Return the normalized fraction and exponent part of a complex floating point number
// Input data
auto tiv0 = make_tensor<TestType>({10});
// Output fractional/integer parts
auto tofrac_real = make_tensor<typename TestType::value_type>({10});
auto tofrac_imag = make_tensor<typename TestType::value_type>({10});
auto toint_real = make_tensor<int>({10});
auto toint_imag = make_tensor<int>({10});
// Create operators representing fractional and integer
(tiv0 = random<TestType>(tiv0.Shape(), NORMAL)).run(exec);
const auto [ofrac_real, oint_real, ofrac_imag, oint_imag] = frexpc(tiv0);
( tofrac_real = ofrac_real,
toint_real = oint_real,
tofrac_imag = ofrac_imag,
toint_imag = oint_imag).run(exec);