import json
import os
from dataclasses import dataclass, field, fields
from typing import List, Optional, Tuple, Union
import torch
from pydantic import BaseModel
from tensorrt_llm.bindings import executor as tllme
from tensorrt_llm.logger import logger
@dataclass(slots=True, kw_only=True)
class GuidedDecodingParams:
Guided decoding parameters for text generation. Only one of the fields could be effective.
json (str, BaseModel, dict, optional): The generated text is amenable to json format with additional user-specified restrictions, namely schema. Defaults to None.
regex (str, optional): The generated text is amenable to the user-specified regular expression. Defaults to None.
grammar (str, optional): The generated text is amenable to the user-specified extended Backus-Naur form (EBNF) grammar. Defaults to None.
json_object (bool): If True, the generated text is amenable to json format. Defaults to False.
json: Optional[Union[str, BaseModel, dict]] = None
regex: Optional[str] = None
grammar: Optional[str] = None
json_object: bool = False
def num_guides(self):
num_guides = 0
for field in fields(self):
num_guides += bool(getattr(self,
return num_guides
def _validate(self):
if (num_guides := self.num_guides) > 1:
raise ValueError(
f"Only one guide can be used for a request, but got {num_guides}."
@dataclass(slots=True, kw_only=True)
class AdditionalModelOutput:
An additional output to gather from the model.
name (str): The name of the additional output to gather from the model.
gather_context (bool): A value indicating whether or not to gather the additional output from the context too. Defaults to False.
name: str
gather_context: bool
@dataclass(slots=True, kw_only=True)
class SamplingParams:
Sampling parameters for text generation.
end_id (int, optional): The end token id. Defaults to None.
pad_id (int, optional): The pad token id. Defaults to None.
max_tokens (int): The maximum number of tokens to generate. Defaults to 32.
max_new_tokens (int, optional): The maximum number of tokens to generate. This argument is being deprecated; please use max_tokens instead. Defaults to None.
bad (str, List[str], optional): A string or a list of strings that redirect the generation when they are generated, so that the bad strings are excluded from the returned output. Defaults to None.
bad_token_ids (List[int], optional): A list of token ids that redirect the generation when they are generated, so that the bad ids are excluded from the returned output. Defaults to None.
stop (str, List[str], optional): A string or a list of strings that stop the generation when they are generated. The returned output will not contain the stop strings unless include_stop_str_in_output is True. Defaults to None.
stop_token_ids (List[int], optional): A list of token ids that stop the generation when they are generated. Defaults to None.
include_stop_str_in_output (bool): Whether to include the stop strings in output text. Defaults to False.
embedding_bias (torch.Tensor, optional): The embedding bias tensor. Expected type is kFP32 and shape is [vocab_size]. Defaults to None.
external_draft_tokens_config (ExternalDraftTokensConfig, optional): The speculative decoding configuration. Defaults to None.
logits_post_processor_name (str, optional): The logits postprocessor name. Must correspond to one of the logits postprocessor name provided to the ExecutorConfig. Defaults to None.
n (int): Number of sequences to generate. Defaults to 1.
best_of (int, optional): Number of sequences to consider for best output. Defaults to None.
use_beam_search (bool): Whether to use beam search. Defaults to False.
beam_width (int): The beam width. Setting 1 disables beam search. This parameter will be deprecated from the LLM API in a future release. Please use n/best_of/use_beam_search instead. Defaults to 1.
num_return_sequences (int, optional): The number of sequences to return. If set to None, it defaults to the value of `beam_width`. The default is None. This parameter will be deprecated from the LLM API in a future release. Please use n/best_of/use_beam_search instead. Defaults to None.
top_k (int): Controls number of logits to sample from. Default is 0 (all logits).
top_p (float): Controls the top-P probability to sample from. Default is 0.f
top_p_min (float): Controls decay in the top-P algorithm. topPMin is lower-bound. Default is 1.e-6.
top_p_reset_ids (int): Controls decay in the top-P algorithm. Indicates where to reset the decay. Default is 1.
top_p_decay (float): Controls decay in the top-P algorithm. The decay value. Default is 1.f
seed (int): Controls the random seed used by the random number generator in sampling
random_seed (int): Controls the random seed used by the random number generator in sampling. This argument is being deprecated; please use seed instead.
temperature (float): Controls the modulation of logits when sampling new tokens. It can have values > 0.f. Default is 1.0f
min_tokens (int): Lower bound on the number of tokens to generate. Values < 1 have no effect. Default is 1.
min_length (int): Lower bound on the number of tokens to generate. Values < 1 have no effect. Default is 1. This argument is being deprecated; please use min_tokens instead.
beam_search_diversity_rate (float): Controls the diversity in beam search.
repetition_penalty (float): Used to penalize tokens based on how often they appear in the sequence. It can have any value > 0.f. Values < 1.f encourages repetition, values > 1.f discourages it. Default is 1.f
presence_penalty (float): Used to penalize tokens already present in the sequence (irrespective of the number of appearances). It can have any values. Values < 0.f encourage repetition, values > 0.f discourage it. Default is 0.f
frequency_penalty (float): Used to penalize tokens already present in the sequence (dependent on the number of appearances). It can have any values. Values < 0.f encourage repetition, values > 0.f discourage it. Default is 0.f
length_penalty (float): Controls how to penalize longer sequences in beam search. Default is 0.f
early_stopping (int): Controls whether the generation process finishes once beamWidth sentences are generated (ends with end_token)
no_repeat_ngram_size (int): Controls how many repeat ngram size are acceptable. Default is 1 << 30.
min_p (float): scale the most likely token to determine the minimum token probability. Default is 0.0.
return_log_probs (bool): Controls if Result should contain log probabilities. Default is false.
return_context_logits (bool): Controls if Result should contain the context logits. Default is false.
return_generation_logits (bool): Controls if Result should contain the generation logits. Default is false.
exclude_input_from_output (bool): Controls if output tokens in Result should include the input tokens. Default is true.
return_encoder_output (bool): Controls if Result should contain encoder output hidden states (for encoder-only and encoder-decoder models). Default is false.
return_perf_metrics (bool): Controls if Result should contain the performance metrics for this request. Default is false.
additional_model_outputs (list[AdditionalModelOutput], optional): The additional outputs to gather from the model.
lookahead_config (LookaheadDecodingConfig , optional): Lookahead decoding config. Defaults to None.
guided_decoding (GuidedDecodingParams, optional): Guided decoding params. Defaults to None.
ignore_eos (bool): Whether to ignore the EOS token and continue generating tokens after the EOS token is generated. Defaults to False.
detokenize (bool): Whether to detokenize the output. Defaults to True.
add_special_tokens (bool): Whether to add special tokens to the prompt. Defaults to True.
truncate_prompt_tokens (int, optional): If set to an integer k, will use only the last k tokens from the prompt (i.e., left truncation). Defaults to None.
skip_special_tokens (bool): Whether to skip special tokens in the output. Defaults to True.
spaces_between_special_tokens (bool): Whether to add spaces between special tokens in the output. Defaults to True.
# [TO DEVELOPER] This class provides an interface to LLMAPI users.
# Internally, it manages and dispatches fields to Python bindings of C++ objects, currently including:
# (1) all fields of tllme.SamplingConfig;
# (2) all fields of tllme.OutputConfig;
# (3) some fields of tllme.Request.
# If you changed the implementation of C++ objects and corresponding Python bindings, please update:
# (1) the fields and corresponding docstring of this class, and
# (2) the expected_fields defined in _get_xxx_config methods.
end_id: Optional[int] = None
pad_id: Optional[int] = None
max_tokens: int = 32
max_new_tokens: Optional[int] = None
bad: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]] = None
bad_token_ids: Optional[List[int]] = None
_bad_word_ids: Optional[List[List[int]]] = field(default=None,
stop: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]] = None
stop_token_ids: Optional[List[int]] = None
include_stop_str_in_output: bool = False
_stop_word_ids: Optional[List[List[int]]] = field(default=None,
embedding_bias: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None
external_draft_tokens_config: Optional[
tllme.ExternalDraftTokensConfig] = None
logits_post_processor_name: Optional[str] = None
n: int = 1
best_of: Optional[int] = None
use_beam_search: bool = False
# Keep the below fields in sync with tllme.SamplingConfig or maintin the mapping table.
beam_width: int = 1
num_return_sequences: Optional[int] = None
top_k: Optional[int] = None
top_p: Optional[float] = None
top_p_min: Optional[float] = None
top_p_reset_ids: Optional[int] = None
top_p_decay: Optional[float] = None
seed: Optional[int] = None
random_seed: Optional[int] = None
temperature: Optional[float] = None
min_tokens: Optional[int] = None
min_length: Optional[int] = None
beam_search_diversity_rate: Optional[float] = None
repetition_penalty: Optional[float] = None
presence_penalty: Optional[float] = None
frequency_penalty: Optional[float] = None
length_penalty: Optional[float] = None
early_stopping: Optional[int] = None
no_repeat_ngram_size: Optional[int] = None
min_p: Optional[float] = None
# Keep the below fields in sync with tllme.OutputConfig
return_log_probs: bool = False
return_context_logits: bool = False
return_generation_logits: bool = False
exclude_input_from_output: bool = True
return_encoder_output: bool = False
return_perf_metrics: bool = False
additional_model_outputs: Optional[list[AdditionalModelOutput]] = None
# Lookahead decoding config
lookahead_config: Optional[tllme.LookaheadDecodingConfig] = None
# Guided decoding params
guided_decoding: Optional[GuidedDecodingParams] = None
# Tokenizer-related configs
ignore_eos: bool = False
detokenize: bool = True
add_special_tokens: bool = True
truncate_prompt_tokens: Optional[int] = None
skip_special_tokens: bool = True
spaces_between_special_tokens: bool = True
def __post_init__(self):
if self.pad_id is None:
self.pad_id = self.end_id
# Handle the compatibility between OpenAI and HF style-parameters.
hf_style = self.beam_width > 1 or self.num_return_sequences
openai_style = self.n > 1 or self.best_of or self.use_beam_search
if hf_style and openai_style:
ambiguous_params = {
'beam_width': self.beam_width,
'num_return_sequences': self.num_return_sequences,
'n': self.n,
'best_of': self.best_of,
'use_beam_search': self.use_beam_search,
raise ValueError(
'Got ambiguous parameters. Please specify either Hugging Face '
'style parameters (beam_width or num_return_sequences) or '
'OpenAI style parameters (n, best_of, or use_beam_search), '
f'but not both: {ambiguous_params}. It is recommended to use '
'OpenAI style parameters (n, best_of, use_beam_search).')
if hf_style:
"Please use 'n' and 'best_of' for the LLM API. The use of "
"'beam_width' and 'num_return_sequences' will be deprecated "
"in a future release.")
self.n = self.beam_width
self.best_of = self.num_return_sequences
self.use_beam_search = self.beam_width > 1
self.best_of = self.best_of or self.n
if (not self.use_beam_search and self.n < self.best_of
and not self.return_log_probs):
f"Enable 'return_log_probs' to trim the {self.n}-best among "
f"{self.best_of} outputs under sampling decoding.")
self.return_log_probs = True
def _validate(self):
''' Verify the sampling parameters.
This function verifies the sampling parameters in the LLM API, which
may have stricter requirements than the Executor class of C++ runtime.
For instance, while the greedy decoding with n > 1 is capable in the
Executor class of C++ runtime, the LLM API disallows such combination.
if self.best_of is not None:
if self.best_of > 1 and self.best_of < self.n:
raise ValueError(
f'In beam search, beam_width ({self.beam_width}) must be '
f'greater than or equal to num_return_sequences '
if (self.best_of > 1 and self.greedy_decoding and
not os.environ.get('TLLM_ALLOW_N_GREEDY_DECODING', None)):
raise ValueError(
f'Greedy decoding in the LLM API does not allow multiple '
f'returns. Please set to best_of=1, got best_of={self.best_of}. '
f'Please set to best_of=1 or set an environment variable '
f'TLLM_ALLOW_N_GREEDY_DECODING=1 to allow best_of > 1 '
f'under the greedy decoding.')
if self.truncate_prompt_tokens is not None and self.truncate_prompt_tokens < 1:
raise ValueError(
f"truncate_prompt_tokens must be >= 1, got {self.truncate_prompt_tokens}"
if self.guided_decoding is not None:
def greedy_decoding(self) -> bool:
return (not self.use_beam_search
and (self.top_k is None or self.top_k == 1)
and (self.top_p is None or self.top_p == 0.0))
def setup(self,
add_special_tokens: bool = False) -> 'SamplingParams':
if self.end_id is None:
self.end_id = tokenizer.eos_token_id
self.pad_id = tokenizer.pad_token_id
if self.pad_id is None:
self.pad_id = self.end_id
if self.bad is not None:
strs = [self.bad] if isinstance(self.bad, str) else self.bad
self._bad_word_ids = [
tokenizer.encode(s, add_special_tokens=add_special_tokens)
for s in strs
if self.stop is not None:
strs = [self.stop] if isinstance(self.stop, str) else self.stop
self._stop_word_ids = [
tokenizer.encode(s, add_special_tokens=add_special_tokens)
for s in strs
return self
def _get_bad_words(self) -> List[List[int]]:
words = []
if self.bad_token_ids is not None:
words = [[i] for i in self.bad_token_ids]
if self.bad is None:
return words
if self._bad_word_ids is None:
raise RuntimeError(
f"{self.__class__.__name__}.bad ({self.bad}) is not processed by tokenizer, "
"please call the setup method.")
return words + self._bad_word_ids
def _get_stop_words(self) -> List[List[int]]:
words = []
if self.stop_token_ids is not None:
words = [[i] for i in self.stop_token_ids]
if self.stop is None:
return words
if self._stop_word_ids is None:
raise RuntimeError(
f"{self.__class__.__name__}.stop ({self.stop}) is not processed by tokenizer, "
"please call the setup method.")
return words + self._stop_word_ids
def _get_stop_reasons_and_words(
self) -> List[Tuple[Union[str, int], List[int]]]:
stop_reasons = []
if self.stop_token_ids is not None:
if self.stop is not None:
if isinstance(self.stop, str):
stop_words = self._get_stop_words()
if len(stop_reasons) != len(stop_words):
raise RuntimeError(
f"The number of {self.__class__.__name__}.stop_token_ids ({self.stop_token_ids}) "
f"and {self.__class__.__name__}.stop ({self.stop}) are inconsistent with the "
f"processed stop_words ({stop_words}).")
return list(zip(stop_reasons, stop_words))
def _get_sampling_config(self) -> tllme.SamplingConfig:
expected_fields = {
"beam_width", "top_k", "top_p", "top_p_min", "top_p_reset_ids",
"top_p_decay", "seed", "random_seed", "temperature", "min_tokens",
"min_length", "beam_search_diversity_rate", "repetition_penalty",
"presence_penalty", "frequency_penalty", "length_penalty",
"early_stopping", "no_repeat_ngram_size", "num_return_sequences",
found_fields = {
for f in dir(tllme.SamplingConfig) if not f.startswith('__')
if found_fields != expected_fields:
raise RuntimeError(
"Found fields in `tllme.SamplingConfig` different than expected; "
f"if `tllme.SamplingConfig` is changed, please update {self.__class__.__name__} accordingly. "
"See [TO DEVELOPER] comments for detailed instructions.")
# A map from the SamplingConfig fields of the LLM API to their
# corresponding field names of the Executor of TRT-LLM C++ runtime.
# In sampling, there is no parameter that directly matches 'best_of',
# so outputs must be trimmed during postprocessing.
# | LLM API | TRT-LLM Executor |
# --------------|-----------------|------------------------|
# | Beam search | use_beam_search | beam_width > 1 |
# | Beam search | n | num_return_sequences |
# | Beam search | best_of | beam_width |
# |-------------|-----------------|------------------------|
# | Sampling | use_beam_search | beam_width == 1 |
# | Sampling | n | num_return_sequences |
# | Sampling | best_of | no corresponding param |
unmatched_params = [
'num_return_sequences', 'beam_width', 'n', 'best_of',
llmapi_to_rt_param_map = {
f: getattr(self, f)
for f in expected_fields if f not in unmatched_params
if self.use_beam_search:
llmapi_to_rt_param_map['num_return_sequences'] = self.n
llmapi_to_rt_param_map['beam_width'] = self.best_of
llmapi_to_rt_param_map['num_return_sequences'] = self.best_of
llmapi_to_rt_param_map['beam_width'] = 1
return tllme.SamplingConfig(**llmapi_to_rt_param_map)
def _get_output_config(self) -> tllme.OutputConfig:
expected_fields = [
"return_log_probs", "return_context_logits",
"return_generation_logits", "exclude_input_from_output",
"return_encoder_output", "return_perf_metrics",
found_fields = [
f for f in dir(tllme.OutputConfig) if not f.startswith('__')
if set(found_fields) != set(expected_fields):
raise RuntimeError(
"Found fields in `tllme.OutputConfig` different than expected; "
f"if `tllme.OutputConfig` is changed, please update {self.__class__.__name__} accordingly. "
"See [TO DEVELOPER] comments for detailed instructions.")
return tllme.OutputConfig(
**{f: getattr(self, f)
for f in expected_fields})
def _get_guided_decoding_params(self) -> tllme.GuidedDecodingParams:
if self.guided_decoding is None or self.guided_decoding.num_guides == 0:
return None
if self.guided_decoding.json_object:
return tllme.GuidedDecodingParams(
elif self.guided_decoding.json is not None:
json_schema = self.guided_decoding.json
if isinstance(json, BaseModel):
json_schema = json_schema.model_json_schema()
if isinstance(json_schema, dict):
json_schema = json.dumps(json_schema)
return tllme.GuidedDecodingParams(
tllme.GuidedDecodingParams.GuideType.JSON_SCHEMA, json_schema)
elif self.guided_decoding.regex is not None:
return tllme.GuidedDecodingParams(
return tllme.GuidedDecodingParams(