- class cudaq_qec.Code
Represents a quantum error correction code
- get_observables_x(self: cudaq_qec.Code) numpy.ndarray[numpy.uint8]
Get the Pauli X observables of the code
- get_observables_z(self: cudaq_qec.Code) numpy.ndarray[numpy.uint8]
Get the Pauli Z observables of the code
- get_parity(self: cudaq_qec.Code) numpy.ndarray[numpy.uint8]
Get the parity check matrix of the code
- get_parity_x(self: cudaq_qec.Code) numpy.ndarray[numpy.uint8]
Get the X-type parity check matrix of the code
- get_parity_z(self: cudaq_qec.Code) numpy.ndarray[numpy.uint8]
Get the Z-type parity check matrix of the code
- get_pauli_observables_matrix(self: cudaq_qec.Code) numpy.ndarray[numpy.uint8]
Get a matrix of the Pauli observables of the code
- get_stabilizers(self: cudaq_qec.Code) list[SpinOperator]
Get the stabilizer generators of the code
- class cudaq_qec.Decoder
Represents a decoder for quantum error correction
- decode(self: cudaq_qec.Decoder, syndrome: list[float]) cudaq_qec.DecoderResult
Decode the given syndrome to determine the error correction
- decode_async(self: cudaq_qec.Decoder, syndrome: list[float]) cudaq_qec.AsyncDecoderResult
Asynchronously decode the given syndrome
- decode_batch(self: cudaq_qec.Decoder, syndrome: list[list[float]]) list[cudaq_qec.DecoderResult]
Decode multiple syndromes and return the results
- get_block_size(self: cudaq_qec.Decoder) int
Get the size of the code block
- get_syndrome_size(self: cudaq_qec.Decoder) int
Get the size of the syndrome
- class cudaq_qec.DecoderResult
A class representing the results of a quantum error correction decoding operation.
This class encapsulates both the convergence status and the actual decoding result.
- property converged
Boolean flag indicating if the decoder converged to a solution.
True if the decoder successfully found a valid correction chain, False if the decoder failed to converge or exceeded iteration limits.
- property result
The decoded correction chain or recovery operation.
Contains the sequence of corrections that should be applied to recover the original quantum state. The format depends on the specific decoder implementation.
- cudaq_qec.sample_memory_circuit(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
sample_memory_circuit(code: cudaq_qec.Code, numShots: int, numRounds: int, noise: Optional[cudaq.NoiseModel] = None) -> tuple
Sample the memory circuit of the code
sample_memory_circuit(code: cudaq_qec.Code, op: cudaq_qec.operation, numShots: int, numRounds: int, noise: Optional[cudaq.NoiseModel] = None) -> tuple
Sample the memory circuit of the code with a specific initial operation
- cudaq_qec.sample_code_capacity(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
sample_code_capacity(code: cudaq_qec.Code, numShots: int, errorProb: float, seed: Optional[int] = None) -> tuple
Sample syndrome measurements with code capacity noise.
sample_code_capacity(H: numpy.ndarray[numpy.uint8], numShots: int, errorProb: float, seed: Optional[int] = None) -> tuple
Sample syndrome measurements with code capacity noise.