class code : public cudaqx::extension_point<code, const heterogeneous_map&>
Base class for quantum error correcting codes in CUDA-Q.
This class provides the core interface and functionality for implementing quantum error correcting codes in CUDA-Q. It defines the basic operations that any QEC code must support and provides infrastructure for syndrome measurement and error correction experiments.
To implement a new quantum error correcting code:
Create a new class that inherits from code
Implement the protected virtual methods:
Define quantum kernels for each required logical operation (these are the fault tolerant logical operation implementations)
Register the operations in your constructor using the operation_encodings map on the base class
Register your new code type using CUDAQ_REGISTER_TYPE
Example implementation:
__qpu__ void x_kernel(patch p); __qpu__ void z_kernel(patch p); class my_code : public qec::code { protected: std::size_t get_num_data_qubits() const override { return 7; } std::size_t get_num_ancilla_qubits() const override { return 6; } std::size_t get_num_ancilla_x_qubits() const override { return 3; } std::size_t get_num_ancilla_z_qubits() const override { return 3; } public: my_code(const heterogeneous_map& options) : code() { // Can use user-specified options, e.g. auto d = options.get<int>("distance"); operation_encodings.insert(std::make_pair(operation::x, x_kernel)); operation_encodings.insert(std::make_pair(operation::z, z_kernel)); // Register other required operations... // Define the default stabilizers! m_stabilizers = qec::stabilizers({"XXXX", "ZZZZ"}); } CUDAQ_EXTENSION_CUSTOM_CREATOR_FUNCTION( my_code, static std::unique_ptr<qec::code> create(const heterogeneous_map &options) { return std::make_unique<my_code>(options); } ) }; CUDAQ_REGISTER_TYPE(my_code)
Supported quantum operations for error correcting codes
Subclassed by cudaq::qec::repetition::repetition, cudaq::qec::steane::steane, cudaq::qec::surface_code::surface_code
Public Types
using one_qubit_encoding = cudaq::qkernel<void(patch)>
Type alias for single qubit quantum kernels.
using two_qubit_encoding = cudaq::qkernel<void(patch, patch)>
Type alias for two qubit quantum kernels.
using stabilizer_round = cudaq::qkernel<std::vector<cudaq::measure_result>(patch, const std::vector<std::size_t>&, const std::vector<std::size_t>&)>
Type alias for stabilizer measurement kernels.
using encoding = std::variant<one_qubit_encoding, two_qubit_encoding, stabilizer_round>
Type alias for quantum operation encodings.
Public Functions
virtual std::size_t get_num_data_qubits() const = 0
Get the number of physical data qubits needed for the code.
- Returns:
Number of data qubits
virtual std::size_t get_num_ancilla_qubits() const = 0
Get the total number of ancilla qubits needed.
- Returns:
Total number of ancilla qubits
virtual std::size_t get_num_ancilla_x_qubits() const = 0
Get number of ancilla qubits needed for X stabilizer measurements.
- Returns:
Number of X-type ancilla qubits
virtual std::size_t get_num_ancilla_z_qubits() const = 0
Get number of ancilla qubits needed for Z stabilizer measurements.
- Returns:
Number of Z-type ancilla qubits
cudaqx::tensor<uint8_t> get_parity() const
Get the full parity check matrix H = (Hx | Hz)
- Returns:
Tensor representing the parity check matrix
cudaqx::tensor<uint8_t> get_parity_x() const
Get the X component of the parity check matrix.
- Returns:
Tensor representing Hx
cudaqx::tensor<uint8_t> get_parity_z() const
Get the Z component of the parity check matrix.
- Returns:
Tensor representing Hz
cudaqx::tensor<uint8_t> get_pauli_observables_matrix() const
Get Lx stacked on Lz.
- Returns:
Tensor representing pauli observables
cudaqx::tensor<uint8_t> get_observables_x() const
Get the Lx observables.
- Returns:
Tensor representing Lx
cudaqx::tensor<uint8_t> get_observables_z() const
Get the Lz observables.
- Returns:
Tensor representing Lz
Public Static Functions
static std::unique_ptr<code> get(const std::string &name, const std::vector<cudaq::spin_op> &stabilizers, const heterogeneous_map options = {})
Factory method to create a code instance with specified stabilizers.
- Parameters:
name – Name of the code to create
stabilizers – Stabilizer generators for the code
options – Optional code-specific configuration options
- Returns:
Unique pointer to created code instance
struct patch
Represents a logical qubit patch for quantum error correction.
This type is for CUDA-Q kernel code only.
This structure defines a patch of qubits used in quantum error correction codes. It consists of data qubits and ancilla qubits for X and Z stabilizer measurements.
class repetition : public cudaq::qec::code
Implementation of the repetition quantum error correction code.
Public Functions
repetition(const heterogeneous_map&)
Constructs a repetition code instance.
repetition(const heterogeneous_map&)
class steane : public cudaq::qec::code
Steane code implementation.
Public Functions
steane(const heterogeneous_map&)
Constructor for the Steane code.
steane(const heterogeneous_map&)
class stabilizer_grid
Generates and keeps track of the 2d grid of stabilizers in the rotated surface code. Following same layout convention as in: Grid layout is arranged from left to right, top to bottom (row major storage) grid_length = 4 example:
Each entry on the grid can be an X stabilizer, Z stabilizer, or empty, as is needed on the edges. The grid length of 4 corresponds to a distance 3 surface code, which results in:(0,0) (0,1) (0,2) (0,3) (1,0) (1,1) (1,2) (1,3) (2,0) (2,1) (2,2) (2,3) (3,0) (3,1) (3,2) (3,3)
e(0,0) e(0,1) Z(0,2) e(0,3) X(1,0) Z(1,1) X(1,2) e(1,3) e(2,0) X(2,1) Z(2,2) X(2,3) e(3,0) Z(3,1) e(3,2) e(3,3)
This is seen through the
member function. To get rid of the empty sites, theprint_stabilizer_coords()
function is used:Z(0,2) X(1,0) Z(1,1) X(1,2) X(2,1) Z(2,2) X(2,3) Z(3,1)
and to get the familiar visualization of the distance three surface code, the
results in:Z0 X0 Z1 X1 X2 Z2 X3 Z3
The data qubits are located at the four corners of each of the weight-4 stabilizers. They are also organized with index increasing from left to right, top to bottom:
d0 d1 d2 d3 d4 d5 d6 d7 d8
Public Functions
stabilizer_grid(uint32_t distance)
Construct the grid from the code’s distance.
Empty constructor.
void print_stabilizer_grid() const
Print a 2d grid of stabilizer roles.
void print_stabilizer_coords() const
Print a 2d grid of stabilizer coords.
void print_stabilizer_indices() const
Print a 2d grid of stabilizer indices.
void print_data_grid() const
Print a 2d grid of data qubit indices.
void print_stabilizer_maps() const
Print the coord <–> indices maps.
void print_stabilizers() const
Print the stabilizers in sparse pauli format.
Public Members
uint32_t distance = 0
The distance of the code determines the number of data qubits per dimension.
uint32_t grid_length = 0
length of the stabilizer grid for distance = d data qubits, the stabilizer grid has length d+1
std::vector<surface_role> roles
flattened vector of the stabilizer grid sites roles’ grid idx -> role stored in row major order
std::vector<vec2d> x_stab_coords
x stab index -> 2d coord
std::vector<vec2d> z_stab_coords
z stab index -> 2d coord
std::map<vec2d, size_t> x_stab_indices
2d coord -> z stab index
std::map<vec2d, size_t> z_stab_indices
2d coord -> z stab index
std::vector<vec2d> data_coords
data index -> 2d coord data qubits are in an offset 2D coord system from stabilizers
std::map<vec2d, size_t> data_indices
2d coord -> data index
std::vector<std::vector<size_t>> x_stabilizers
Each element is an X stabilizer specified by the data qubits it has support on In surface code, can have weight 2 or weight 4 stabs So {x,z}_stabilizer[i].size() == 2 || 4.
std::vector<std::vector<size_t>> z_stabilizers
Each element is an Z stabilizer specified by the data qubits it has support on.
stabilizer_grid(uint32_t distance)
class surface_code : public cudaq::qec::code
surface_code implementation
Public Functions
surface_code(const heterogeneous_map&)
Constructor for the surface_code.
- CUDAQ_EXTENSION_CUSTOM_CREATOR_FUNCTION (surface_code, static std::unique_ptr< cudaq::qec::code > create(const cudaqx::heterogeneous_map &options) { return std::make_unique< surface_code >(options);}) stabilizer_grid grid
Extension creator function for the surface_code.
Grid to keep track of topological arrangement of qubits.
surface_code(const heterogeneous_map&)
class decoder : public cudaqx::extension_point<decoder, const cudaqx::tensor<uint8_t>&, const cudaqx::heterogeneous_map&>
base class should be subclassed by specific decoder implementations. Theheterogeneous_map
provides a placeholder for arbitrary constructor parameters that can be unique to each specific decoder.Public Functions
decoder(const cudaqx::tensor<uint8_t> &H)
- Parameters:
H – Decoder’s parity check matrix represented as a tensor. The tensor is required be rank 2 and must be of dimensions
. will use the sameH
virtual decoder_result decode(const std::vector<float_t> &syndrome) = 0
Decode a single syndrome.
- Parameters:
syndrome – A vector of syndrome measurements where the floating point value is the probability that the syndrome measurement is a |1>. The length of the syndrome vector should be an integer multiple of the decoder’s
.- Returns:
Vector of length
with soft probabilities of errors in each index.
virtual decoder_result decode(const cudaqx::tensor<uint8_t> &syndrome)
Decode a single syndrome.
- Parameters:
syndrome – An order-1 tensor of syndrome measurements where a 1 bit represents that the syndrome measurement is a |1>. The length of the syndrome vector should be an integer multiple of the decoder’s
.- Returns:
Vector of length
of errors in each index.
virtual std::future<decoder_result> decode_async(const std::vector<float_t> &syndrome)
Decode a single syndrome.
- Parameters:
syndrome – A vector of syndrome measurements where the floating point value is the probability that the syndrome measurement is a |1>.
- Returns:
std::future of a vector of length
with soft probabilities of errors in each index.
virtual std::vector<decoder_result> decode_batch(const std::vector<std::vector<float_t>> &syndrome)
Decode multiple independent syndromes (may be done in serial or parallel depending on the specific implementation)
- Parameters:
syndrome – A vector of
syndrome measurements where the floating point value is the probability that the syndrome measurement is a |1>.- Returns:
2-D vector of size
with soft probabilities of errors in each index.
inline virtual ~decoder()
Public Static Functions
static std::unique_ptr<decoder> get(const std::string &name, const cudaqx::tensor<uint8_t> &H, const cudaqx::heterogeneous_map ¶m_map = cudaqx::heterogeneous_map())
overload supports default values.
decoder(const cudaqx::tensor<uint8_t> &H)
struct decoder_result
Decoder results.
enum class cudaq::qec::operation
Enum describing all supported logical operations.
enumerator x
Logical X gate.
enumerator y
Logical Y gate.
enumerator z
Logical Z gate.
enumerator h
Logical Hadamard gate.
enumerator s
Logical S gate.
enumerator cx
Logical controlled-X gate.
enumerator cy
Logical controlled-Y gate.
enumerator cz
Logical controlled-Z gate.
enumerator stabilizer_round
Stabilizer measurement round.
enumerator prep0
Prepare logical |0⟩ state.
enumerator prep1
Prepare logical |1⟩ state.
enumerator prepp
Prepare logical |+⟩ state.
enumerator prepm
Prepare logical |-⟩ state.
enumerator x
std::tuple<cudaqx::tensor<uint8_t>, cudaqx::tensor<uint8_t>> cudaq::qec::sample_code_capacity(const cudaqx::tensor<uint8_t> &H, std::size_t numShots, double error_probability)
Sample syndrome measurements with code capacity noise.
- Parameters:
H – Parity check matrix of a QEC code
numShots – Number of measurement shots
error_probability – Probability of bit flip on data
- Returns:
Tuple containing syndrome measurements and data qubit measurements
std::tuple<cudaqx::tensor<uint8_t>, cudaqx::tensor<uint8_t>> cudaq::qec::sample_code_capacity(const cudaqx::tensor<uint8_t> &H, std::size_t numShots, double error_probability, unsigned seed)
Sample syndrome measurements with code capacity noise.
- Parameters:
H – Parity check matrix of a QEC code
numShots – Number of measurement shots
error_probability – Probability of bit flip on data
seed – RNG seed for reproducible experiments
- Returns:
Tuple containing syndrome measurements and data qubit measurements
std::tuple<cudaqx::tensor<uint8_t>, cudaqx::tensor<uint8_t>> cudaq::qec::sample_code_capacity(const code &code, std::size_t numShots, double error_probability)
Sample syndrome measurements with code capacity noise.
- Parameters:
code – QEC Code to sample
numShots – Number of measurement shots
error_probability – Probability of bit flip on data
- Returns:
Tuple containing syndrome measurements and data qubit measurements
std::tuple<cudaqx::tensor<uint8_t>, cudaqx::tensor<uint8_t>> cudaq::qec::sample_code_capacity(const code &code, std::size_t numShots, double error_probability, unsigned seed)
Sample syndrome measurements with code capacity noise.
- Parameters:
code – QEC Code to sample
numShots – Number of measurement shots
error_probability – Probability of bit flip on data
seed – RNG seed for reproducible experiments
- Returns:
Tuple containing syndrome measurements and data qubit measurements
std::tuple<cudaqx::tensor<uint8_t>, cudaqx::tensor<uint8_t>> cudaq::qec::sample_memory_circuit(const code &code, std::size_t numShots, std::size_t numRounds = 1)
Sample syndrome measurements starting from |0⟩ state.
- Parameters:
numShots – Number of measurement shots
numRounds – Number of stabilizer measurement rounds
- Returns:
Tuple containing syndrome measurements and data qubit measurements (mz for z basis state prep, mx for x basis)
std::tuple<cudaqx::tensor<uint8_t>, cudaqx::tensor<uint8_t>> cudaq::qec::sample_memory_circuit(const code &code, std::size_t numShots, std::size_t numRounds, cudaq::noise_model &noise)
Sample syndrome measurements from |0⟩ state with noise.
- Parameters:
numShots – Number of measurement shots
numRounds – Number of stabilizer measurement rounds
noise – Noise model to apply
- Returns:
Tuple containing syndrome measurements and data qubit measurements (mz for z basis state prep, mx for x basis)
std::tuple<cudaqx::tensor<uint8_t>, cudaqx::tensor<uint8_t>> cudaq::qec::sample_memory_circuit(const code &code, operation statePrep, std::size_t numShots, std::size_t numRounds = 1)
Sample syndrome measurements from the memory circuit.
- Parameters:
statePrep – Initial state preparation operation
numShots – Number of measurement shots
numRounds – Number of stabilizer measurement rounds
- Returns:
Tuple containing syndrome measurements and data qubit measurements (mz for z basis state prep, mx for x basis)
std::tuple<cudaqx::tensor<uint8_t>, cudaqx::tensor<uint8_t>> cudaq::qec::sample_memory_circuit(const code &code, operation statePrep, std::size_t numShots, std::size_t numRounds, cudaq::noise_model &noise)
Sample syndrome measurements with circuit-level noise.
- Parameters:
statePrep – Initial state preparation operation
numShots – Number of measurement shots
numRounds – Number of stabilizer measurement rounds
noise – Noise model to apply
- Returns:
Tuple containing syndrome measurements and data qubit measurements (mz for z basis state prep, mx for x basis)