Contribution Guide

Some ways to contribute to the development of Warp include:

  • Reporting bugs and requesting new features on GitHub.

  • Asking questions, sharing your work, or participating in discussion threads on GitHub (preferred) or Discord.

  • Adding new examples to the Warp repository.

  • Documentation improvements.

  • Contributing bug fixes or new features.

Code Contributions

Code contributions from the community are welcome and are taken under the terms described in the Feedback section of

Contributors are encouraged to first open an issue on GitHub to discuss proposed feature contributions and gauge potential interest.


  1. Create a fork of the Warp GitHub repository by visiting

  2. Clone your fork on your local machine, e.g. git clone

  3. Create a branch to develop your contribution on, e.g. git checkout -b mmacklin/cuda-bvh-optimizations.

    Use the following naming conventions for the branch name:

    • New features: username/feature-name

    • Bug fixes: bugfix/feature-name

  4. Make your desired changes.

  5. Push your branch to your GitHub fork, e.g. git push origin username/feature-name.

  6. Submit a pull request on GitHub to the main branch (Pull Request Guidelines). Work with reviewers to ensure the pull request is in a state suitable for merging.

General Coding Guidelines

  • Follow PEP 8 as the baseline for coding style, but prioritize matching the existing style and conventions of the file being modified to maintain consistency.

  • Use snake case for all function names.

  • Use Google-style docstrings for Python code.

  • Include the NVIDIA copyright header on all newly created files, updating the year to current year at the time of the initial file creation.

  • Aim for consistency in variable and function names.

    • Use the existing terminology when possible when naming new functions (e.g. use points instead of vertex_buffer).

    • Don’t introduce new abbreviations if one already exists in the code base.

    • Also be mindful of consistency and clarity when naming local function variables.

  • Avoid generic function names like get_data().

  • Follow the existing style conventions in any CUDA C++ files being modified.

  • Use both inputs and outputs parameters in wp.launch() in functions that are expected to be used in differentiable programming applications to aid in visualization and debugging tools.

Linting and Formatting

Ruff is used as the linter and code formatter for Python code in the Warp repository. The contents of pull requests will automatically be checked to ensure adherence to our formatting and linting standards.

We recommend first running Ruff locally on your branch prior to opening a pull request. From the project root, run:

pip install pre-commit
pre-commit run --all

This command will attempt to fix any lint violations and then format the code.

To run Ruff checks at the same time as git commit, pre-commit hooks can be installed by running this command in the project root:

pre-commit install

Building the Documentation

The Sphinx documentation can be built by running the following from the project root:

pip install -r docs/requirements.txt

This command also regenerates the stub file (warp/ and the reStructuredText file for the Kernel Reference page. After building the documentation, it is recommended to run a git status to check if your changes have modified these files. If so, please commit the modified files to your branch.


In the future, Warp needs to be built at least once prior to building the documentation.

Pull Request Guidelines

  • Ensure your pull request has a descriptive title that clearly states the purpose of the changes.

  • Include a brief description covering:

    • Summary of changes.

    • Areas affected by the changes.

    • The problem being solved.

    • Any limitations or non-handled areas in the changes.

    • Any existing GitHub issues being addressed by the changes.

Testing Warp

Running the Test Suite

Warp’s test suite uses the unittest unit testing framework, along with unittest-parallel to run tests in parallel.

The majority of the Warp tests are located in the warp/tests directory. As part of the test suite, most examples in the warp/examples subdirectories are tested via

After building and installing Warp (pip install -e . from the project root), run the test suite using python -m warp.tests. The tests should take 5–10 minutes to run. By default, only the test modules defined in default_suite() (in warp/tests/ are run. To run the test suite using test discovery, use python -m warp.tests -s autodetect, which will discover tests in modules matching the path warp/tests/test*.py.

Running a subset of tests

Instead of running the full test suite, there are two main ways to select a subset of tests to run. These options must be used with the -s autodetect option.

Use -p PATTERN to define a pattern to match test files. For example, to run only tests that have mesh in the file name, use:

python -m warp.tests -s autodetect -p '*mesh*.py'

Use -k TESTNAMEPATTERNS to define wildcard test name patterns. This option can be used multiple times. For example, to run only tests that have either mgpu or cuda in their name, use:

python -m warp.tests -s autodetect -k 'mgpu' -k 'cuda'

Adding New Tests

For tests that should be run on multiple devices, e.g. "cpu", "cuda:0", and "cuda:1", we recommend first defining a test function at the module scope and then using add_function_test() to add multiple test methods (a separate method for each device) to a test class.

# Copyright (c) 2024 NVIDIA CORPORATION.  All rights reserved.
# NVIDIA CORPORATION and its licensors retain all intellectual property
# and proprietary rights in and to this software, related documentation
# and any modifications thereto.  Any use, reproduction, disclosure or
# distribution of this software and related documentation without an express
# license agreement from NVIDIA CORPORATION is strictly prohibited.

import unittest

import warp as wp
from warp.tests.unittest_utils import *

def test_amazing_code_test_one(test, device):

devices = get_test_devices()

class TestAmazingCode(unittest.TestCase):

add_function_test(TestAmazingCode, "test_amazing_code_test_one", test_amazing_code_test_one, devices=devices)

if __name__ == "__main__":

If we directly run this module, we get the following output:

Warp 1.3.1 initialized:
CUDA Toolkit 12.6, Driver 12.6
    "cpu"      : "x86_64"
    "cuda:0"   : "NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3090" (24 GiB, sm_86, mempool enabled)
    "cuda:1"   : "NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3090" (24 GiB, sm_86, mempool enabled)
CUDA peer access:
    Supported fully (all-directional)
Kernel cache:
test_amazing_code_test_one_cpu (__main__.TestAmazingCode) ... ok
test_amazing_code_test_one_cuda_0 (__main__.TestAmazingCode) ... ok
test_amazing_code_test_one_cuda_1 (__main__.TestAmazingCode) ... ok

Ran 3 tests in 0.001s


Note that the output indicated that three tests were run, despite us only writing a single test function called test_amazing_code_test_one(). A closer inspection reveals that the test function was run on three separate devices: "cpu", "cuda:0", and cuda:1. This is a result of calling add_function_test() in our test script with the devices=devices argument. add_function_test() is defined in warp/tests/

A caveat of using add_function_test() is that this by itself is not sufficient to ensure that the registered test function (e.g. test_amazing_code_test_one()) is run on different devices. It is up to the body of the test to make use of the device argument in ensuring that data is allocated on and kernels are run on the intended device for the test, e.g.

def test_amazing_code_test_one(test, device):
    with wp.ScopedDevice(device):
        score = wp.zeros(1, dtype=float, requires_grad=True)


def test_amazing_code_test_one(test, device):
    score = wp.zeros(1, dtype=float, requires_grad=True, device=device)

Checking for Expected Behaviors

Due to the use of the test-registration function add_function_test(), the test parameter actually refers to the instance of the test class, which always subclasses unittest.TestCase.

The unittest library also provides methods to check that assertions are raised, as it is also important to test code paths that trigger errors. The assertRaises() and assertRaisesRegex() methods can be used to test that a block of code correctly raises an exception.

Sometimes we need to compare the contents of a Warp array with an expected result. Some functions that are helpful include:

  • assert_np_equal(): Accepts two NumPy arrays as input parameters along with an optional absolute tolerance tol defaulted to 0. If the tolerance is 0, the arrays are compared using np.testing.assert_array_equal(). Otherwise, both NumPy arrays are flattened and compared with np.testing.assert_allclose().

  • assert_array_equal(): Accepts two Warp arrays as input parameters, converts each array to a NumPy array on the CPU, and then compares the arrays using np.testing.assert_equal().

  • wp.expect_eq(): Unlike the previous two functions, the array(s) are to be compared by running a Warp kernel so the data can remain in the GPU. This is important if the array is particularly large that an element-wise comparison on the CPU would be prohibitively slow.

Skipping Tests

Warp needs to be tested on multiple operating systems including macOS, on which NVIDIA GPUs are not supported. When it is not possible for a particular test to be executed on any devices, there are some mechanisms to mark the test as skipped.

unittest provides some methods to skip a test.

If the test function is added to a test class using add_function_test(), we can pass an empty list as the argument to the device parameter.

The final common technique is to avoid calling add_function_test on a test function in order to skip it. Examples are,, and This technique is discouraged because the test is not marked as skipped in the unittest framework. Instead, the test is treated as if it does not exist. This can create a situation in which we are unaware that a test is being skipped because it does not show up under the skipped tests count (it doesn’t show up under the passed tests count, either).

Besides the situation in which a test requires CUDA, some examples for skipping tests are:

  • usd-core is not installed in the current environment.

  • The installed JAX version is too old.

  • Warp was not built with CUTLASS support (e.g. python –quick).

  • The system does not have at least two CUDA devices available (e.g. required for a multi-GPU test).

Tests Without a Device

Recall that we previously discussed the use of add_function_test() to register a test function so that it can be run on different devices (e.g. "cpu" and "cuda:0"). Sometimes, a test function doesn’t make use of a specific device and we only want to run it a single time.

If we still want to use add_function_test() to register the test, we can pass devices=None to indicate that the function does not make use of devices. In this case, the function will be registered only a single time to the test class passed to add_function_test().

An alternative is to avoid the use of add_function_test() altogether and define the test function inside the test class directly. Taking our previous example with TestAmazingCode, instead of the class body simply being pass, we can add a device-agnostic function:

class TestAmazingCode(unittest.TestCase):
    def test_amazing_code_no_device(self):
        self.assertEqual(True, True)

This technique can be more readable to some developers because it avoids the obfuscation of add_function_test(..., device=None). After all, add_function_test() is used to facilitate the execution of a single test function on different devices instead of having to define a separate function for each device.