
Perform a 2D inverse FFT


These functions are currently not supported with host-based executors (CPU)

template<typename OpA>
__MATX_INLINE__ auto matx::ifft2(OpA &&a, FFTNorm norm = FFTNorm::BACKWARD)#

Run a 2D IFFT with a cached plan

Creates a new FFT plan in the cache if none exists, and uses that to execute the 2D IFFT. Note that FFTs and IFFTs share the same plans if all dimensions match

Template Parameters:

OpA – Input operator or tensor type

  • a – Input operator

  • norm – Normalization to apply to IFFT

template<typename OpA>
__MATX_INLINE__ auto matx::ifft2(OpA &&a, const int32_t (&axis)[2], FFTNorm norm = FFTNorm::BACKWARD)#

Run a 2D IFFT with a cached plan

Creates a new IFFT plan in the cache if none exists, and uses that to execute the 2D FFT. Note that FFTs and IFFTs share the same plans if all dimensions match

Template Parameters:

OpA – Input operator or tensor data type

  • a – Input operator or tensor

  • axis – axes to perform ifft on

  • norm – Normalization to apply to IFFT


// Perform a 2D FFT from 3D tensor "in" into "out1". This is equivalent to performing the FFT
// on the last two dimension unpermuted.
(out1 = ifft2(in)).run(this->exec);
(out2 = ifft2(in, {1,2})).run(this->exec);
// Perform a 2D FFT from 3D tensor "in" into "out2" across dimensions 2, 0. This is equivalent
// to permuting the tensor before input and after output
(out1.Permute({1,2,0}) = ifft2(in.Permute({1,2,0}))).run(this->exec);
(out2 = ifft2(in, {2,0})).run(this->exec);