

Before use Warp should be explicitly initialized with the wp.init() method as follows:

import warp as wp


Warp will print some startup information about the compute devices available, driver versions, and the location for any generated kernel code, e.g.:

Warp 1.0.0 initialized:
CUDA Toolkit: 11.8, Driver: 12.1
    "cpu"    | AMD64 Family 25 Model 33 Stepping 0, AuthenticAMD
    "cuda:0" | NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4080 (sm_89)
Kernel cache: C:\Users\mmacklin\AppData\Local\NVIDIA\warp\Cache\1.0.0


In Warp, compute kernels are defined as Python functions and annotated with the @wp.kernel decorator, as follows:

def simple_kernel(a: wp.array(dtype=wp.vec3),
                  b: wp.array(dtype=wp.vec3),
                  c: wp.array(dtype=float)):

    # get thread index
    tid = wp.tid()

    # load two vec3s
    x = a[tid]
    y = b[tid]

    # compute the dot product between vectors
    r =, y)

    # write result back to memory
    c[tid] = r

Because Warp kernels are compiled to native C++/CUDA code, all the function input arguments must be statically typed. This allows Warp to generate fast code that executes at essentially native speeds. Because kernels may be run on either the CPU or GPU, they cannot access arbitrary global state from the Python environment. Instead they must read and write data through their input parameters such as arrays.

Warp kernels functions have a one-to-one correspondence with CUDA kernels. To launch a kernel with 1024 threads, we use wp.launch() as follows:

wp.launch(kernel=simple_kernel, # kernel to launch
          dim=1024,             # number of threads
          inputs=[a, b, c],     # parameters
          device="cuda")        # execution device

Inside the kernel, we retrieve the thread index of the each thread using the wp.tid() built-in function:

# get thread index
i = wp.tid()

Kernels can be launched with 1D, 2D, 3D, or 4D grids of threads. To launch a 2D grid of threads to process a 1024x1024 image, we could write:

wp.launch(kernel=compute_image, dim=(1024, 1024), inputs=[img], device="cuda")

We retrieve a 2D thread index inside the kernel as follows:

def compute_image(pixel_data: wp.array2d(dtype=wp.vec3)):
    # get thread index
    i, j = wp.tid()


Memory allocations are exposed via the wp.array type. Arrays wrap an underlying memory allocation that may live in either host (CPU), or device (GPU) memory. Arrays are strongly typed and store a linear sequence of built-in values (float, int, vec3, matrix33, etc).

Arrays can be allocated similar to PyTorch:

# allocate an uninitialized array of vec3s
v = wp.empty(shape=n, dtype=wp.vec3, device="cuda")

# allocate a zero-initialized array of quaternions
q = wp.zeros(shape=n, dtype=wp.quat, device="cuda")

# allocate and initialize an array from a NumPy array
# will be automatically transferred to the specified device
a = np.ones((10, 3), dtype=np.float32)
v = wp.from_numpy(a, dtype=wp.vec3, device="cuda")

By default, Warp arrays that are initialized from external data (e.g.: NumPy, Lists, Tuples) will create a copy the data to new memory for the device specified. However, it is possible for arrays to alias external memory using the copy=False parameter to the array constructor provided the input is contiguous and on the same device. See the Interoperability section for more details on sharing memory with external frameworks.

To read GPU array data back to CPU memory we can use array.numpy():

# bring data from device back to host
view = device_array.numpy()

This will automatically synchronize with the GPU to ensure that any outstanding work has finished, and will copy the array back to CPU memory where it is passed to NumPy. Calling array.numpy() on a CPU array will return a zero-copy NumPy view onto the Warp data.

Please see the Arrays Reference for more details.

User Functions#

Users can write their own functions using the @wp.func decorator, for example:

def square(x: float):
    return x*x

Kernels can call user functions defined in the same module or defined in a different module. As the example shows, return type hints for user functions are optional.

Anything that can be done in a Warp kernel can also be done in a user function with the exception of wp.tid(). The thread index can be passed in through the arguments of a user function if it is required.

Functions can accept arrays and structs as inputs:

def lookup(foos: wp.array(dtype=wp.uint32), index: int):
    return foos[index]

Functions may also return multiple values:

def multi_valued_func(a: wp.float32, b: wp.float32):
    return a + b, a - b, a * b, a / b

def test_multi_valued_kernel(test_data1: wp.array(dtype=wp.float32), test_data2: wp.array(dtype=wp.float32)):
    tid = wp.tid()
    d1, d2 = test_data1[tid], test_data2[tid]
    a, b, c, d = multi_valued_func(d1, d2)

User functions may also be overloaded by defining multiple function signatures with the same function name:

def custom(x: int):
    return x + 1

def custom(x: float):
    return x + 1.0

def custom(x: wp.vec3):
    return x + wp.vec3(1.0, 0.0, 0.0)

See Generic Functions for details on using typing.Any in user function signatures.

See Differentiability for details on how to define custom gradient functions, custom replay functions, and custom native functions.

User Structs#

Users can define their own structures using the @wp.struct decorator, for example:

class MyStruct:

    pos: wp.vec3
    vel: wp.vec3
    active: int
    indices: wp.array(dtype=int)

Structs may be used as a dtype for wp.arrays, and may be passed to kernels directly as arguments, please see Structs Reference for more details.


As with kernel parameters, all attributes of a struct must have valid type hints at class definition time.

Compilation Model#

Warp uses a Python->C++/CUDA compilation model that generates kernel code from Python function definitions. All kernels belonging to a Python module are runtime compiled into dynamic libraries and PTX. The result is then cached between application restarts for fast startup times.

Note that compilation is triggered on the first kernel launch for that module. Any kernels registered in the module with @wp.kernel will be included in the shared library.


Language Details#

To support GPU computation and differentiability, there are some differences from the CPython runtime.

Built-in Types#

Warp supports a number of built-in math types similar to high-level shading languages, e.g. vec2, vec3, vec4, mat22, mat33, mat44, quat, array. All built-in types have value semantics so that expressions such as a = b generate a copy of the variable b rather than a reference.

Strong Typing#

Unlike Python, in Warp all variables must be typed. Types are inferred from source expressions and function signatures using the Python typing extensions. All kernel parameters must be annotated with the appropriate type, for example:

def simple_kernel(a: wp.array(dtype=vec3),
                  b: wp.array(dtype=vec3),
                  c: float):

Tuple initialization is not supported, instead variables should be explicitly typed:

# invalid
a = (1.0, 2.0, 3.0)

# valid
a = wp.vec3(1.0, 2.0, 3.0)

Limitations and Unsupported Features#

See Limitations for a list of Warp limitations and unsupported features.