_splits.append(splits) return batch_splits
[docs] def prepare_position_ids_for_cogvlm(self, input_ids): batch_size = len(input_ids) position_ids = torch.arange(input_ids.shape[1]) position_ids[2:1227] = 2 position_ids[1227:] = torch.arange(3, input_ids.shape[1] + 1 - 1225) position_ids ='cuda') input_position_ids = [] for i in range(batch_size): input_position_ids.append(position_ids) return input_position_ids
[docs] def generate(self, pre_prompt, post_prompt, image, decoder_input_ids, max_new_tokens, warmup=False): if not warmup: profiler.start("Generate") input_ids, input_lengths, ptuning_args, visual_features = self.preprocess( warmup, pre_prompt, post_prompt, image) if warmup: return None profiler.start("LLM") if self.decoder_llm: end_id = self.tokenizer.eos_token_id if 'opt' in self.model_type and 'blip2' in self.model_type: # For BLIP2-OPT, model outputs a "\n" at the end. # we avoid it by using newline as the end token end_id = self.tokenizer.encode("\n", add_special_tokens=False)[0] ptuning_args[0] = torch.stack([ptuning_args[0]]) if self.model_type == 'cogvlm': input_position_ids = self.prepare_position_ids_for_cogvlm( input_ids) batch_size = len(input_ids) if not self.use_py_session: prompt_tasks = ",".join(np.arange(batch_size).astype(str)) ptuning_args[0] = ptuning_args[0].view( batch_size, ptuning_args[2].cpu().item(), -1) output_ids = self.model.generate( input_ids, input_position_ids=input_position_ids if self.model_type == 'cogvlm' else None, sampling_config=None, prompt_table=ptuning_args[0], prompt_tasks=prompt_tasks if not self.use_py_session else None, max_new_tokens=max_new_tokens, end_id=end_id, pad_id=self.tokenizer.pad_token_id if self.tokenizer.pad_token_id is not None else self.tokenizer.all_special_ids[0], top_k=self.args.top_k, top_p=self.args.top_p, temperature=self.args.temperature, repetition_penalty=self.args.repetition_penalty, num_beams=self.args.num_beams, output_sequence_lengths=False, return_dict=False) else: if self.model_type in ['nougat', 'pix2struct']: # Trim encoder input_ids to match visual features shape ids_shape = (self.args.batch_size, visual_features.shape[1]) if self.model_type == 'nougat': input_ids = torch.zeros(ids_shape, dtype=torch.int32) elif self.model_type == 'pix2struct': input_ids = torch.ones(ids_shape, dtype=torch.int32) output_ids = self.model.generate( input_ids, decoder_input_ids, max_new_tokens, num_beams=self.args.num_beams, bos_token_id=self.tokenizer.bos_token_id, pad_token_id=self.tokenizer.pad_token_id, eos_token_id=self.tokenizer.eos_token_id, debug_mode=False, prompt_embedding_table=ptuning_args[0], prompt_tasks=ptuning_args[1], prompt_vocab_size=ptuning_args[2]) # Reset input_lengths to match decoder_input_ids input_lengths = torch.ones(input_lengths.shape, dtype=input_lengths.dtype) profiler.stop("LLM") if mpi_rank() == 0: # Extract a list of tensors of shape beam_width x output_ids. output_beams_list = [ self.tokenizer.batch_decode( output_ids[batch_idx, :, input_lengths[batch_idx]:], skip_special_tokens=True) for batch_idx in range(self.args.batch_size) ] stripped_text = [[ output_beams_list[batch_idx][beam_idx].strip() for beam_idx in range(self.args.num_beams) ] for batch_idx in range(self.args.batch_size)] profiler.stop("Generate") return stripped_text else: profiler.stop("Generate") return None
[docs] def get_visual_features(self, image): visual_features = { 'input': } tensor_info = [ TensorInfo('input', str_dtype_to_trt(self.vision_precision), image.shape) ] visual_output_info = self.visual_encoder_session.infer_shapes( tensor_info) visual_outputs = { torch.empty(tuple(t.shape), dtype=trt_dtype_to_torch(t.dtype), device=image.device) for t in visual_output_info } ok =, visual_outputs, assert ok, "Runtime execution failed for vision encoder session" image_embeds = visual_outputs['output'] image_atts = torch.ones(image_embeds.size()[:-1], dtype=torch.long).to(image.device) return image_embeds, image_atts
[docs] def setup_fake_prompts_vila(self, batch_size, visual_features, split_input_ids, input_lengths): # visual_features (num_images, feature_len, token_embed) # Assemble fake prompts which points to image embedding actually fake_prompt_counter = self.model_config.vocab_size if batch_size == 1: # only check for multi-image inference (mode 1) assert len(visual_features) <= len( split_input_ids ), "Unexpected number of visual features. Please check #<image> in prompt and the #image files." input_ids = [] if batch_size == 1: # mode 1: multiple image as a whole, concat all prompts together, <pre><image1><inter><image2>...<post> input_ids = [split_input_ids[0]] for idx, visual_feature in enumerate(visual_features): fake_prompt_id = torch.arange( fake_prompt_counter, fake_prompt_counter + visual_feature.shape[0]) fake_prompt_counter += visual_feature.shape[0] fake_prompt_id = fake_prompt_id.unsqueeze(0) input_ids.append(fake_prompt_id) # in case no post prompt if len(split_input_ids) > idx + 1: input_ids.append(split_input_ids[idx + 1]) elif batch_size > 1: # mode 2: each image have individual prompt, <pre><image><post> for idx, visual_feature in enumerate(visual_features): input_ids.append(split_input_ids[0]) fake_prompt_id = torch.arange( fake_prompt_counter, fake_prompt_counter + visual_feature.shape[0]) fake_prompt_counter += visual_feature.shape[0] fake_prompt_id = fake_prompt_id.unsqueeze(0) input_ids.append(fake_prompt_id) if len(split_input_ids) > 1: input_ids.append(split_input_ids[1]) input_ids =, dim=1).contiguous().to(torch.int32) input_ids = input_ids.reshape(batch_size, -1) if self.decoder_llm or self.runtime_mapping.is_first_pp_rank(): ptuning_args = self.ptuning_setup(visual_features, input_ids, input_lengths) else: ptuning_args = [None, None, None] return input_ids, ptuning_args
[docs] def setup_fake_prompts(self, visual_features, pre_input_ids, post_input_ids, input_lengths): # Assemble fake prompts which points to image embedding actually if hasattr(self, 'num_frames') and (visual_features.shape[1] == self.num_frames): visual_features = visual_features.view(visual_features.shape[0], -1, visual_features.shape[-1]) if self.use_py_session: # Non-IFB Mode(used in python session): All requests in a batch have their prompt_table concatenated in # a shape of (bs*vision_embedding_len, vision_hidden). So only one fake_prompt_id is needed for the # entire batch, with values from 0 to bs * vision_embedding_len-1. fake_prompt_id = torch.arange( self.model_config.vocab_size, self.model_config.vocab_size + visual_features.shape[0] * visual_features.shape[1]) fake_prompt_id = fake_prompt_id.reshape(visual_features.shape[0], visual_features.shape[1]) else: # IFB Mode(used in c++ session): Each request's prompt_table is independent and requires a fake_prompt_id # for each request, with values ranging from 0 to vision_embedding_len-1. fake_prompt_id = torch.arange( self.model_config.vocab_size, self.model_config.vocab_size + visual_features.shape[1]) fake_prompt_id = fake_prompt_id.repeat(visual_features.shape[0], 1) if 'cogvlm' in self.model_type: input_ids = [pre_input_ids[:, 0:1], fake_prompt_id, pre_input_ids[:, 1:]], dim=1).contiguous().to(torch.int32) else: if post_input_ids is not None: input_ids = [pre_input_ids, fake_prompt_id, post_input_ids] else: input_ids = [fake_prompt_id, pre_input_ids] input_ids =, dim=1).contiguous().to(torch.int32) if self.decoder_llm or self.runtime_mapping.is_first_pp_rank(): ptuning_args = self.ptuning_setup(visual_features, input_ids, input_lengths) else: ptuning_args = [None, None, None] return input_ids, ptuning_args
[docs] def ptuning_setup_fuyu(self, input_ids, image_patches_indices): res_input_ids = [] for cur_input_ids, cur_image_patches_indices in zip( input_ids, image_patches_indices): # Truncate input_ids to the length of image_patches_indices cur_image_patches_indices = cur_image_patches_indices[:len( cur_input_ids)] # Get ids of the image_patches non_zero_mask = cur_image_patches_indices != -1 # Replace input_ids with image_patches_indices values (where the patches are placed) cur_input_ids = cur_input_ids.masked_scatter( non_zero_mask, cur_image_patches_indices[non_zero_mask] + self.model_config.vocab_size, ) res_input_ids.append(cur_input_ids) return res_input_ids
[docs] def ptuning_setup_llava_next(self, visual_features, pre_prompt, post_prompt): input_ids = [] fake_prompt_ids = list( range(self.model_config.vocab_size, self.model_config.vocab_size + visual_features.shape[0])) input_ids = self.tokenizer.encode( pre_prompt[0]) + fake_prompt_ids + self.tokenizer.encode( post_prompt[0])[self.tokenizer.add_bos_token:] input_ids = [input_ids] * len(pre_prompt) input_ids = torch.tensor(input_ids) return input_ids
[docs] def ptuning_setup_phi3(self, visual_features, input_ids, num_img_tokens): fake_prompt_id = torch.arange( self.model_config.vocab_size, self.model_config.vocab_size + visual_features.shape[0]) MAX_INPUT_ID = int(1e9) positions = torch.nonzero((input_ids < 0) & (input_ids > -MAX_INPUT_ID), as_tuple=False) idx = 0 for i, cnt in enumerate(num_img_tokens): input_ids[positions[idx, 0], positions[idx, 1]:positions[idx, 1] + cnt] = fake_prompt_id[idx:idx + cnt] idx += cnt return input_ids
[docs] def ptuning_setup(self, prompt_table, input_ids, input_lengths): hidden_size = self.model_config.hidden_size * self.runtime_mapping.tp_size if prompt_table is not None: task_vocab_size = torch.tensor( [prompt_table.shape[1]], dtype=torch.int32, ).cuda() prompt_table = prompt_table.view( (prompt_table.shape[0] * prompt_table.shape[1], prompt_table.shape[2])) assert prompt_table.shape[ 1] == hidden_size, "Prompt table dimensions do not match hidden size" if hasattr(self.model_config, 'dtype'): prompt_table = prompt_table.cuda().to( dtype=str_dtype_to_torch(self.model_config.dtype)) else: prompt_table = prompt_table.cuda().to(dtype=self.model.dtype) else: prompt_table = torch.empty([1, hidden_size]).cuda() task_vocab_size = torch.zeros([1]).cuda() remove_input_padding = self.model_config.remove_input_padding if hasattr( self.model_config, 'remove_input_padding') else self.model_config.use_packed_input if remove_input_padding: tasks = torch.zeros([torch.sum(input_lengths)], dtype=torch.int32).cuda() if self.decoder_llm: tasks = tasks.unsqueeze(0) else: tasks = torch.zeros(input_ids.shape, dtype=torch.int32).cuda() return [prompt_table, tasks, task_vocab_size]
[docs] def load_test_image(self): if "vila" in self.model_type: if self.args.image_path is None: img_url = '' self.args.image_path = img_url image = requests.get(img_url, stream=True, timeout=5).raw).convert('RGB') return [image] * self.args.batch_size else: def load_image(image_path): if image_path.startswith("http") or image_path.startswith( "https"):"downloading image from url {image_path}") response = requests.get(image_path, timeout=5) image = response.content)).convert("RGB") else: image ="RGB") return image out = [] image_paths = self.args.image_path.split(self.args.path_sep) for image_path in image_paths: image = load_image(image_path) out.append(image) return out elif "nougat" in self.model_type: filepath = hf_hub_download( repo_id="hf-internal-testing/fixtures_docvqa", filename="nougat_paper.png", repo_type="dataset") image = elif "fuyu" in self.model_type: filepath = hf_hub_download(repo_id="adept/fuyu-8b", filename="skateboard.png", repo_type='model') image = elif "kosmos" in self.model_type: img_url = '' image = requests.get(img_url, stream=True, timeout=5).raw).convert('RGB') elif "pix2struct" in self.model_type: img_url = '' image = requests.get(img_url, stream=True, timeout=5).raw).convert('RGB') elif "video-neva" in self.model_type: image = self.args.video_path else: img_url = self.args.image_path if img_url is None: img_url = '' if img_url.startswith("http") or img_url.startswith("https"): image = requests.get(img_url, stream=True, timeout=5).raw).convert('RGB') else: image ="RGB") return image
[docs] def setup_inputs(self, input_text, raw_image): from torchvision import transforms if 'blip2' in self.model_type: from transformers import Blip2Processor processor = Blip2Processor.from_pretrained(self.args.hf_model_dir) image = processor(raw_image, input_text, return_tensors="pt")['pixel_values'] if input_text is None: input_text = "Question: which city is this? Answer:" pre_prompt = input_text post_prompt = None elif 'nougat' in self.model_type: from transformers import NougatProcessor processor = NougatProcessor.from_pretrained(self.args.hf_model_dir) image = processor(raw_image, return_tensors="pt")['pixel_values'] # Nougat doesn't need text prompt (mBART use single token to start generation), just leave a dummy one here if input_text is None: input_text = "Question: which city is this? Answer:" pre_prompt = input_text post_prompt = None elif 'cogvlm' in self.model_type: image_size = 490 dtype = torch.bfloat16 transform = transforms.Compose([ transforms.Resize( (image_size, image_size), interpolation=transforms.InterpolationMode.BICUBIC), transforms.ToTensor(), transforms.Normalize((0.48145466, 0.4578275, 0.40821073), (0.26862954, 0.26130258, 0.27577711)), ]) image = transform(raw_image).to(dtype).unsqueeze(0) if input_text is None: input_text = " [INST] which city is this? [/INST] " pre_prompt = input_text post_prompt = None elif 'phi-3-vision' in self.model_type: pre_prompt = "<|user|>\n<|image_1|>\n" if input_text is None: input_text = "Which city is this?" post_prompt = input_text + "<|end|>\n<|assistant|>\n" prompt = pre_prompt + post_prompt processor = AutoProcessor.from_pretrained(self.args.hf_model_dir, trust_remote_code=True) image = processor(text=prompt, images=raw_image, return_tensors="pt") elif self.model_type == "pix2struct": image_processor = AutoProcessor.from_pretrained( self.args.hf_model_dir) if input_text is None: input_text = "" inputs = image_processor( images=raw_image, text=input_text, return_tensors="pt", ) image = inputs['flattened_patches'] image = image.expand(self.args.batch_size, -1, -1).contiguous() pre_prompt = "" post_prompt = None elif self.model_type == "neva": image_size = 384 dtype = torch.float32 transform = transforms.Compose([ transforms.Resize( (image_size, image_size), interpolation=transforms.InterpolationMode.BICUBIC), transforms.ToTensor(), transforms.Normalize((0.5, 0.5, 0.5), (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)), ]) image = transform(raw_image).to(dtype).unsqueeze(0) if input_text is None: input_text = "Hi! What is in this image?" pre_prompt = "<extra_id_0>System\n\n<extra_id_1>User\n" post_prompt = f"\n{input_text}\n<extra_id_1>Assistant\n" elif self.model_type == "video-neva": image = self.video_preprocess( raw_image) # shape (1, num_frames, 3, H, W) if input_text is None: input_text = "Hi! What is in this video?" # SteerLM prompt template pre_prompt = """<extra_id_0>System\nA chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n\n<extra_id_1>User""" post_prompt = f"\n{input_text}\n<extra_id_1>Assistant\n<extra_id_2>quality:4,toxicity:0,humor:0,creativity:0,helpfulness:4,correctness:4,coherence:4,complexity:4,verbosity:4\n" "" elif self.model_type == "llava_next": if self.llm_name == "mistralai/Mistral-7B-Instruct-v0.2": pre_prompt = "[INST] " if input_text is None: input_text = "Question: which city is this? Answer:" post_prompt = f"\n{input_text} [/INST]" prompt = pre_prompt + post_prompt elif self.llm_name == "NousResearch/Nous-Hermes-2-Yi-34B": pre_prompt = "<|im_start|>system\nAnswer the questions.<|im_end|><|im_start|>user\n" if input_text is None: input_text = "Question: which city is this? Answer:" post_prompt = f"\n{input_text}<|im_end|><|im_start|>assistant\n" prompt = pre_prompt + post_prompt else: raise Exception( f"Prompt template for {self.llm_name} for not included currently" ) processor = AutoProcessor.from_pretrained(self.args.hf_model_dir, trust_remote_code=True) image = processor(text=prompt, images=raw_image, return_tensors="pt") elif self.model_type in ['llava', 'vila', 'fuyu', 'kosmos-2']: # LLaVA and VILA if self.model_type == "llava": pre_prompt = "USER:\n" if input_text is None: input_text = "Question: which city is this? Answer:" elif self.model_type == "vila": pre_prompt = "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions. USER: " if input_text is None: input_text = "<image>\n Please elaborate what you see in the images?" elif self.model_type == 'fuyu': pre_prompt = "Describe this image:" if input_text is None: input_text = "Answer the following VQAv2 question based on the image: How many people are in the image?\n" elif self.model_type == "kosmos-2": pre_prompt = "" if input_text is None: input_text = "<grounding>An image of" if self.model_type not in ['fuyu', 'kosmos-2']: post_prompt = input_text + " ASSISTANT:" else: post_prompt = None if self.model_type == "vila": sys.path.append(self.args.hf_model_dir + "/../VILA") from llava.model import LlavaLlamaConfig # noqa from transformers import AutoModel model = AutoModel.from_pretrained( self.args.hf_model_dir, device_map='auto', trust_remote_code=True, ) vision_tower = model.get_vision_tower() image_processor = vision_tower.image_processor from llava.mm_utils import process_images image = process_images(raw_image, image_processor, model.config).to(model.device, dtype=torch.float16) else: processor = AutoProcessor.from_pretrained( self.args.hf_model_dir) if self.model_type in ['fuyu', 'kosmos-2']: image = processor(text=input_text, images=raw_image, return_tensors='pt') else: image = processor(text=input_text, images=raw_image, return_tensors="pt")['pixel_values'] # Repeat inputs to match batch size pre_prompt = [pre_prompt] * self.args.batch_size post_prompt = [post_prompt] * self.args.batch_size if self.model_type not in [ 'fuyu', 'pix2struct', 'kosmos-2', 'vila', 'phi-3-vision', 'llava_next' ]: if image.dim() == 5: image = image.expand(self.args.batch_size, -1, -1, -1, -1).contiguous() else: image = image.expand(self.args.batch_size, -1, -1, -1).contiguous() image = # Generate decoder_input_ids for enc-dec models # Custom prompts can be added as: # decoder_input_ids = model.tokenizer(decoder_prompt).input_ids if self.decoder_llm: decoder_input_ids = None else: config = AutoConfig.from_pretrained(self.args.hf_model_dir) if "blip2" in self.model_type: decoder_start_id = config.text_config.decoder_start_token_id # T5 elif "nougat" in self.model_type: decoder_start_id = config.decoder.bos_token_id # Nougat else: decoder_start_id = config.decoder_start_token_id decoder_input_ids = torch.IntTensor([[decoder_start_id]]) decoder_input_ids = decoder_input_ids.repeat( (self.args.batch_size, 1)) return input_text, pre_prompt, post_prompt, image, decoder_input_ids
[docs] def run(self, input_text, input_image, max_new_tokens): input_text, pre_prompt, post_prompt, processed_image, decoder_input_ids = self.setup_inputs( input_text, input_image) output_text = self.generate(pre_prompt, post_prompt, processed_image, decoder_input_ids, max_new_tokens, warmup=False) return input_text, output_text