Reduce the closeness of two operators to a single scalar (0D) output. The output
from allclose is an int
value since boolean reductions are not available in hardware
template<typename OutType, typename InType1, typename InType2, ThreadsMode MODE>
void __MATX_INLINE__ matx::allclose(OutType dest, const InType1 &in1, const InType2 &in2, double rtol, double atol, const HostExecutor<MODE> &exec)# Find if all values are != 0
Returns a boolean value indicating whether all values in the set of inputs are non-zero. The same aggregation rules apply for input vs output tensor size and what type of reduction is done.
- Template Parameters:
OutType – Output data type
InType – Input data type
- Parameters:
dest – Destination view of output boolean
in1 – First input data to compare
in2 – Second input data to compare
rtol – Relative tolerance for comparison
atol – Absolute tolerance for comparison
exec – Single threaded host executor
template<typename OutType, typename InType1, typename InType2>
void __MATX_INLINE__ matx::allclose(OutType dest, const InType1 &in1, const InType2 &in2, double rtol, double atol, cudaExecutor exec = 0)# Find if all values are != 0
Returns a boolean value indicating whether all values in the set of inputs are non-zero. The same aggregation rules apply for input vs output tensor size and what type of reduction is done.
- Template Parameters:
OutType – Output data type
InType – Input data type
- Parameters:
dest – Destination view of output boolean
in1 – First input data to compare
in2 – Second input data to compare
rtol – Relative tolerance for comparison
atol – Absolute tolerance for comparison
exec – CUDA executor or stream ID
auto A = make_tensor<TestType>({5, 5, 5});
auto B = make_tensor<TestType>({5, 5, 5});
auto C = make_tensor<int>({});
(A = ones<TestType>(A.Shape())).run(exec);
(B = ones<TestType>(B.Shape())).run(exec);
allclose(C, A, B, 1e-5, 1e-8, exec);