
Outer product of two vectors

Inputs A and B may be higher rank than 1, in which case batching will occur on all other dimensions.

template<typename TensorTypeA, typename TensorTypeB>
__MATX_INLINE__ auto matx::outer(const TensorTypeA A, const TensorTypeB B, float alpha = 1.0, float beta = 0.0)#

Run an outer product on two vectors

Performs an outer product where each element of vector A is multiplied by each element of vector B to create a new matrix C. If A is length M and B is length M, C is length NxM. A and B can be batched, where each dimension other than the right-most is a batching dimension.

Template Parameters:
  • TensorTypeA – Data type of A tensor or operator

  • TensorTypeB – Data type of B tensor or operator

  • A – A input tensor or operator

  • B – B input tensor or operator

  • alpha – Scalar multiplier to apply to operator A

  • beta – Scalar multiplier to apply to operator C on input


(c = outer(a, b)).run();