How does Warp relate to other Python projects for GPU programming, e.g.: Numba, Taichi, cuPy, PyTorch, etc.?#

Warp is inspired by many of these projects, and is closely related to Numba and Taichi which both expose kernel programming to Python. These frameworks map to traditional GPU programming models, so many of the high-level concepts are similar, however there are some functionality and implementation differences.

Compared to Numba, Warp supports a smaller subset of Python, but offering auto-differentiation of kernel programs, which is useful for machine learning. Compared to Taichi Warp uses C++/CUDA as an intermediate representation, which makes it convenient to implement and expose low-level routines. In addition, we are building in data structures to support geometry processing (meshes, sparse volumes, point clouds, USD data) as first-class citizens that are not exposed in other runtimes.

Warp does not offer a full tensor-based programming model like PyTorch and JAX, but is designed to work well with these frameworks through data sharing mechanisms like __cuda_array_interface__. For computations that map well to tensors (e.g.: neural-network inference) it makes sense to use these existing tools. For problems with a lot of e.g.: sparsity, conditional logic, heterogeneous workloads (like the ones we often find in simulation and graphics), then the kernel-based programming model like the one in Warp are often more convenient since users have control over individual threads.

Does Warp support all of the Python language?#

No, Warp supports a subset of Python that maps well to the GPU. Our goal is to not have any performance cliffs so that users can expect consistently good behavior from kernels that is close to native code. Examples of unsupported concepts that don’t map well to the GPU are dynamic types, list comprehensions, exceptions, garbage collection, etc.

When should I call wp.synchronize()?#

One of the common sources of confusion for new users is when calls to wp.synchronize() are necessary. The answer is “almost never”! Synchronization is quite expensive, and should generally be avoided unless necessary. Warp naturally takes care of synchronization between operations (e.g.: kernel launches, device memory copies).

For example, the following requires no manual synchronization, as the conversion to NumPy will automatically synchronize:

# run some kernels
wp.launch(kernel_1, dim, [array_x, array_y], device="cuda")
wp.launch(kernel_2, dim, [array_y, array_z], device="cuda")

# bring data back to host (and implicitly synchronize)
x = array_z.numpy()

The only case where manual synchronization is needed is when copies are being performed back to CPU asynchronously, e.g.:

# copy data back to cpu from gpu, all copies will happen asynchronously to Python
wp.copy(cpu_array_1, gpu_array_1)
wp.copy(cpu_array_2, gpu_array_2)
wp.copy(cpu_array_3, gpu_array_3)

# ensure that the copies have finished

# return a numpy wrapper around the cpu arrays, note there is no implicit synchronization here
a1 = cpu_array_1.numpy()
a2 = cpu_array_2.numpy()
a3 = cpu_array_3.numpy()

For more information about asynchronous operations, please refer to the concurrency documentation and synchronization guidance.

What happens when you differentiate a function like wp.abs(x)?#

Non-smooth functions such as y=|x| do not have a single unique gradient at x=0, rather they have what is known as a subgradient, which is formally the convex hull of directional derivatives at that point. The way that Warp (and most auto-differentiation frameworks) handles these points is to pick an arbitrary gradient from this set, e.g.: for wp.abs(), it will arbitrarily choose the gradient to be 1.0 at the origin. You can find the implementation for these functions in warp/native/builtin.h.

Most optimizers (particularly ones that exploit stochasticity), are not sensitive to the choice of which gradient to use from the subgradient, although there are exceptions.

Does Warp support multi-GPU programming?#

Yes! Since version 0.4.0 we support allocating, launching, and copying between multiple GPUs in a single process. We follow the naming conventions of PyTorch and use aliases such as cuda:0, cuda:1, cpu to identify individual devices.

Should I switch to Warp over IsaacGym/PhysX?#

Warp is not a replacement for IsaacGym, IsaacSim, or PhysX - while Warp does offer some physical simulation capabilities this is primarily aimed at developers who need differentiable physics, rather than a fully featured physics engine. Warp is also integrated with IsaacGym and is great for performing auxiliary tasks such as reward and observation computations for reinforcement learning.

Why aren’t assignments to Warp arrays aren’supported outside of kernels?#

For best performance, reading and writing data that is living on the GPU can only be performed inside Warp CUDA kernels. Otherwise individual element accesses such as array[i] = 1.0 in Python scope would require prohibitively slow device synchronization and copies.

We recommend to either initialize Warp arrays from other native arrays (e.g.: Python list, NumPy array, …) or by launching a kernel to set its values.

For the common use case of wanting to fill an array with a given value, we also support the following forms:

  • wp.full(8, 1.23, dtype=float): initializes a new array of 8 float values set to 1.23.

  • arr.fill_(1.23): sets the content of an existing float array to 1.23.

  • arr[:4].fill(1.23): sets the four first values of an existing float array to 1.23.