Installation Guide

Installation Methods

CUDA-QX provides multiple installation methods to suit your needs:

pip install

The simplest way to install CUDA-QX is via pip. You can install individual components:

# Install QEC library
pip install cudaq-qec

# Install Solvers library
pip install cudaq-solvers

# Install both libraries
pip install cudaq-qec cudaq-solvers


CUDA-Q Solvers will require the presence of libgfortran, which is not distributed with the Python wheel, for provided classical optimizers. If libgfortran is not installed, you will need to install it via your distribution’s package manager. On Debian based systems, you can install this with apt-get install gfortran.

Docker Container

CUDA-QX is available as a Docker container with all dependencies pre-installed:

  1. Pull the container:

docker pull
  1. Run the container:

docker run --gpus all -it
The container includes:
  • CUDA-Q compiler and runtime

  • CUDA-QX libraries (QEC and Solvers)

  • All required dependencies

  • Example notebooks and tutorials

Building from Source


Before building CUDA-QX from source, ensure your system meets the following requirements:

  • CUDA-Q: The NVIDIA quantum-classical programming model

  • CMake: Version 3.28 or higher (pip install cmake>=3.28)

  • GCC: Version 11 or higher

  • Python: Version 3.10, 3.11, or 3.12

  • NVIDIA GPU: CUDA-capable GPU with compute capability 12.0 or higher

  • Git: For cloning the repository

Build Instructions

  1. Clone the repository:

git clone
cd cudaqx
  1. Create and enter build directory:

mkdir build && cd build
  1. Configure with CMake:

cmake .. -G Ninja \
    -DCUDAQ_DIR=$HOME/.cudaq/lib/cmake/cudaq \
    -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS="-Wno-attributes" \
    -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release \
  1. Build and install:

ninja install

CMake Build Options

  • CUDAQX_ENABLE_LIBS: Specify which libraries to build (all, qec, solvers)

  • CUDAQX_INCLUDE_TESTS: Enable building of tests

  • CUDAQX_BINDINGS_PYTHON: Enable Python bindings

  • CUDAQ_DIR: Path to CUDA-Q installation

  • CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX: Installation directory

Verifying Installation

To verify your installation, run the following Python code:

import cudaq_qec as qec
import cudaq_solvers as solvers

Troubleshooting (Common Issues)

  1. CMake configuration fails:
    • Ensure CUDA-Q is properly installed

    • Verify CMake version (cmake --version)

    • Check GCC version (gcc --version)

  2. CUDA device not found:
    • Verify NVIDIA driver installation

    • Check CUDA toolkit installation

    • Ensure GPU compute capability is supported

  3. Python bindings not found:
    • Confirm CUDAQX_BINDINGS_PYTHON=ON during build

    • Check Python environment activation

    • Verify installation path is in PYTHONPATH

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