
Warp assigns unique string aliases to all supported compute devices in the system. There is currently a single CPU device exposed as "cpu". Each CUDA-capable GPU gets an alias of the form "cuda:i", where i is the CUDA device ordinal. This convention should be familiar to users of other popular frameworks like PyTorch.

It is possible to explicitly target a specific device with each Warp API call using the device argument:

a = wp.zeros(n, device="cpu")
wp.launch(kernel, dim=a.size, inputs=[a], device="cpu")

b = wp.zeros(n, device="cuda:0")
wp.launch(kernel, dim=b.size, inputs=[b], device="cuda:0")

c = wp.zeros(n, device="cuda:1")
wp.launch(kernel, dim=c.size, inputs=[c], device="cuda:1")


A Warp CUDA device ("cuda:i") corresponds to the primary CUDA context of device i. This is compatible with frameworks like PyTorch and other software that uses the CUDA Runtime API. It makes interoperability easy because GPU resources like memory can be shared with Warp.

class warp.context.Device(runtime, alias, ordinal=-1, is_primary=False, context=None)[source]#

A device to allocate Warp arrays and to launch kernels on.


A Warp-specific label for the device. -1 for CPU devices.




A label for the device. By default, CPU devices will be named according to the processor name, or "CPU" if the processor name cannot be determined.




The compute capability version number calculated as 10 * major + minor. 0 for CPU devices.




Indicates whether the device supports unified addressing. False for CPU devices.




Indicates whether Warp’s version of NVRTC can directly generate CUDA binary files (cubin) for this device’s architecture. False for CPU devices.




Indicates whether the device supports using the cuMemAllocAsync and cuMemPool family of APIs for stream-ordered memory allocations. False for CPU devices.




Indicates whether the device supports IPC.

  • True if supported.

  • False if not supported.

  • None if IPC support could not be determined (e.g. CUDA 11).




Indicates whether this device’s CUDA context is also the device’s primary context.




The UUID of the CUDA device. The UUID is in the same format used by nvidia-smi -L. None for CPU devices.




An identifier for the CUDA device in the format [domain]:[bus]:[device], in which domain, bus, and device are all hexadecimal values. None for CPU devices.




Get the memory allocator for this device.


pinned (bool) – If True, an allocator for pinned memory will be returned. Only applicable when this device is a CPU device.

property is_cpu: bool[source]#

A boolean indicating whether the device is a CPU device.

property is_cuda: bool[source]#

A boolean indicating whether the device is a CUDA device.

property is_capturing: bool[source]#

A boolean indicating whether this device’s default stream is currently capturing a graph.

property context[source]#

The context associated with the device.

property has_context: bool[source]#

A boolean indicating whether the device has a CUDA context associated with it.

property stream: Stream[source]#

The stream associated with a CUDA device.


RuntimeError – The device is not a CUDA device.

set_stream(stream, sync=True)[source]#

Set the current stream for this CUDA device.

The current stream will be used by default for all kernel launches and memory operations on this device.

If this is an external stream, the caller is responsible for guaranteeing the lifetime of the stream.

Consider using warp.ScopedStream instead.

  • stream (Stream) – The stream to set as this device’s current stream.

  • sync (bool) – If True, then stream will perform a device-side synchronization with the device’s previous current stream.

Return type:


property has_stream: bool[source]#

A boolean indicating whether the device has a stream associated with it.

property total_memory: int[source]#

The total amount of device memory available in bytes.

This function is currently only implemented for CUDA devices. 0 will be returned if called on a CPU device.

property free_memory: int[source]#

The amount of memory on the device that is free according to the OS in bytes.

This function is currently only implemented for CUDA devices. 0 will be returned if called on a CPU device.


Warp also provides functions that can be used to query the available devices on the system:


Returns a list of devices supported in this environment.

Return type:



Returns a list of CUDA devices supported in this environment.

Return type:



Returns the number of CUDA devices supported in this environment.

Return type:


Default Device#

To simplify writing code, Warp has the concept of default device. When the device argument is omitted from a Warp API call, the default device will be used.

Calling wp.get_device() without an argument will return an instance of warp.context.Device for the default device.

During Warp initialization, the default device is set to "cuda:0" if CUDA is available. Otherwise, the default device is "cpu". If the default device is changed, wp.get_preferred_device() can be used to get the original default device.

wp.set_device() can be used to change the default device:

a = wp.zeros(n)
wp.launch(kernel, dim=a.size, inputs=[a])

b = wp.zeros(n)
wp.launch(kernel, dim=b.size, inputs=[b])

c = wp.zeros(n)
wp.launch(kernel, dim=c.size, inputs=[c])


For CUDA devices, wp.set_device() does two things: It sets the Warp default device and it makes the device’s CUDA context current. This helps to minimize the number of CUDA context switches in blocks of code targeting a single device.

For PyTorch users, this function is similar to torch.cuda.set_device(). It is still possible to specify a different device in individual API calls, like in this snippet:

# set default device

# use default device
a = wp.zeros(n)

# use explicit devices
b = wp.empty(n, device="cpu")
c = wp.empty(n, device="cuda:1")

# use default device
wp.launch(kernel, dim=a.size, inputs=[a])

wp.copy(b, a)
wp.copy(c, a)

Sets the default device identified by the argument.


ident (Device | str | None)

Return type:



Returns the device identified by the argument.


ident (Device | str | None)

Return type:



Returns the preferred compute device, cuda:0 if available and cpu otherwise.

Return type:


Scoped Devices#

Another way to manage the default device is using wp.ScopedDevice objects. They can be arbitrarily nested and restore the previous default device on exit:

with wp.ScopedDevice("cpu"):
    # alloc and launch on "cpu"
    a = wp.zeros(n)
    wp.launch(kernel, dim=a.size, inputs=[a])

with wp.ScopedDevice("cuda:0"):
    # alloc on "cuda:0"
    b = wp.zeros(n)

    with wp.ScopedDevice("cuda:1"):
        # alloc and launch on "cuda:1"
        c = wp.zeros(n)
        wp.launch(kernel, dim=c.size, inputs=[c])

    # launch on "cuda:0"
    wp.launch(kernel, dim=b.size, inputs=[b])
class warp.ScopedDevice(device)[source]#

A context manager to temporarily change the current default device.

For CUDA devices, this context manager makes the device’s CUDA context current and restores the previous CUDA context on exit. This is handy when running Warp scripts as part of a bigger pipeline because it avoids any side effects of changing the CUDA context in the enclosed code.


device (Device | str | None)


The device that will temporarily become the default device within the context.




The previous default device. This is restored as the default device on exiting the context.




Initializes the context manager with a device.


device (Device | str | None) – The device that will temporarily become the default device within the context.

Example: Using wp.ScopedDevice with multiple GPUs#

The following example shows how to allocate arrays and launch kernels on all available CUDA devices.

import warp as wp

def inc(a: wp.array(dtype=float)):
    tid = wp.tid()
    a[tid] = a[tid] + 1.0

# get all CUDA devices
devices = wp.get_cuda_devices()
device_count = len(devices)

# number of launches
iters = 1000

# list of arrays, one per device
arrs = []

# loop over all devices
for device in devices:
    # use a ScopedDevice to set the target device
    with wp.ScopedDevice(device):
        # allocate array
        a = wp.zeros(250 * 1024 * 1024, dtype=float)

        # launch kernels
        for _ in range(iters):
            wp.launch(inc, dim=a.size, inputs=[a])

# synchronize all devices

# print results
for i in range(device_count):
    print(f"{arrs[i].device} -> {arrs[i].numpy()}")

Current CUDA Device#

Warp uses the device alias "cuda" to target the current CUDA device. This allows external code to manage the CUDA device on which to execute Warp scripts. It is analogous to the PyTorch "cuda" device, which should be familiar to Torch users and simplify interoperation.

In this snippet, we use PyTorch to manage the current CUDA device and invoke a Warp kernel on that device:

def example_function():
    # create a Torch tensor on the current CUDA device
    t = torch.arange(10, dtype=torch.float32, device="cuda")

    a = wp.from_torch(t)

    # launch a Warp kernel on the current CUDA device
    wp.launch(kernel, dim=a.size, inputs=[a], device="cuda")

# use Torch to set the current CUDA device and run example_function() on that device

# use Torch to change the current CUDA device and re-run example_function() on that device


Using the device alias "cuda" can be problematic if the code runs in an environment where another part of the code can unpredictably change the CUDA context. Using an explicit CUDA device like "cuda:i" is recommended to avoid such issues.

Device Synchronization#

CUDA kernel launches and memory operations can execute asynchronously. This allows for overlapping compute and memory operations on different devices. Warp allows synchronizing the host with outstanding asynchronous operations on a specific device:


wp.synchronize_device() offers more fine-grained synchronization than wp.synchronize(), as the latter waits for all devices to complete their work.


Synchronize the calling CPU thread with any outstanding CUDA work on the specified device

This function allows the host application code to ensure that all kernel launches and memory copies have completed on the device.


device (Device | str | None) – Device to synchronize.


Manually synchronize the calling CPU thread with any outstanding CUDA work on all devices

This method allows the host application code to ensure that any kernel launches or memory copies have completed.

Custom CUDA Contexts#

Warp is designed to work with arbitrary CUDA contexts so it can easily integrate into different workflows.

Applications built on the CUDA Runtime API target the primary context of each device. The Runtime API hides CUDA context management under the hood. In Warp, device "cuda:i" represents the primary context of device i, which aligns with the CUDA Runtime API.

Applications built on the CUDA Driver API work with CUDA contexts directly and can create custom CUDA contexts on any device. Custom CUDA contexts can be created with specific affinity or interop features that benefit the application. Warp can work with these CUDA contexts as well.

The special device alias "cuda" can be used to target the current CUDA context, whether this is a primary or custom context.

In addition, Warp allows registering new device aliases for custom CUDA contexts using wp.map_cuda_device() so that they can be explicitly targeted by name. If the CUcontext pointer is available, it can be used to create a new device alias like this:

wp.map_cuda_device("foo", ctypes.c_void_p(context_ptr))

Alternatively, if the custom CUDA context was made current by the application, the pointer can be omitted:


In either case, mapping the custom CUDA context allows us to target the context directly using the assigned alias:

with wp.ScopedDevice("foo"):
    a = wp.zeros(n)
    wp.launch(kernel, dim=a.size, inputs=[a])
warp.map_cuda_device(alias, context=None)[source]#

Assign a device alias to a CUDA context.

This function can be used to create a wp.Device for an external CUDA context. If a wp.Device already exists for the given context, it’s alias will change to the given value.

  • alias (str) – A unique string to identify the device.

  • context (c_void_p | None) – A CUDA context pointer (CUcontext). If None, the currently bound CUDA context will be used.


The associated wp.Device.

Return type:



Remove a CUDA device with the given alias.


alias (str)

Return type:


CUDA Peer Access#

CUDA allows direct memory access between different GPUs if the system hardware configuration supports it. Typically, the GPUs should be of the same type and a special interconnect may be required (e.g., NVLINK or PCIe topology).

During initialization, Warp reports whether peer access is supported on multi-GPU systems:

Warp 0.15.1 initialized:
   CUDA Toolkit 11.5, Driver 12.2
     "cpu"      : "x86_64"
     "cuda:0"   : "NVIDIA L40" (48 GiB, sm_89, mempool enabled)
     "cuda:1"   : "NVIDIA L40" (48 GiB, sm_89, mempool enabled)
     "cuda:2"   : "NVIDIA L40" (48 GiB, sm_89, mempool enabled)
     "cuda:3"   : "NVIDIA L40" (48 GiB, sm_89, mempool enabled)
   CUDA peer access:
     Supported fully (all-directional)

If the message reports that CUDA peer access is Supported fully, it means that every CUDA device can access every other CUDA device in the system. If it says Supported partially, it will be followed by the access matrix that shows which devices can access each other. If it says Not supported, it means that access is not supported between any devices.

In code, we can check support and enable peer access like this:

if wp.is_peer_access_supported("cuda:0", "cuda:1"):
    wp.set_peer_access_enabled("cuda:0", "cuda:1", True):

This will allow the memory of device cuda:0 to be directly accessed on device cuda:1. Peer access is directional, which means that enabling access to cuda:0 from cuda:1 does not automatically enable access to cuda:1 from cuda:0.

The benefit of enabling peer access is that it allows direct memory transfers (DMA) between the devices. This is generally a faster way to copy data, since otherwise the transfer needs to be done using a CPU staging buffer.

The drawback is that enabling peer access can reduce the performance of allocations and deallocations. Programs that don’t rely on peer-to-peer memory transfers should leave this setting disabled.

It’s possible to temporarily enable or disable peer access using a scoped manager:

with wp.ScopedPeerAccess("cuda:0", "cuda:1", True):


Peer access does not accelerate memory transfers between arrays allocated using the stream-ordered memory pool allocators introduced in Warp 0.14.0. To accelerate memory pool transfers, memory pool access should be enabled instead.

warp.is_peer_access_supported(target_device, peer_device)[source]#

Check if peer_device can directly access the memory of target_device on this system.

This applies to memory allocated using default CUDA allocators. For memory allocated using CUDA pooled allocators, use is_mempool_access_supported().


A Boolean value indicating if this peer access is supported by the system.

Return type:


warp.is_peer_access_enabled(target_device, peer_device)[source]#

Check if peer_device can currently access the memory of target_device.

This applies to memory allocated using default CUDA allocators. For memory allocated using CUDA pooled allocators, use is_mempool_access_enabled().


A Boolean value indicating if this peer access is currently enabled.

Return type:


warp.set_peer_access_enabled(target_device, peer_device, enable)[source]#

Enable or disable direct access from peer_device to the memory of target_device.

Enabling peer access can improve the speed of peer-to-peer memory transfers, but can have a negative impact on memory consumption and allocation performance.

This applies to memory allocated using default CUDA allocators. For memory allocated using CUDA pooled allocators, use set_mempool_access_enabled().

Return type:
