
Operators are the most used concept in MatX. The basics of operators are covered in the Concepts documentation. Transforms are a superset of an operator in that they define everything discussed in this document, plus more to do with transforms specifically. If you’re creating a transform operator (one that needs cache, temporary memory, etc), read this document first, then view the Transforms document. This document specifically covers the basics of operators, which are used for all element-wise operators. This example focuses on the lcollapse operator because of its simplicity, but also because it uses almost all features that an operator could use.

Generator operators#

Most of this guide can also be used to create a generator operator. Generators are simpler than the operator described below since they typically don’t take any other operators as input, and instead just generate output based on sizes/shapes. This guide can also be used to create a generator type.

User-facing functions#

Before describing what’s in an operator class, it’s important to point out that the operator class is never created directly by the user; the user-facing functions/API with a readable name create the operator object and return it from the free function. The lcollapse user function is defined as follows:

template <int DIM, typename T1>
auto __MATX_INLINE__ lcollapse(const T1 &a)
  if constexpr (DIM <= 1) {
    return a;
  else {
    return detail::LCollapseOp<DIM, T1>(a);

The lcollapse function above is what the user would call, and is what is publicly documented in the official MatX docs. The function uses an auto return type based on if constexpr so that multiple return types can be used. These functions almost always take one or more inputs where the first input is another operator, and any other inputs are extra parameters. The user functions are also host-only and may not be called on the device. The signature does not specify host/device, and the compiler will treat it as a host function. Ideally if we decide an operator is a no-op, we just return the input itself and avoid the cost of constructing and returning a new operator. This is why the first branch checks if we’re trying to collapse 1 or fewer ranks, which is a no-op in this particular case:

if constexpr (DIM <= 1) {
  return a;

The second branch is where we actually want to collapse the input, and an LCollapseOp is returned. It should be noted that the user-facing function does not need to have the same template parameters as the operator. In general, the user functions should be as simple as possible, but if there is a performance reason inside of the operator for using a template type, that should be preferred over a runtime argument.


Prefer runtime arguments on the user-facing function if there is no performance penalty, and convert to template arguments when creating the operator object.

Many operators have another overload where the second parameter is a list of axes:

template <typename InType, int D>
__MATX_INLINE__ auto max(const InType &in, const int (&dims)[D])

If it makes sense, there should always be an overload taking a list of axes since it allows the user to write cleaner code by avoiding an explicit permutation in their code. It also is trivial for a developer to add this capability. The only change needed is the function returns a permuted version of the input operator:

template <typename InType, int D>
__MATX_INLINE__ auto max(const InType &in, const int (&dims)[D])
  static_assert(D <= InType::Rank(), "reduction dimensions must be <= Rank of input");
  auto perm = detail::getPermuteDims<InType::Rank()>(dims);
  auto permop = permute(in, perm);

  return detail::MaxOp<decltype(permop), InType::Rank() - D>(permop);

In the code above the helper function detail::getPermuteDims is used to map the inputs to a permute format, and the operator is created with the permuted op.


Use static_assert with a helpful string wherever possible. Compile-time errors are always better than runtime errors, and many rank and type checks in MatX can be done at compile-time.

The last thing to mention about the user-facing function is it’s ok to define many versions of the same function with different arguments. Since C++ does not have kwargs as Python does, function overloads are the best tool for allowing the user to call your function in many ways.

Operator class#

With the user-facing function covered, the rest of this document focuses on the operator itself. It’s important to mention that the operator objects exist on both the host and device when using a device executor. This means that you cannot have any member variables that are not allowed on the device. Examples of this would be std::vector, std::shared_ptr, etc. MatX makes extensive use of NVIDIA’s CCCL library to use functions from the cuda::std namespace that are available on both the host and device, but in general, many types will not be.

Going back to the lcollapse example, the operator class LCollapseOp is defined as follows:

template <int DIM, typename T1>
class LCollapseOp : public BaseOp<LCollapseOp<DIM, T1>>
    typename detail::base_type_t<T1> op_;
    index_t size_;  // size of collapsed dim

    using matxop = bool;
    using value_type = typename T1::value_type;
    using shape_type = index_t;
    using matxoplvalue = bool;
    using self_type = LCollapseOp<DIM, T1>;

    __MATX_INLINE__ std::string str() const { return "lcollapse<" + std::to_string(DIM) + ">(" + op_.str() + ")"; }
    __MATX_INLINE__ LCollapseOp(const T1 &op) : op_(op)
      static_assert(DIM <= T1::Rank(),  "Collapse DIM must be less than or equal to Rank() of operator");
      static_assert(DIM > 1, "Must collapse multiple dims");
      static_assert(T1::Rank() >= 2, "Collapse must be called on operators with rank >= 2");

      // compute size of collapsed dimension
      size_ = 1;

      // Collapse left-most dims
#pragma unroll
      for(int i = 0 ; i < DIM; i++) {
        size_ *= op_.Size(i);

    template <typename... Is>
    __MATX_INLINE__ __MATX_DEVICE__ __MATX_HOST__ decltype(auto) operator()(Is... indices) const
      // indices coming in
      cuda::std::array<index_t, Rank()> in{indices...};  // index coming in
      cuda::std::array<index_t, T1::Rank()> out;         // index going out

#pragma unroll
      for(int i = 1; i < Rank(); i++) {
        // copy all but first input index into out array
        out[DIM + i - 1] = in[i];

      // expand first input index into DIM indices
      auto ind = in[0];
#pragma unroll
      for(int i = 0; i < DIM; i++) {
        int d = DIM - i - 1;
        out[d] = ind % op_.Size(d);
        ind /= op_.Size(d);

      return cuda::std::apply(op_, out);

    template <typename... Is>
    __MATX_INLINE__ __MATX_DEVICE__ __MATX_HOST__ decltype(auto) operator()(Is... indices)
      return cuda::std::as_const(*this).template operator()(indices...);

    static __MATX_INLINE__ constexpr __MATX_HOST__ __MATX_DEVICE__ int32_t Rank()
      return T1::Rank() - DIM + 1;

    constexpr __MATX_INLINE__ __MATX_HOST__ __MATX_DEVICE__ index_t Size(int dim) const
      if(dim == 0)  // if asking for the first dim, return collapsed size
        return size_;
      else // otherwise return the un-collapsed size from operator
        return op_.Size(DIM + dim - 1);

    __MATX_INLINE__ auto operator=(const self_type &rhs) {
      return set(*this, rhs);

    template<typename R>
    __MATX_INLINE__ auto operator=(const R &rhs) {
      if constexpr (is_matx_transform_op<R>()) {
        return mtie(*this, rhs);
      else {
        return set(*this, rhs);

    template <typename ShapeType, typename Executor>
    __MATX_INLINE__ void PreRun([[maybe_unused]] ShapeType &&shape, [[maybe_unused]] Executor &&ex) const noexcept
      if constexpr (is_matx_op<T1>()) {
        op_.PreRun(std::forward<ShapeType>(shape), std::forward<Executor>(ex));

    template <typename ShapeType, typename Executor>
    __MATX_INLINE__ void PostRun([[maybe_unused]] ShapeType &&shape, [[maybe_unused]] Executor &&ex) const noexcept
      if constexpr (is_matx_op<T1>()) {
        op_.PostRun(std::forward<ShapeType>(shape), std::forward<Executor>(ex));

The operator text above is taken directly from the lcollapse operator. The operator class should be wrapped in the matx::detail namespace, whereas the user function is only in matx::. This signals to the user that they should not be constructing this directly, nor is it documented for them to do so.

Starting from the beginning of the class:

template <int DIM, typename T1>
class LCollapseOp : public BaseOp<LCollapseOp<DIM, T1>>

A custom operator is always defined as a class with a postfix of Op. The operator class always inherits publicly from BaseOp using a CRTP where the class name and template parameters itself are passed as the type to BaseOp. Template parameters on an operator are optional and should be added on a case-by-case basis.

In the private section of the class we define our member variables:

  typename detail::base_type_t<T1> op_;
  index_t size_;  // size of collapsed dim

Almost all operators store the input operator since it’s used inside several functions. Rather than specifying the operator as type T1 directly, we use the conversion trait typename detail::base_type_t. This will ensure that if the input is a tensor_t it is converted to its base type tensor_impl_t. For all other types besides tensor_t it has no effect and is equivalent to T1. It is also common to store the size or array of sizes of the operator being defined. Storing the size allows the operator to return sizes quickly without recomputing it. More on this later.

The next section starting with the public identifier describes type traits used by MatX:

using matxop = bool;
using value_type = typename T1::value_type;
using shape_type = index_t;
using matxoplvalue = bool;
using self_type = LCollapseOp<DIM, T1>;

Starting from the top: - matxop tells MatX this is an operator. - value_type should be the output value type of this operator. Note that this is not necessarily the input type if there’s some kind of transformation. - shape_type describes the type used for the shape of the operator, and should be index_t by default. - matxoplvalue tells MatX this operator can be used in an lvalue context. More on this later. - self_type is a helper type to avoid writing the name of the operator multiple times.

It is a common source of bugs when developing an operator to define these incorrectly. Compiler errors about type conversions can usually be traced back to an incorrect definition of value_type.

The next function str defines a function used for NVTX ranges to label the name of the operator. It recursively calls the input operator(s) str() method to show a nested function call.

__MATX_INLINE__ std::string str() const { return "lcollapse<" + std::to_string(DIM) + ">(" + op_.str() + ")"; }

The constructor of the operator copies all input parameters needed, and initializes and of its member variables. The constructor is where the operator’s sizes are saved by computing it from another input.

__MATX_INLINE__ LCollapseOp(const T1 &op) : op_(op)
  static_assert(DIM <= T1::Rank(),  "Collapse DIM must be less than or equal to Rank() of operator");
  static_assert(DIM > 1, "Must collapse multiple dims");
  static_assert(T1::Rank() >= 2, "Collapse must be called on operators with rank >= 2");

  // compute size of collapsed dimension
  size_ = 1;

  // Collapse left-most dims
#pragma unroll
  for(int i = 0 ; i < DIM; i++) {
    size_ *= op_.Size(i);

The next functions are the most important functions in the operator:

template <typename... Is>
__MATX_INLINE__ __MATX_DEVICE__ __MATX_HOST__ decltype(auto) operator()(Is... indices) const
  // indices coming in
  cuda::std::array<index_t, Rank()> in{indices...};  // index coming in
  cuda::std::array<index_t, T1::Rank()> out;         // index going out

#pragma unroll
  for(int i = 1; i < Rank(); i++) {
    // copy all but first input index into out array
    out[DIM + i - 1] = in[i];

  // expand first input index into DIM indices
  auto ind = in[0];
#pragma unroll
  for(int i = 0; i < DIM; i++) {
    int d = DIM - i - 1;
    out[d] = ind % op_.Size(d);
    ind /= op_.Size(d);

  return cuda::std::apply(op_, out);

template <typename... Is>
__MATX_INLINE__ __MATX_DEVICE__ __MATX_HOST__ decltype(auto) operator()(Is... indices)
  return cuda::std::as_const(*this).template operator()(indices...);

operator() is defined on both the host and device, and is used by the executor to get values from this operator at specified indices. Most operators support arbitrary-rank inputs, and a parameter pack is used as input to reflect this. If the operator will never need more than a certain rank input, it’s also valid to only specify operator() with a fixed number of indices. In general, this should be avoided since it prevents batching and broadcasting.

The next part to note is that there is a const and a non-const version of operator() defined. If the operator will never be written to as an lvalue, it’s valid to only define the const version. Either way, the non-const version should call the const version with a cast as shown above to avoid duplicate code. These two function bodies should never differ.


Since operator() may be called on both the host and device, it’s important to make sure that it’s as performant as possible. Using extra stack memory, big loops, etc, are generally bad practice here unless there’s a good reason to do so. This function will be called by every thread in almost all cases.

The body of the operator() function should contain all the business logic your operator uses to perform the function it’s designed for. For example, lcollapse is intended to take a higher-rank operator, collapse some number of left-most dimenions, and allow accessing that new collapsed operator. To perform that function operator() indexes the higher-rank operator using indices for its own rank, which is lower. Some operators return the same rank, while others return higher ranks. It’s worth looking at an operator that’s most similar to yours to see how it might be done.

The next function describes the rank of our operator:

static __MATX_INLINE__ constexpr __MATX_HOST__ __MATX_DEVICE__ int32_t Rank()
  return T1::Rank() - DIM + 1;

The rank of the operator is its output rank. The output rank is usually based on the input operator rank, but not always. For example, a flatten operator always returns a 1D operator regardless of the input rank. Rank() is a static constexpr function since ranks in MatX are defined at compile-time currently.

constexpr __MATX_INLINE__ __MATX_HOST__ __MATX_DEVICE__ index_t Size(int dim) const
  if(dim == 0)  // if asking for the first dim, return collapsed size
    return size_;
  else // otherwise return the un-collapsed size from operator
    return op_.Size(DIM + dim - 1);

Size() defines the size of a specific dimension of our operator. Like Rank(), Size() is usually dependent on the sizes of the input operator. The function prototype on Size should be identical for all operators. Declaring it as constexpr allows it to be used in a compile-time context optionally if static tensors are used.

template<typename R>
__MATX_INLINE__ auto operator=(const R &rhs) {
  return set(*this, rhs);

If the operator provides lvalue semantics, meaning it can be assigned on the left-hand side of an expression, it must also define operator= when assigning to itself. The operator= function is identical on any operator implementing lvalue semantics.

The last functions defined are PreRun and PostRun. While these are defined in all operators, they’re only used in transform operators and will be covered in that document. For regular operators these functions can be copied and pasted from other operators:

template <typename ShapeType, typename Executor>
__MATX_INLINE__ void PreRun([[maybe_unused]] ShapeType &&shape, [[maybe_unused]] Executor &&ex) const noexcept

template <typename ShapeType, typename Executor>
__MATX_INLINE__ void PostRun([[maybe_unused]] ShapeType &&shape, [[maybe_unused]] Executor &&ex) const noexcept

With the operator class written, there are only a few loose ends to finish to make the operator useable.

  • First, the new operator should be added to matx/core/operators/operators.h as a new include.

  • Next, unit tests should be written to exercise as much functionality of the operator as possible. This include all user-facing overloads and multiple ranks. Code coverage reports can be viewed at https://coveralls.io/github/NVIDIA/MatX.

  • Lastly, documentation should be written for the new operator. Please see Creating Documentation for more information on writing documentation.