
Compute a histogram of input a with bounds specified by upper and lower

template<typename InputOperator>
__MATX_INLINE__ auto matx::hist(const InputOperator &a, const typename InputOperator::scalar_type lower, const typename InputOperator::scalar_type upper)#

Compute a histogram of rows in a tensor

Computes a histogram with the given number of levels and upper/lower limits. The number of levels is one greater than the number of bins generated, and is determined by the size of the last dimension of the output tensor. Each bin contains elements falling within idx*(upper-lower)/a.out.Lsize(). In other words, each bin is as large as the difference between the upper and lower bounds and the number of bins

Template Parameters:

InputOperator – Type of histogram input

  • a – Input operator

  • lower – Lower limit

  • upper – Upper limit


(outv = hist(inv, 0.0f, 12.0f)).run();;