
Compute a norm of a vector. Currently L1 and L2 norms are supported.

The order parameter can be either NormOrder::L1` or NormOrder::L2`

template<typename Op>
__MATX_INLINE__ auto matx::vector_norm(const Op &op, NormOrder order = NormOrder::NONE)#

Compute a vector norm.

Computes various types of matrix and vector norms based on the order

Template Parameters:

Op – Type of input values to evaluate

  • op – Input values to evaluate

  • order – Order of norm


norm operator

template<typename Op, int D>
__MATX_INLINE__ auto matx::vector_norm(const Op &op, const int (&dims)[D], NormOrder order = NormOrder::NONE)#

Compute a vector norm.

Computes various types of vector norms based on the order

Template Parameters:

Op – Type of input values to evaluate

  • op – Input values to evaluate

  • dims – Dimensions to perform norm over

  • order – Order of norm


norm operator


(this->out_v = vector_norm(this->in_v, NormOrder::L1)).run(this->exec);
(this->out_v = vector_norm(this->in_v, NormOrder::L2)).run(this->exec);