Chain Server
About the Chain Server
The chain server is implemented as a sample FastAPI-based server so that you can experience a Q&A chat bot. The server wraps calls made to different components and orchestrates the entire flow for all the generative AI examples.
Running the Chain Server Independently
To run the server for development purposes, run the following commands:
Build the container from source:
$ source deploy/compose/compose.env $ docker compose -f deploy/compose/rag-app-text-chatbot.yaml build chain-server
Start the container, which starts the server:
$ source deploy/compose/compose.env $ docker compose -f deploy/compose/rag-app-text-chatbot.yaml up chain-server
Open the swagger URL at
to try out the exposed endpoints.
Chain Server REST API Reference
You can view the server REST API schema from the chain server by accessing http://host-ip:8081/docs.
Alternatively, you can view the same documentation in the following section.