
Defined in thrust/functional.h

template<typename Predicate>
unary_negate<Predicate> thrust::not1(const Predicate &pred)

not1 is a helper function to simplify the creation of Adaptable Predicates: it takes an Adaptable Predicate pred as an argument and returns a new Adaptable Predicate that represents the negation of pred. That is: if pred is an object of a type which models Adaptable Predicate, then the the type of the result npred of not1(pred) is also a model of Adaptable Predicate and npred(x) always returns the same value as !pred(x).

deprecated [Since 2.6]

See also


See also



pred – The Adaptable Predicate to negate.

Template Parameters

Predicate – is a model of Adaptable Predicate.


A new object, npred such that npred(x) always returns the same value as !pred(x).