
1.4.1 - 2024-10-15


  • Fix iter_reverse() not working as expected for ranges with steps other than 1 (GH-311).

  • Fix potential out-of-bounds memory access when a wp.sparse.BsrMatrix object is reused for storing matrices of different shapes.

  • Fix robustness to very low desired tolerance in wp.fem.utils.symmetric_eigenvalues_qr.

  • Fix invalid code generation error messages when nesting dynamic and static for-loops.

  • Fix caching of kernels with static expressions.

  • Fix ModelBuilder.add_builder(builder) to correctly update articulation_start and thereby articulation_count when builder contains more than one articulation.

  • Re-introduced the wp.rand*(), wp.sample*(), and wp.poisson() onto the Python scope to revert a breaking change.

1.4.0 - 2024-10-01


  • Support for a new wp.static(expr) function that allows arbitrary Python expressions to be evaluated at the time of function/kernel definition (docs).

  • Support for stream priorities to hint to the device that it should process pending work in high-priority streams over pending work in low-priority streams when possible (docs).

  • Adaptive sparse grid geometry to warp.fem (docs).

  • Support for defining wp.kernel and wp.func objects from within closures.

  • Support for defining multiple versions of kernels, functions, and structs without manually assigning unique keys.

  • Support for default argument values for user functions decorated with wp.func.

  • Allow passing custom launch dimensions to jax_kernel() (GH-310).

  • JAX interoperability examples for sharding and matrix multiplication (docs).

  • Interoperability support for the PaddlePaddle ML framework (GH-318).

  • Support wp.mod() for vector types (GH-282).

  • Expose the modulo operator % to Python’s runtime scalar and vector types.

  • Support for fp64 atomic_add, atomic_max, and atomic_min (GH-284).

  • Support for quaternion indexing (e.g. q.w).

  • Support shadowing builtin functions (GH-308).

  • Support for redefining function overloads.

  • Add an ocean sample to the omni.warp extension.

  • warp.sim.VBDIntegrator now supports body-particle collision.

  • Add a contributing guide to the Sphinx docs .

  • Add documentation for dynamic code generation (docs).


  • wp.sim.Model.edge_indices now includes boundary edges.

  • Unexposed wp.rand*(), wp.sample*(), and wp.poisson() from the Python scope.

  • Skip unused functions in module code generation, improving performance.

  • Avoid reloading modules if their content does not change, improving performance.

  • wp.Mesh.points is now a property instead of a raw data member, its reference can be changed after the mesh is initialized.

  • Improve error message when invalid objects are referenced in a Warp kernel.

  • if/else/elif statements with constant conditions are resolved at compile time with no branches being inserted in the generated code.

  • Include all non-hidden builtins in the stub file.

  • Improve accuracy of symmetric eigenvalues routine in warp.fem.


  • Fix for wp.func erroring out when defining a Tuple as a return type hint (GH-302).

  • Fix array in-place op (+=, -=) adjoints to compute gradients correctly in the backwards pass

  • Fix vector, matrix in-place assignment adjoints to compute gradients correctly in the backwards pass, e.g.: v[1] = x

  • Fix a bug in which Python docstrings would be created as local function variables in generated code.

  • Fix a bug with autograd array access validation in functions from different modules.

  • Fix a rare crash during error reporting on some systems due to glibc mismatches.

  • Handle --num_tiles 1 in (GH-306).

  • Fix the computation of body contact forces in FeatherstoneIntegrator when bodies and particles collide.

  • Fix bug in FeatherstoneIntegrator where eval_rigid_jacobian could give incorrect results or reach an infinite loop when the body and joint indices were not in the same order. Added Model.joint_ancestor to fix the indexing from a joint to its parent joint in the articulation.

  • Fix wrong vertex index passed to add_edges() called from ModelBuilder.add_cloth_mesh() (GH-319).

  • Add a workaround for uninitialized memory read warning in the compute-sanitizer initcheck tool when using wp.Mesh.

  • Fix name clashes when Warp functions and structs are returned from Python functions multiple times.

  • Fix name clashes between Warp functions and structs defined in different modules.

  • Fix code generation errors when overloading generic kernels defined in a Python function.

  • Fix issues with unrelated functions being treated as overloads (e.g., closures).

  • Fix handling of stream argument in array.__dlpack__().

  • Fix a bug related to reloading CPU modules.

  • Fix a crash when kernel functions are not found in CPU modules.

  • Fix conditions not being evaluated as expected in while statements.

  • Fix printing Boolean and 8-bit integer values.

  • Fix array interface type strings used for Boolean and 8-bit integer values.

  • Fix initialization error when setting struct members.

  • Fix Warp not being initialized upon entering a wp.Tape context.

  • Use kDLBool instead of kDLUInt for DLPack interop of Booleans.

1.3.3 - 2024-09-04

  • Bug fixes

    • Fix an aliasing issue with zero-copy array initialization from NumPy introduced in Warp 1.3.0.

    • Fix wp.Volume.load_from_numpy() behavior when bg_value is a sequence of values (GH-312).

1.3.2 - 2024-08-30

  • Bug fixes

    • Fix accuracy of 3x3 SVD wp.svd3 with fp64 numbers (GH-281).

    • Fix module hashing when a kernel argument contained a struct array (GH-287).

    • Fix a bug in wp.bvh_query_ray() where the direction instead of the reciprocal direction was used (GH-288).

    • Fix errors when launching a CUDA graph after a module is reloaded. Modules that were used during graph capture will no longer be unloaded before the graph is released.

    • Fix a bug in wp.sim.collide.triangle_closest_point_barycentric() where the returned barycentric coordinates may be incorrect when the closest point lies on an edge.

    • Fix 32-bit overflow when array shape is specified using np.int32.

    • Fix handling of integer indices in the input_output_mask argument to autograd.jacobian and autograd.jacobian_fd (GH-289).

    • Fix ModelBuilder.collapse_fixed_joints() to correctly update the body centers of mass and the ModelBuilder.articulation_start array.

    • Fix precedence of closure constants over global constants.

    • Fix quadrature point indexing in wp.fem.ExplicitQuadrature (regression from 1.3.0).

  • Documentation improvements

    • Add missing return types for built-in functions.

    • Clarify that atomic operations also return the previous value.

    • Clarify that wp.bvh_query_aabb() returns parts that overlap the bounding volume.

1.3.1 - 2024-07-27

  • Remove wp.synchronize() from PyTorch autograd function example

  • Tape.check_kernel_array_access() and Tape.reset_array_read_flags() are now private methods.

  • Fix reporting unmatched argument types

1.3.0 - 2024-07-25

  • Warp Core improvements

    • Update to CUDA 12.x by default (requires NVIDIA driver 525 or newer), please see for commands to install CUDA 11.x binaries for older drivers

    • Add information to the module load print outs to indicate whether a module was compiled (compiled), loaded from the cache (cached), or was unable to be loaded (error).

    • wp.config.verbose = True now also prints out a message upon the entry to a wp.ScopedTimer.

    • Add wp.clear_kernel_cache() to the public API. This is equivalent to

    • Add code-completion support for wp.config variables.

    • Remove usage of a static task (thread) index for CPU kernels to address multithreading concerns (GH-224)

    • Improve error messages for unsupported Python operations such as sequence construction in kernels

    • Update wp.matmul() CPU fallback to use dtype explicitly in np.matmul() call

    • Add support for PEP 563’s from __future__ import annotations (GH-256).

    • Allow passing external arrays/tensors to wp.launch() directly via __cuda_array_interface__ and __array_interface__, up to 2.5x faster conversion from PyTorch

    • Add faster Torch interop path using return_ctype argument to wp.from_torch()

    • Handle incompatible CUDA driver versions gracefully

    • Add wp.abs() and wp.sign() for vector types

    • Expose scalar arithmetic operators to Python’s runtime (e.g.: wp.float16(1.23) * wp.float16(2.34))

    • Add support for creating volumes with anisotropic transforms

    • Allow users to pass function arguments by keyword in a kernel using standard Python calling semantics

    • Add additional documentation and examples demonstrating wp.copy(), wp.clone(), and array.assign() differentiability

    • Add __new__() methods for all class __del__() methods to handle when a class instance is created but not instantiated before garbage collection

    • Implement the assignment operator for wp.quat

    • Make the geometry-related built-ins available only from within kernels

    • Rename the API-facing query types to remove their _t suffix: wp.BVHQuery, wp.HashGridQuery, wp.MeshQueryAABB, wp.MeshQueryPoint, and wp.MeshQueryRay

    • Add wp.array(ptr=...) to allow initializing arrays from pointer addresses inside of kernels (GH-206)

  • warp.autograd improvements:

    • New warp.autograd module with utility functions gradcheck(), jacobian(), and jacobian_fd() for debugging kernel Jacobians (docs)

    • Add array overwrite detection, if wp.config.verify_autograd_array_access is true in-place operations on arrays on the Tape that could break gradient computation will be detected (docs)

    • Fix bug where modification of @wp.func_replay functions and native snippets would not trigger module recompilation

    • Add documentation for dynamic loop autograd limitations

  • warp.sim improvements:

    • Improve memory usage and performance for rigid body contact handling when self.rigid_mesh_contact_max is zero (default behavior).

    • The mask argument to wp.sim.eval_fk() now accepts both integer and boolean arrays to mask articulations.

    • Fix handling of ModelBuilder.joint_act in ModelBuilder.collapse_fixed_joints() (affected floating-base systems)

    • Fix and improve implementation of ModelBuilder.plot_articulation() to visualize the articulation tree of a rigid-body mechanism

    • Fix ShapeInstancer __new__() method (missing instance return and *args parameter)

    • Fix handling of upaxis variable in ModelBuilder and the rendering thereof in OpenGLRenderer

  • warp.sparse improvements:

    • Sparse matrix allocations (from bsr_from_triplets(), bsr_axpy(), etc.) can now be captured in CUDA graphs; exact number of non-zeros can be optionally requested asynchronously.

    • bsr_assign() now supports changing block shape (including CSR/BSR conversions)

    • Add Python operator overloads for common sparse matrix operations, e.g A += 0.5 * B, y = x @ C

  • warp.fem new features and fixes:

    • Support for variable number of nodes per element

    • Global wp.fem.lookup() operator now supports wp.fem.Tetmesh and wp.fem.Trimesh2D geometries

    • Simplified defining custom subdomains (wp.fem.Subdomain), free-slip boundary conditions

    • New field types: wp.fem.UniformField, wp.fem.ImplicitField and wp.fem.NonconformingField

    • New streamlines, magnetostatics and nonconforming_contact examples, updated mixed_elasticity to use a nonlinear model

    • Function spaces can now export VTK-compatible cells for visualization

    • Fixed edge cases with NanoVDB function spaces

    • Fixed differentiability of wp.fem.PicQuadrature w.r.t. positions and measures

1.2.2 - 2024-07-04

  • Support for NumPy >= 2.0

1.2.1 - 2024-06-14

  • Fix generic function caching

  • Fix Warp not being initialized when constructing arrays with wp.array()

  • Fix wp.is_mempool_access_supported() not resolving the provided device arguments to wp.context.Device

1.2.0 - 2024-06-06

  • Add a not-a-number floating-point constant that can be used as wp.NAN or wp.nan.

  • Add wp.isnan(), wp.isinf(), and wp.isfinite() for scalars, vectors, matrices, etc.

  • Improve kernel cache reuse by hashing just the local module constants. Previously, a module’s hash was affected by all wp.constant() variables declared in a Warp program.

  • Revised module compilation process to allow multiple processes to use the same kernel cache directory. Cached kernels will now be stored in hash-specific subdirectory.

  • Add runtime checks for wp.MarchingCubes on field dimensions and size

  • Fix memory leak in wp.Mesh BVH (GH-225)

  • Use C++17 when building the Warp library and user kernels

  • Increase PTX target architecture up to sm_75 (from sm_70), enabling Turing ISA features

  • Extended NanoVDB support (see warp.Volume):

    • Add support for data-agnostic index grids, allocation at voxel granularity

    • New wp.volume_lookup_index(), wp.volume_sample_index() and generic wp.volume_sample()/wp.volume_lookup()/wp.volume_store() kernel-level functions

    • Zero-copy aliasing of in-memory grids, support for multi-grid buffers

    • Grid introspection and blind data access capabilities

    • warp.fem can now work directly on NanoVDB grids using warp.fem.Nanogrid

    • Fixed wp.volume_sample_v() and wp.volume_store_*() adjoints

    • Prevent wp.volume_store() from overwriting grid background values

  • Improve validation of user-provided fields and values in warp.fem

  • Support headless rendering of wp.render.OpenGLRenderer via pyglet.options["headless"] = True

  • wp.render.RegisteredGLBuffer can fall back to CPU-bound copying if CUDA/OpenGL interop is not available

  • Clarify terms for external contributions, please see for details

  • Improve performance of wp.sparse.bsr_mm() by ~5x on benchmark problems

  • Fix for XPBD incorrectly indexing into of joint actuations joint_act arrays

  • Fix for mass matrix gradients computation in wp.sim.FeatherstoneIntegrator()

  • Fix for handling of --msvc_path in build scripts

  • Fix for wp.copy() params to record dest and src offset parameters on wp.Tape()

  • Fix for wp.randn() to ensure return values are finite

  • Fix for slicing of arrays with gradients in kernels

  • Fix for function overload caching, ensure module is rebuilt if any function overloads are modified

  • Fix for handling of bool types in generic kernels

  • Publish CUDA 12.5 binaries for Hopper support, see for details

1.1.1 - 2024-05-24

  • wp.init() is no longer required to be called explicitly and will be performed on first call to the API

  • Speed up omni.warp.core’s startup time

1.1.0 - 2024-05-09

  • Support returning a value from @wp.func_native CUDA functions using type hints

  • Improved differentiability of the wp.sim.FeatherstoneIntegrator

  • Fix gradient propagation for rigid body contacts in wp.sim.collide()

  • Added support for event-based timing, see wp.ScopedTimer()

  • Added Tape visualization and debugging functions, see wp.Tape.visualize()

  • Support constructing Warp arrays from objects that define the __cuda_array_interface__ attribute

  • Support copying a struct to another device, use to migrate struct arrays

  • Allow rigid shapes to not have any collisions with other shapes in wp.sim.Model

  • Change default test behavior to test redundant GPUs (up to 2x)

  • Test each example in an individual subprocess

  • Polish and optimize various examples and tests

  • Allow non-contiguous point arrays to be passed to

  • Upgrade LLVM to 18.1.3 for from-source builds and Linux x86-64 builds

  • Build DLL source code as C++17 and require GCC 9.4 as a minimum

  • Array clone, assign, and copy are now differentiable

  • Use Ruff for formatting and linting

  • Various documentation improvements (infinity, math constants, etc.)

  • Improve URDF importer, handle joint armature

  • Allow builtins.bool to be used in Warp data structures

  • Use external gradient arrays in backward passes when passed to wp.launch()

  • Add Conjugate Residual linear solver, see

  • Fix propagation of gradients on aliased copy of variables in kernels

  • Facilitate debugging and speed up import warp by eliminating raising any exceptions

  • Improve support for nested vec/mat assignments in structs

  • Recommend Python 3.9 or higher, which is required for JAX and soon PyTorch.

  • Support gradient propagation for indexing sliced multi-dimensional arrays, i.e. a[i][j] vs. a[i, j]

  • Provide an informative message if setting DLL C-types failed, instructing to try rebuilding the library

1.0.3 - 2024-04-17

  • Add a support_level entry to the configuration file of the extensions

1.0.2 - 2024-03-22

  • Make examples runnable from any location

  • Fix the examples not running directly from their Python file

  • Add the example gallery to the documentation

  • Update examples USD location

  • Update description

1.0.1 - 2024-03-15

  • Document Device total_memory and free_memory

  • Documentation for allocators, streams, peer access, and generics

  • Changed example output directory to current working directory

  • Added python -m warp.examples.browse for browsing the examples folder

  • Print where the USD stage file is being saved

  • Added examples/optim/ sample

  • Make the drone example not specific to USD

  • Reduce the time taken to run some examples

  • Optimise rendering points with a single colour

  • Clarify an error message around needing USD

  • Raise exception when module is unloaded during graph capture

  • Added wp.synchronize_event() for blocking the host thread until a recorded event completes

  • Flush C print buffers when ending stdout capture

  • Remove more unneeded CUTLASS files

  • Allow setting mempool release threshold as a fractional value

1.0.0 - 2024-03-07

  • Add FeatherstoneIntegrator which provides more stable simulation of articulated rigid body dynamics in generalized coordinates (State.joint_q and State.joint_qd)

  • Introduce warp.sim.Control struct to store control inputs for simulations (optional, by default the Model control inputs are used as before); integrators now have a different simulation signature: integrator.simulate(model: Model, state_in: State, state_out: State, dt: float, control: Control)

  • joint_act can now behave in 3 modes: with joint_axis_mode set to JOINT_MODE_FORCE it behaves as a force/torque, with JOINT_MODE_VELOCITY it behaves as a velocity target, and with JOINT_MODE_POSITION it behaves as a position target; joint_target has been removed

  • Add adhesive contact to Euler integrators via Model.shape_materials.ka which controls the contact distance at which the adhesive force is applied

  • Improve handling of visual/collision shapes in URDF importer so visual shapes are not involved in contact dynamics

  • Experimental JAX kernel callback support

  • Improve module load exception message

  • Add wp.ScopedCapture

  • Removing enable_backward warning for callables

  • Copy docstrings and annotations from wrapped kernels, functions, structs

0.15.1 - 2024-03-05

  • Add examples assets to the wheel packages

  • Fix broken image link in documentation

  • Fix codegen for custom grad functions calling their respective forward functions

  • Fix custom grad function handling for functions that have no outputs

  • Fix issues when wp.config.quiet = True

0.15.0 - 2024-03-04

  • Add thumbnails to examples gallery

  • Apply colored lighting to examples

  • Moved examples directory under warp/

  • Add example usage to python -m warp.tests --help

  • Adding torch.autograd.function example + docs

  • Add error-checking to array shapes during creation

  • Adding example_graph_capture

  • Add a Diffsim Example of a Drone

  • Fix verify_fp causing compiler errors and support CPU kernels

  • Fix to enable matmul to be called in CUDA graph capture

  • Enable mempools by default

  • Update wp.launch to support tuple args

  • Fix BiCGSTAB and GMRES producing NaNs when converging early

  • Fix warning about backward codegen being disabled in test_fem

  • Fix assert_np_equal when NaN’s and tolerance are involved

  • Improve error message to discern between CUDA being disabled or not supported

  • Support cross-module functions with user-defined gradients

  • Suppress superfluous CUDA error when ending capture after errors

  • Make output during initialization atomic

  • Add warp.config.max_unroll, fix custom gradient unrolling

  • Support native replay snippets using @wp.func_native(snippet, replay_snippet=replay_snippet)

  • Look for the CUDA Toolkit in default locations if the CUDA_PATH environment variable or --cuda_path build option are not used

  • Added wp.ones() to efficiently create one-initialized arrays

  • Rename wp.config.graph_capture_module_load_default to wp.config.enable_graph_capture_module_load_by_default

0.14.0 - 2024-02-19

  • Add support for CUDA pooled (stream-ordered) allocators

    • Support memory allocation during graph capture

    • Support copying non-contiguous CUDA arrays during graph capture

    • Improved memory allocation/deallocation performance with pooled allocators

    • Use wp.config.enable_mempools_at_init to enable pooled allocators during Warp initialization (if supported)

    • wp.is_mempool_supported() - check if a device supports pooled allocators

    • wp.is_mempool_enabled(), wp.set_mempool_enabled() - enable or disable pooled allocators per device

    • wp.set_mempool_release_threshold(), wp.get_mempool_release_threshold() - configure memory pool release threshold

  • Add support for direct memory access between devices

    • Improved peer-to-peer memory transfer performance if access is enabled

    • Caveat: enabling peer access may impact memory allocation/deallocation performance and increase memory consumption

    • wp.is_peer_access_supported() - check if the memory of a device can be accessed by a peer device

    • wp.is_peer_access_enabled(), wp.set_peer_access_enabled() - manage peer access for memory allocated using default CUDA allocators

    • wp.is_mempool_access_supported() - check if the memory pool of a device can be accessed by a peer device

    • wp.is_mempool_access_enabled(), wp.set_mempool_access_enabled() - manage access for memory allocated using pooled CUDA allocators

  • Refined stream synchronization semantics

    • wp.ScopedStream can synchronize with the previous stream on entry and/or exit (only sync on entry by default)

    • Functions taking an optional stream argument do no implicit synchronization for max performance (e.g., wp.copy(), wp.launch(), wp.capture_launch())

  • Support for passing a custom deleter argument when constructing arrays

    • Deprecation of owner argument - use deleter to transfer ownership

  • Optimizations for various core API functions (e.g., wp.zeros(), wp.full(), and more)

  • Fix wp.matmul() to always use the correct CUDA context

  • Fix memory leak in BSR transpose

  • Fix stream synchronization issues when copying non-contiguous arrays

  • API change: wp.matmul() no longer accepts a device as a parameter; instead, it infers the correct device from the arrays being multiplied

  • Updated DLPack utilities to the latest published standard

    • External arrays can be imported into Warp directly, e.g., wp.from_dlpack(external_array)

    • Warp arrays can be exported to consumer frameworks directly, e.g., jax.dlpack.from_dlpack(warp_array)

    • Added CUDA stream synchronization for CUDA arrays

    • The original DLPack protocol can still be used for better performance when stream synchronization is not required, see interoperability docs for details

    • warp.to_dlpack() is about 3-4x faster in common cases

    • warp.from_dlpack() is about 2x faster when called with a DLPack capsule

    • Fixed a small CPU memory leak related to DLPack interop

  • Improved performance of creating arrays

0.13.1 - 2024-02-22

  • Ensure that the results from the Noise Deform are deterministic across different Kit sessions

0.13.0 - 2024-02-16

  • Update the license to NVIDIA Software License, allowing commercial use (see

  • Add guidelines (for NVIDIA employees)

  • Hash CUDA snippet and adj_snippet strings to fix caching

  • Fix on Windows

  • Add missing .py extension to warp/tests/walkthrough_debug

  • Allow wp.bool usage in vector and matrix types

0.12.0 - 2024-02-05

  • Add a warning when the enable_backward setting is set to False upon calling wp.Tape.backward()

  • Fix kernels not being recompiled as expected when defined using a closure

  • Change the kernel cache appauthor subdirectory to just “NVIDIA”

  • Ensure that gradients attached to PyTorch tensors have compatible strides when calling wp.from_torch()

  • Add a Noise Deform node for OmniGraph that deforms points using a perlin/curl noise

0.11.0 - 2024-01-23

  • Re-release 1.0.0-beta.7 as a non-pre-release 0.11.0 version so it gets selected by pip install warp-lang.

  • Introducing a new versioning and release process, detailed in and resembling that of Python itself:

    • The 0.11 release(s) can be found on the release-0.11 branch.

    • Point releases (if any) go on the same minor release branch and only contain bug fixes, not new features.

    • The public branch, previously used to merge releases into and corresponding with the GitHub main branch, is retired.

1.0.0-beta.7 - 2024-01-23

  • Ensure captures are always enclosed in try/finally

  • Only include .py files from the warp subdirectory into wheel packages

  • Fix an extension’s sample node failing at parsing some version numbers

  • Allow examples to run without USD when possible

  • Add a setting to disable the main Warp menu in Kit

  • Add iterative linear solvers, see, wp.optim.linear.bicgstab, wp.optim.linear.gmres, and wp.optim.linear.LinearOperator

  • Improve error messages around global variables

  • Improve error messages around mat/vec assignments

  • Support conversion of scalars to native/ctypes, e.g.: float(wp.float32(1.23)) or ctypes.c_float(wp.float32(1.23))

  • Add a constant for infinity, see wp.inf

  • Add a FAQ entry about array assignments

  • Add a mass spring cage diff simulation example, see examples/

  • Add -s, --suite option for only running tests belonging to the given suites

  • Fix common spelling mistakes

  • Fix indentation of generated code

  • Show deprecation warnings only once

  • Improve wp.render.OpenGLRenderer

  • Create the extension’s symlink to the core library at runtime

  • Fix some built-ins failing to compile the backward pass when nested inside if/else blocks

  • Update examples with the new variants of the mesh query built-ins

  • Fix type members that weren’t zero-initialized

  • Fix missing adjoint function for wp.mesh_query_ray()

1.0.0-beta.6 - 2024-01-10

  • Do not create CPU copy of grad array when calling array.numpy()

  • Fix assert_np_equal() bug

  • Support Linux AArch64 platforms, including Jetson/Tegra devices

  • Add parallel testing runner (invoke with python -m warp.tests, use warp/tests/ for serial testing)

  • Fix support for function calls in range()

  • wp.matmul() adjoints now accumulate

  • Expand available operators (e.g. vector @ matrix, scalar as dividend) and improve support for calling native built-ins

  • Fix multi-gpu synchronization issue in

  • Add depth rendering to wp.render.OpenGLRenderer, document wp.render

  • Make wp.atomic_min(), wp.atomic_max() differentiable

  • Fix error reporting using the exact source segment

  • Add user-friendly mesh query overloads, returning a struct instead of overwriting parameters

  • Address multiple differentiability issues

  • Fix backpropagation for returning array element references

  • Support passing the return value to adjoints

  • Add point basis space and explicit point-based quadrature for wp.fem

  • Support overriding the LLVM project source directory path using --build_llvm --llvm_source_path=

  • Fix the error message for accessing non-existing attributes

  • Flatten faces array for Mesh constructor in URDF parser

1.0.0-beta.5 - 2023-11-22

  • Fix for kernel caching when function argument types change

  • Fix code-gen ordering of dependent structs

  • Fix for wp.Mesh build on MGPU systems

  • Fix for name clash bug with adjoint code:

  • Add wp.frac() for returning the fractional part of a floating point value

  • Add support for custom native CUDA snippets using @wp.func_native decorator

  • Add support for batched matmul with batch size > 2^16-1

  • Add support for transposed CUTLASS wp.matmul() and additional error checking

  • Add support for quad and hex meshes in wp.fem

  • Detect and warn when C++ runtime doesn’t match compiler during build, e.g.: version `GLIBCXX_3.4.30' not found

  • Documentation update for wp.BVH

  • Documentation and simplified API for runtime kernel specialization wp.Kernel

1.0.0-beta.4 - 2023-11-01

  • Add wp.cbrt() for cube root calculation

  • Add wp.mesh_furthest_point_no_sign() to compute furthest point on a surface from a query point

  • Add support for GPU BVH builds, 10-100x faster than CPU builds for large meshes

  • Add support for chained comparisons, i.e.: 0 < x < 2

  • Add support for running wp.fem examples headless

  • Fix for unit test determinism

  • Fix for possible GC collection of array during graph capture

  • Fix for wp.utils.array_sum() output initialization when used with vector types

  • Coverage and documentation updates

1.0.0-beta.3 - 2023-10-19

  • Add support for code coverage scans (, coverage at 85% in omni.warp.core

  • Add support for named component access for vector types, e.g.: a = v.x

  • Add support for lvalue expressions, e.g.: array[i] += b

  • Add casting constructors for matrix and vector types

  • Add support for type() operator that can be used to return type inside kernels

  • Add support for grid-stride kernels to support kernels with > 2^31-1 thread blocks

  • Fix for multi-process initialization warnings

  • Fix alignment issues with empty wp.struct

  • Fix for return statement warning with tuple-returning functions

  • Fix for wp.batched_matmul() registering the wrong function in the Tape

  • Fix and document for wp.sim forward + inverse kinematics

  • Fix for wp.func to return a default value if function does not return on all control paths

  • Refactor wp.fem support for new basis functions, decoupled function spaces

  • Optimizations for wp.noise functions, up to 10x faster in most cases

  • Optimizations for type_size_in_bytes() used in array construction’

Breaking Changes

  • To support grid-stride kernels, wp.tid() can no longer be called inside wp.func functions.

1.0.0-beta.2 - 2023-09-01

  • Fix for passing bool into wp.func functions

  • Fix for deprecation warnings appearing on stderr, now redirected to stdout

  • Fix for using for i in wp.hash_grid_query(..) syntax

1.0.0-beta.1 - 2023-08-29

  • Fix for wp.float16 being passed as kernel arguments

  • Fix for compile errors with kernels using structs in backward pass

  • Fix for wp.Mesh.refit() not being CUDA graph capturable due to synchronous temp. allocs

  • Fix for dynamic texture example flickering / MGPU crashes demo in Kit by reusing ui.DynamicImageProvider instances

  • Fix for a regression that disabled bundle change tracking in samples

  • Fix for incorrect surface velocities when meshes are deforming in OgnClothSimulate

  • Fix for incorrect lower-case when setting USD stage “up_axis” in examples

  • Fix for incompatible gradient types when wrapping PyTorch tensor as a vector or matrix type

  • Fix for adding open edges when building cloth constraints from meshes in wp.sim.ModelBuilder.add_cloth_mesh()

  • Add support for wp.fabricarray to directly access Fabric data from Warp kernels, see for examples

  • Add support for user defined gradient functions, see @wp.func_replay, and @wp.func_grad decorators

  • Add support for more OG attribute types in omni.warp.from_omni_graph()

  • Add support for creating NanoVDB wp.Volume objects from dense NumPy arrays

  • Add support for wp.volume_sample_grad_f() which returns the value + gradient efficiently from an NVDB volume

  • Add support for LLVM fp16 intrinsics for half-precision arithmetic

  • Add implementation of stochastic gradient descent, see wp.optim.SGD

  • Add wp.fem framework for solving weak-form PDE problems (see

  • Optimizations for omni.warp extension load time (2.2s to 625ms cold start)

  • Make all omni.ui dependencies optional so that Warp unit tests can run headless

  • Deprecation of wp.tid() outside of kernel functions, users should pass tid() values to wp.func functions explicitly

  • Deprecation of wp.sim.Model.flatten() for returning all contained tensors from the model

  • Add support for clamping particle max velocity in wp.sim.Model.particle_max_velocity

  • Remove dependency on urdfpy package, improve MJCF parser handling of default values

0.10.1 - 2023-07-25

  • Fix for large multidimensional kernel launches (> 2^32 threads)

  • Fix for module hashing with generics

  • Fix for unrolling loops with break or continue statements (will skip unrolling)

  • Fix for passing boolean arguments to (previously ignored)

  • Fix build warnings on Linux

  • Fix for creating array of structs from NumPy structured array

  • Fix for regression on kernel load times in Kit when using wp.sim

  • Update wp.array.reshape() to handle -1 dimensions

  • Update margin used by for mesh queries when using wp.sim.create_soft_body_contacts()

  • Improvements to gradient handling with wp.from_torch(), wp.to_torch() plus documentation

0.10.0 - 2023-07-05

  • Add support for macOS universal binaries (x86 + aarch64) for M1+ support

  • Add additional methods for SDF generation please see the following new methods:

    • wp.mesh_query_point_nosign() - closest point query with no sign determination

    • wp.mesh_query_point_sign_normal() - closest point query with sign from angle-weighted normal

    • wp.mesh_query_point_sign_winding_number() - closest point query with fast winding number sign determination

  • Add CSR/BSR sparse matrix support, see wp.sparse module:

    • wp.sparse.BsrMatrix

    • wp.sparse.bsr_zeros(), wp.sparse.bsr_set_from_triplets() for construction

    • wp.sparse.bsr_mm(), wp.sparse_bsr_mv() for matrix-matrix and matrix-vector products respectively

  • Add array-wide utilities:

    • wp.utils.array_scan() - prefix sum (inclusive or exclusive)

    • wp.utils.array_sum() - sum across array

    • wp.utils.radix_sort_pairs() - in-place radix sort (key,value) pairs

  • Add support for calling @wp.func functions from Python (outside of kernel scope)

  • Add support for recording kernel launches using a wp.Launch object that can be replayed with low overhead, use wp.launch(..., record_cmd=True) to generate a command object

  • Optimizations for wp.struct kernel arguments, up to 20x faster launches for kernels with large structs or number of params

  • Refresh USD samples to use bundle based workflow + change tracking

  • Add Python API for manipulating mesh and point bundle data in OmniGraph, see omni.warp.nodes module, see omni.warp.nodes.mesh_create_bundle(), omni.warp.nodes.mesh_get_points(), etc

  • Improvements to wp.array:

    • Fix a number of array methods misbehaving with empty arrays

    • Fix a number of bugs and memory leaks related to gradient arrays

    • Fix array construction when creating arrays in pinned memory from a data source in pageable memory

    • wp.empty() no longer zeroes-out memory and returns an uninitialized array, as intended

    • array.zero_() and array.fill_() work with non-contiguous arrays

    • Support wrapping non-contiguous NumPy arrays without a copy

    • Support preserving the outer dimensions of NumPy arrays when wrapping them as Warp arrays of vector or matrix types

    • Improve PyTorch and DLPack interop with Warp arrays of arbitrary vectors and matrices

    • array.fill_() can now take lists or other sequences when filling arrays of vectors or matrices, e.g. arr.fill_([[1, 2], [3, 4]])

    • array.fill_() now works with arrays of structs (pass a struct instance)

    • wp.copy() gracefully handles copying between non-contiguous arrays on different devices

    • Add wp.full() and wp.full_like(), e.g., a = wp.full(shape, value)

    • Add optional device argument to wp.empty_like(), wp.zeros_like(), wp.full_like(), and wp.clone()

    • Add indexedarray methods .zero_(), .fill_(), and .assign()

    • Fix indexedarray methods .numpy() and .list()

    • Fix array.list() to work with arrays of any Warp data type

    • Fix array.list() synchronization issue with CUDA arrays

    • array.numpy() called on an array of structs returns a structured NumPy array with named fields

    • Improve the performance of creating arrays

  • Fix for Error: No module named 'omni.warp.core' when running some Kit configurations (e.g.: stubgen)

  • Fix for wp.struct instance address being included in module content hash

  • Fix codegen with overridden function names

  • Fix for kernel hashing so it occurs after code generation and before loading to fix a bug with stale kernel cache

  • Fix for wp.BVH.refit() when executed on the CPU

  • Fix adjoint of wp.struct constructor

  • Fix element accessors for wp.float16 vectors and matrices in Python

  • Fix wp.float16 members in structs

  • Remove deprecated wp.ScopedCudaGuard(), please use wp.ScopedDevice() instead

0.9.0 - 2023-06-01

  • Add support for in-place modifications to vector, matrix, and struct types inside kernels (will warn during backward pass with wp.verbose if using gradients)

  • Add support for step-through VSCode debugging of kernel code with standalone LLVM compiler, see wp.breakpoint(), and

  • Add support for default values on built-in functions

  • Add support for multi-valued @wp.func functions

  • Add support for pass, continue, and break statements

  • Add missing __sincos_stret symbol for macOS

  • Add support for gradient propagation through wp.Mesh.points, and other cases where arrays are passed to native functions

  • Add support for Python @ operator as an alias for wp.matmul()

  • Add XPBD support for particle-particle collision

  • Add support for individual particle radii: ModelBuilder.add_particle has a new radius argument, Model.particle_radius is now a Warp array

  • Add per-particle flags as a Model.particle_flags Warp array, introduce PARTICLE_FLAG_ACTIVE to define whether a particle is being simulated and participates in contact dynamics

  • Add support for Python bitwise operators &, |, ~, <<, >>

  • Switch to using standalone LLVM compiler by default for cpu devices

  • Split omni.warp into omni.warp.core for Omniverse applications that want to use the Warp Python module with minimal additional dependencies

  • Disable kernel gradient generation by default inside Omniverse for improved compile times

  • Fix for bounds checking on element access of vector/matrix types

  • Fix for stream initialization when a custom (non-primary) external CUDA context has been set on the calling thread

  • Fix for duplicate @wp.struct registration during hot reload

  • Fix for array unot() operator so kernel writers can use if not array: syntax

  • Fix for case where dynamic loops are nested within unrolled loops

  • Change wp.hash_grid_point_id() now returns -1 if the wp.HashGrid has not been reserved before

  • Deprecate wp.Model.soft_contact_distance which is now replaced by wp.Model.particle_radius

  • Deprecate single scalar particle radius (should be a per-particle array)

0.8.2 - 2023-04-21

  • Add ModelBuilder.soft_contact_max to control the maximum number of soft contacts that can be registered. Use Model.allocate_soft_contacts(new_count) to change count on existing Model objects.

  • Add support for bool parameters

  • Add support for logical boolean operators with int types

  • Fix for wp.quat() default constructor

  • Fix conditional reassignments

  • Add sign determination using angle weighted normal version of wp.mesh_query_point() as wp.mesh_query_sign_normal()

  • Add sign determination using winding number of wp.mesh_query_point() as wp.mesh_query_sign_winding_number()

  • Add query point without sign determination wp.mesh_query_no_sign()

0.8.1 - 2023-04-13

  • Fix for regression when passing flattened numeric lists as matrix arguments to kernels

  • Fix for regressions when passing wp.struct types with uninitialized (None) member attributes

0.8.0 - 2023-04-05

  • Add Texture Write node for updating dynamic RTX textures from Warp kernels / nodes

  • Add multi-dimensional kernel support to Warp Kernel Node

  • Add wp.load_module() to pre-load specific modules (pass recursive=True to load recursively)

  • Add wp.poisson() for sampling Poisson distributions

  • Add support for UsdPhysics schema see wp.sim.parse_usd()

  • Add XPBD rigid body implementation plus diff. simulation examples

  • Add support for standalone CPU compilation (no host-compiler) with LLVM backed, enable with --standalone build option

  • Add support for per-timer color in wp.ScopedTimer()

  • Add support for row-based construction of matrix types outside of kernels

  • Add support for setting and getting row vectors for Python matrices, see matrix.get_row(), matrix.set_row()

  • Add support for instantiating wp.struct types within kernels

  • Add support for indexed arrays, slice = array[indices] will now generate a sparse slice of array data

  • Add support for generic kernel params, use def compute(param: Any):

  • Add support for with wp.ScopedDevice("cuda") as device: syntax (same for wp.ScopedStream(), wp.Tape())

  • Add support for creating custom length vector/matrices inside kernels, see wp.vector(), and wp.matrix()

  • Add support for creating identity matrices in kernels with, e.g.: I = wp.identity(n=3, dtype=float)

  • Add support for unary plus operator (wp.pos())

  • Add support for wp.constant variables to be used directly in Python without having to use .val member

  • Add support for nested wp.struct types

  • Add support for returning wp.struct from functions

  • Add --quick build for faster local dev. iteration (uses a reduced set of SASS arches)

  • Add optional requires_grad parameter to wp.from_torch() to override gradient allocation

  • Add type hints for generic vector / matrix types in Python stubs

  • Add support for custom user function recording in wp.Tape()

  • Add support for registering CUTLASS wp.matmul() with tape backward pass

  • Add support for grids with > 2^31 threads (each dimension may be up to INT_MAX in length)

  • Add CPU fallback for wp.matmul()

  • Optimizations for wp.launch(), up to 3x faster launches in common cases

  • Fix wp.randf() conversion to float to reduce bias for uniform sampling

  • Fix capture of wp.func and wp.constant types from inside Python closures

  • Fix for CUDA on WSL

  • Fix for matrices in structs

  • Fix for transpose indexing for some non-square matrices

  • Enable Python faulthandler by default

  • Update to VS2019

Breaking Changes

  • wp.constant variables can now be treated as their true type, accessing the underlying value through constant.val is no longer supported

  • wp.sim.model.ground_plane is now a wp.array to support gradient, users should call builder.set_ground_plane() to create the ground

  • wp.sim capsule, cones, and cylinders are now aligned with the default USD up-axis

0.7.2 - 2023-02-15

  • Reduce test time for vec/math types

  • Clean-up CUDA disabled build pipeline

  • Remove extension.gen.toml to make Kit packages Python version independent

  • Handle additional cases for array indexing inside Python

0.7.1 - 2023-02-14

  • Disabling some slow tests for Kit

  • Make unit tests run on first GPU only by default

0.7.0 - 2023-02-13

  • Add support for arbitrary length / type vector and matrices e.g.: wp.vec(length=7, dtype=wp.float16), see wp.vec(), and wp.mat()

  • Add support for array.flatten(), array.reshape(), and array.view() with NumPy semantics

  • Add support for slicing wp.array types in Python

  • Add wp.from_ptr() helper to construct arrays from an existing allocation

  • Add support for break statements in ranged-for and while loops (backward pass support currently not implemented)

  • Add built-in mathematic constants, see wp.pi, wp.e, wp.log2e, etc.

  • Add built-in conversion between degrees and radians, see wp.degrees(), wp.radians()

  • Add security pop-up for Kernel Node

  • Improve error handling for kernel return values

0.6.3 - 2023-01-31

  • Add DLPack utilities, see wp.from_dlpack(), wp.to_dlpack()

  • Add Jax utilities, see wp.from_jax(), wp.to_jax(), wp.device_from_jax(), wp.device_to_jax()

  • Fix for Linux Kit extensions OM-80132, OM-80133

0.6.2 - 2023-01-19

  • Updated wp.from_torch() to support more data types

  • Updated wp.from_torch() to automatically determine the target Warp data type if not specified

  • Updated wp.from_torch() to support non-contiguous tensors with arbitrary strides

  • Add CUTLASS integration for dense GEMMs, see wp.matmul() and wp.matmul_batched()

  • Add QR and Eigen decompositions for mat33 types, see wp.qr3(), and wp.eig3()

  • Add default (zero) constructors for matrix types

  • Add a flag to suppress all output except errors and warnings (set wp.config.quiet = True)

  • Skip recompilation when Kernel Node attributes are edited

  • Allow optional attributes for Kernel Node

  • Allow disabling backward pass code-gen on a per-kernel basis, use @wp.kernel(enable_backward=False)

  • Replace Python imp package with importlib

  • Fix for quaternion slerp gradients (wp.quat_slerp())

0.6.1 - 2022-12-05

  • Fix for non-CUDA builds

  • Fix strides computation in array_t constructor, fixes a bug with accessing mesh indices through mesh.indices[]

  • Disable backward pass code generation for kernel node (4-6x faster compilation)

  • Switch to linbuild for universal Linux binaries (affects TeamCity builds only)

0.6.0 - 2022-11-28

  • Add support for CUDA streams, see wp.Stream, wp.get_stream(), wp.set_stream(), wp.synchronize_stream(), wp.ScopedStream

  • Add support for CUDA events, see wp.Event, wp.record_event(), wp.wait_event(), wp.wait_stream(), wp.Stream.record_event(), wp.Stream.wait_event(), wp.Stream.wait_stream()

  • Add support for PyTorch stream interop, see wp.stream_from_torch(), wp.stream_to_torch()

  • Add support for allocating host arrays in pinned memory for asynchronous data transfers, use wp.array(..., pinned=True) (default is non-pinned)

  • Add support for direct conversions between all scalar types, e.g.: x = wp.uint8(wp.float64(3.0))

  • Add per-module option to enable fast math, use wp.set_module_options({"fast_math": True}), fast math is now disabled by default

  • Add support for generating CUBIN kernels instead of PTX on systems with older drivers

  • Add user preference options for CUDA kernel output (“ptx” or “cubin”, e.g.: wp.config.cuda_output = "ptx" or per-module wp.set_module_options({"cuda_output": "ptx"}))

  • Add kernel node for OmniGraph

  • Add wp.quat_slerp(), wp.quat_to_axis_angle(), wp.rotate_rodriquez() and adjoints for all remaining quaternion operations

  • Add support for unrolling for-loops when range is a wp.constant

  • Add support for arithmetic operators on built-in vector / matrix types outside of wp.kernel

  • Add support for multiple solution variables in wp.optim Adam optimization

  • Add nested attribute support for wp.struct attributes

  • Add missing adjoint implementations for spatial math types, and document all functions with missing adjoints

  • Add support for retrieving NanoVDB tiles and voxel size, see wp.Volume.get_tiles(), and wp.Volume.get_voxel_size()

  • Add support for store operations on integer NanoVDB volumes, see wp.volume_store_i()

  • Expose wp.Mesh points, indices, as arrays inside kernels, see wp.mesh_get()

  • Optimizations for wp.array construction, 2-3x faster on average

  • Optimizations for URDF import

  • Fix various deployment issues by statically linking with all CUDA libs

  • Update to CUDA Toolkit 11.5

0.5.1 - 2022-11-01

  • Fix for unit tests in Kit

0.5.0 - 2022-10-31

  • Add smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) example, see

  • Add support for accessing array.shape inside kernels, e.g.: width = arr.shape[0]

  • Add dependency tracking to hot-reload modules if dependencies were modified

  • Add lazy acquisition of CUDA kernel contexts (save ~300Mb of GPU memory in MGPU environments)

  • Add BVH object, see wp.Bvh and bvh_query_ray(), bvh_query_aabb() functions

  • Add component index operations for spatial_vector, spatial_matrix types

  • Add wp.lerp() and wp.smoothstep() builtins

  • Add wp.optim module with implementation of the Adam optimizer for float and vector types

  • Add support for transient Python modules (fix for Houdini integration)

  • Add wp.length_sq(), wp.trace() for vector / matrix types respectively

  • Add missing adjoints for wp.quat_rpy(), wp.determinant()

  • Add wp.atomic_min(), wp.atomic_max() operators

  • Add vectorized version of wp.sim.model.add_cloth_mesh()

  • Add NVDB volume allocation API, see wp.Volume.allocate(), and wp.Volume.allocate_by_tiles()

  • Add NVDB volume write methods, see wp.volume_store_i(), wp.volume_store_f(), wp.volume_store_v()

  • Add MGPU documentation

  • Add example showing how to compute Jacobian of multiple environments in parallel, see

  • Add support for wp.struct types

  • Make SampleBrowser an optional dependency for Kit extension

  • Make wp.Mesh object accept both 1d and 2d arrays of face vertex indices

  • Fix for reloading of class member kernel / function definitions using importlib.reload()

  • Fix for hashing of wp.constants() not invalidating kernels

  • Fix for reload when multiple .ptx versions are present

  • Improved error reporting during code-gen

0.4.3 - 2022-09-20

  • Update all samples to use GPU interop path by default

  • Fix for arrays > 2GB in length

  • Add support for per-vertex USD mesh colors with wp.render class

0.4.2 - 2022-09-07

  • Register Warp samples to the sample browser in Kit

  • Add NDEBUG flag to release mode kernel builds

  • Fix for particle solver node when using a large number of particles

  • Fix for broken cameras in Warp sample scenes

0.4.1 - 2022-08-30

  • Add geometry sampling methods, see wp.sample_unit_cube(), wp.sample_unit_disk(), etc

  • Add wp.lower_bound() for searching sorted arrays

  • Add an option for disabling code-gen of backward pass to improve compilation times, see wp.set_module_options({"enable_backward": False}), True by default

  • Fix for using Warp from Script Editor or when module does not have a __file__ attribute

  • Fix for hot reload of modules containing wp.func() definitions

  • Fix for debug flags not being set correctly on CUDA when wp.config.mode == "debug", this enables bounds checking on CUDA kernels in debug mode

  • Fix for code gen of functions that do not return a value

0.4.0 - 2022-08-09

  • Fix for FP16 conversions on GPUs without hardware support

  • Fix for runtime = None errors when reloading the Warp module

  • Fix for PTX architecture version when running with older drivers, see wp.config.ptx_target_arch

  • Fix for USD imports from, defer them to individual functions that need them

  • Fix for robustness issues with sign determination for wp.mesh_query_point()

  • Fix for wp.HashGrid memory leak when creating/destroying grids

  • Add CUDA version checks for toolkit and driver

  • Add support for cross-module @wp.struct references

  • Support running even if CUDA initialization failed, use wp.is_cuda_available() to check availability

  • Statically linking with the CUDA runtime library to avoid deployment issues

Breaking Changes

  • Removed wp.runtime reference from the top-level module, as it should be considered private

0.3.2 - 2022-07-19

  • Remove Torch import from, defer import to wp.from_torch(), wp.to_torch()

0.3.1 - 2022-07-12

  • Fix for marching cubes reallocation after initialization

  • Add support for closest point between line segment tests, see wp.closest_point_edge_edge() builtin

  • Add support for per-triangle elasticity coefficients in simulation, see wp.sim.ModelBuilder.add_cloth_mesh()

  • Add support for specifying default device, see wp.set_device(), wp.get_device(), wp.ScopedDevice

  • Add support for multiple GPUs (e.g., "cuda:0", "cuda:1"), see wp.get_cuda_devices(), wp.get_cuda_device_count(), wp.get_cuda_device()

  • Add support for explicitly targeting the current CUDA context using device alias "cuda"

  • Add support for using arbitrary external CUDA contexts, see wp.map_cuda_device(), wp.unmap_cuda_device()

  • Add PyTorch device aliasing functions, see wp.device_from_torch(), wp.device_to_torch()

Breaking Changes

  • A CUDA device is used by default, if available (aligned with wp.get_preferred_device())

  • wp.ScopedCudaGuard is deprecated, use wp.ScopedDevice instead

  • wp.synchronize() now synchronizes all devices; for finer-grained control, use wp.synchronize_device()

  • Device alias "cuda" now refers to the current CUDA context, rather than a specific device like "cuda:0" or "cuda:1"

0.3.0 - 2022-07-08

  • Add support for FP16 storage type, see wp.float16

  • Add support for per-dimension byte strides, see wp.array.strides

  • Add support for passing Python classes as kernel arguments, see @wp.struct decorator

  • Add additional bounds checks for builtin matrix types

  • Add additional floating point checks, see wp.config.verify_fp

  • Add interleaved user source with generated code to aid debugging

  • Add generalized GPU marching cubes implementation, see wp.MarchingCubes class

  • Add additional scalar*matrix vector operators

  • Add support for retrieving a single row from builtin types, e.g.: r = m33[i]

  • Add wp.log2() and wp.log10() builtins

  • Add support for quickly instancing wp.sim.ModelBuilder objects to improve env. creation performance for RL

  • Remove custom CUB version and improve compatibility with CUDA 11.7

  • Fix to preserve external user-gradients when calling

  • Fix to only allocate gradient of a Torch tensor if requires_grad=True

  • Fix for missing wp.mat22 constructor adjoint

  • Fix for ray-cast precision in edge case on GPU (watertightness issue)

  • Fix for kernel hot-reload when definition changes

  • Fix for NVCC warnings on Linux

  • Fix for generated function names when kernels are defined as class functions

  • Fix for reload of generated CPU kernel code on Linux

  • Fix for example scripts to output USD at 60 timecodes per-second (better Kit compatibility)

0.2.3 - 2022-06-13

  • Fix for incorrect 4d array bounds checking

  • Fix for wp.constant changes not updating module hash

  • Fix for stale CUDA kernel cache when CPU kernels launched first

  • Array gradients are now allocated along with the arrays and accessible as wp.array.grad, users should take care to always call to clear gradients between different invocations of wp.Tape.backward()

  • Added wp.array.fill_() to set all entries to a scalar value (4-byte values only currently)

Breaking Changes

  • Tape capture option has been removed, users can now capture tapes inside existing CUDA graphs (e.g.: inside Torch)

  • Scalar loss arrays should now explicitly set requires_grad=True at creation time

0.2.2 - 2022-05-30

  • Fix for from import * inside Warp initialization

  • Fix for body space velocity when using deforming Mesh objects with scale

  • Fix for noise gradient discontinuities affecting wp.curlnoise()

  • Fix for wp.from_torch() to correctly preserve shape

  • Fix for URDF parser incorrectly passing density to scale parameter

  • Optimizations for startup time from 3s -> 0.3s

  • Add support for custom kernel cache location, Warp will now store generated binaries in the user’s application directory

  • Add support for cross-module function references, e.g.: call another modules @wp.func functions

  • Add support for overloading @wp.func functions based on argument type

  • Add support for calling built-in functions directly from Python interpreter outside kernels (experimental)

  • Add support for auto-complete and docstring lookup for builtins in IDEs like VSCode, PyCharm, etc

  • Add support for doing partial array copies, see wp.copy() for details

  • Add support for accessing mesh data directly in kernels, see wp.mesh_get_point(), wp.mesh_get_index(), wp.mesh_eval_face_normal()

  • Change to only compile for targets where kernel is launched (e.g.: will not compile CPU unless explicitly requested)

Breaking Changes

  • Builtin methods such as wp.quat_identity() now call the Warp native implementation directly and will return a wp.quat object instead of NumPy array

  • NumPy implementations of many builtin methods have been moved to wp.utils and will be deprecated

  • Local @wp.func functions should not be namespaced when called, e.g.: previously wp.myfunc() would work even if myfunc() was not a builtin

  • Removed wp.rpy2quat(), please use wp.quat_rpy() instead

0.2.1 - 2022-05-11

  • Fix for unit tests in Kit

0.2.0 - 2022-05-02

Warp Core

  • Fix for unrolling loops with negative bounds

  • Fix for unresolved symbol hash_grid_build_device() not found when lib is compiled without CUDA support

  • Fix for failure to load nvrtc-builtins64_113.dll when user has a newer CUDA toolkit installed on their machine

  • Fix for conversion of Torch tensors to wp.array with a vector dtype (incorrect row count)

  • Fix for warp.dll not found on some Windows installations

  • Fix for macOS builds on Clang 13.x

  • Fix for step-through debugging of kernels on Linux

  • Add argument type checking for user defined @wp.func functions

  • Add support for custom iterable types, supports ranges, hash grid, and mesh query objects

  • Add support for multi-dimensional arrays, for example use x = array[i,j,k] syntax to address a 3-dimensional array

  • Add support for multi-dimensional kernel launches, use launch(kernel, dim=(i,j,k), ... and i,j,k = wp.tid() to obtain thread indices

  • Add support for bounds-checking array memory accesses in debug mode, use wp.config.mode = "debug" to enable

  • Add support for differentiating through dynamic and nested for-loops

  • Add support for evaluating MLP neural network layers inside kernels with custom activation functions, see wp.mlp()

  • Add additional NVDB sampling methods and adjoints, see wp.volume_sample_i(), wp.volume_sample_f(), and wp.volume_sample_vec()

  • Add support for loading zlib compressed NVDB volumes, see wp.Volume.load_from_nvdb()

  • Add support for triangle intersection testing, see wp.intersect_tri_tri()

  • Add support for NVTX profile zones in wp.ScopedTimer()

  • Add support for additional transform and quaternion math operations, see wp.inverse(), wp.quat_to_matrix(), wp.quat_from_matrix()

  • Add fast math (--fast-math) to kernel compilation by default

  • Add wp.torch import by default (if PyTorch is installed)

Warp Kit

  • Add Kit menu for browsing Warp documentation and example scenes under ‘Window->Warp’

  • Fix for example when collider is coming from Read Prim into Bundle node

Warp Sim

  • Fix for joint attachment forces

  • Fix for URDF importer and floating base support

  • Add examples showing how to use differentiable forward kinematics to solve inverse kinematics

  • Add examples for URDF cartpole and quadruped simulation

Breaking Changes

  • wp.volume_sample_world() is now replaced by wp.volume_sample_f/i/vec() which operate in index (local) space. Users should use wp.volume_world_to_index() to transform points from world space to index space before sampling.

  • wp.mlp() expects multi-dimensional arrays instead of one-dimensional arrays for inference, all other semantics remain the same as earlier versions of this API.

  • wp.array.length member has been removed, please use wp.array.shape to access array dimensions, or use wp.array.size to get total element count

  • Marking dense_gemm(), dense_chol(), etc methods as experimental until we revisit them

0.1.25 - 2022-03-20

  • Add support for class methods to be Warp kernels

  • Add HashGrid reserve() so it can be used with CUDA graphs

  • Add support for CUDA graph capture of tape forward/backward passes

  • Add support for Python 3.8.x and 3.9.x

  • Add hyperbolic trigonometric functions, see wp.tanh(), wp.sinh(), wp.cosh()

  • Add support for floored division on integer types

  • Move tests into core library so they can be run in Kit environment

0.1.24 - 2022-03-03

Warp Core

  • Add NanoVDB support, see wp.volume_sample*() methods

  • Add support for reading compile-time constants in kernels, see wp.constant()

  • Add support for cuda_array_interface protocol for zero-copy interop with PyTorch, see wp.torch.to_torch()

  • Add support for additional numeric types, i8, u8, i16, u16, etc

  • Add better checks for device strings during allocation / launch

  • Add support for sampling random numbers with a normal distribution, see wp.randn()

  • Upgrade to CUDA 11.3

  • Update example scenes to Kit 103.1

  • Deduce array dtype from np.array when one is not provided

  • Fix for ranged for loops with negative step sizes

  • Fix for 3d and 4d spherical gradient distributions

0.1.23 - 2022-02-17

Warp Core

  • Fix for generated code folder being removed during Showroom installation

  • Fix for macOS support

  • Fix for dynamic for-loop code gen edge case

  • Add procedural noise primitives, see wp.noise(), wp.pnoise(), wp.curlnoise()

  • Move simulation helpers our of test into wp.sim module

0.1.22 - 2022-02-14

Warp Core

  • Fix for .so reloading on Linux

  • Fix for while loop code-gen in some edge cases

  • Add rounding functions wp.round(), wp.rint(), wp.trunc(), wp.floor(), wp.ceil()

  • Add support for printing strings and formatted strings from kernels

  • Add MSVC compiler version detection and require minimum

Warp Sim

  • Add support for universal and compound joint types

0.1.21 - 2022-01-19

Warp Core

  • Fix for exception on shutdown in empty wp.array objects

  • Fix for hot reload of CPU kernels in Kit

  • Add hash grid primitive for point-based spatial queries, see wp.hash_grid_query(), wp.hash_grid_query_next()

  • Add new PRNG methods using PCG-based generators, see wp.rand_init(), wp.randf(), wp.randi()

  • Add support for AABB mesh queries, see wp.mesh_query_aabb(), wp.mesh_query_aabb_next()

  • Add support for all Python range() loop variants

  • Add builtin vec2 type and additional math operators, wp.pow(), wp.tan(), wp.atan(), wp.atan2()

  • Remove dependency on CUDA driver library at build time

  • Remove unused NVRTC binary dependencies (50mb smaller Linux distribution)

Warp Sim

  • Bundle import of multiple shapes for simulation nodes

  • New OgnParticleVolume node for sampling shapes -> particles

  • New OgnParticleSolver node for DEM style granular materials

0.1.20 - 2021-11-02

  • Updates to the ripple solver for GTC (support for multiple colliders, buoyancy, etc)

0.1.19 - 2021-10-15

  • Publish from 2021.3 to avoid omni.graph database incompatibilities

0.1.18 - 2021-10-08

  • Enable Linux support (tested on 20.04)

0.1.17 - 2021-09-30

  • Fix for 3x3 SVD adjoint

  • Fix for A6000 GPU (bump compute model to sm_52 minimum)

  • Fix for .dll unload on rebuild

  • Fix for possible array destruction warnings on shutdown

  • Rename spatial_transform -> transform

  • Documentation update

0.1.16 - 2021-09-06

  • Fix for case where simple assignments (a = b) incorrectly generated reference rather than value copy

  • Handle passing zero-length (empty) arrays to kernels

0.1.15 - 2021-09-03

  • Add additional math library functions (asin, etc)

  • Add builtin 3x3 SVD support

  • Add support for named constants (True, False, None)

  • Add support for if/else statements (differentiable)

  • Add custom memset kernel to avoid CPU overhead of cudaMemset()

  • Add rigid body joint model to wp.sim (based on Brax)

  • Add Linux, MacOS support in core library

  • Fix for incorrectly treating pure assignment as reference instead of value copy

  • Removes the need to transfer array to CPU before numpy conversion (will be done implicitly)

  • Update the example OgnRipple wave equation solver to use bundles

0.1.14 - 2021-08-09

  • Fix for out-of-bounds memory access in CUDA BVH

  • Better error checking after kernel launches (use wp.config.verify_cuda=True)

  • Fix for vec3 normalize adjoint code

0.1.13 - 2021-07-29

  • Remove test node

0.1.12 - 2021-07-29

  • Switch to Woop et al.’s watertight ray-tri intersection test

  • Disable –fast-math in CUDA compilation step for improved precision

0.1.11 - 2021-07-28

  • Fix for wp.mesh_query_ray() returning incorrect t-value

0.1.10 - 2021-07-28

  • Fix for OV extension fwatcher filters to avoid hot-reload loop due to OGN regeneration

0.1.9 - 2021-07-21

  • Fix for loading sibling DLL paths

  • Better type checking for built-in function arguments

  • Added runtime docs, can now list all builtins using wp.print_builtins()

0.1.8 - 2021-07-14

  • Fix for hot-reload of CUDA kernels

  • Add Tape object for replaying differentiable kernels

  • Add helpers for Torch interop (convert torch.Tensor to wp.Array)

0.1.7 - 2021-07-05

  • Switch to NVRTC for CUDA runtime

  • Allow running without host compiler

  • Disable asserts in kernel release mode (small perf. improvement)

0.1.6 - 2021-06-14

  • Look for CUDA toolchain in target-deps

0.1.5 - 2021-06-14

  • Rename OgLang -> Warp

  • Improve CUDA environment error checking

  • Clean-up some logging, add verbose mode (wp.config.verbose)

0.1.4 - 2021-06-10

  • Add support for mesh raycast

0.1.3 - 2021-06-09

  • Add support for unary negation operator

  • Add support for mutating variables during dynamic loops (non-differentiable)

  • Add support for in-place operators

  • Improve kernel cache start up times (avoids adjointing before cache check)

  • Update with requirements / examples

0.1.2 - 2021-06-03

  • Add support for querying mesh velocities

  • Add CUDA graph support, see wp.capture_begin(), wp.capture_end(), wp.capture_launch()

  • Add explicit initialization phase, wp.init()

  • Add variational Euler solver (sim)

  • Add contact caching, switch to nonlinear friction model (sim)

  • Fix for Linux/macOS support

0.1.1 - 2021-05-18

  • Fix bug with conflicting CUDA contexts

0.1.0 - 2021-05-17

  • Initial publish for alpha testing