Multi-Reference Quantum Krylov Algorithm (H2 Example)¶
[ ]:
# Package installs
!pip install pyscf==2.6.2
!pip install openfermionpyscf==0.5
!pip install openfermion==1.6.1
import cudaq
import numpy as np
import scipy
# Single-node, single gpu
multi_gpu = False
# Single-node, multi-GPU
#cudaq.set_target("nvidia", option='mqpu,fp64')
#multi_gpu = True
# Define H2 molecule
geometry = [('H', (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)), ('H', (0.0, 0.0, 0.7474))]
hamiltonian, data = cudaq.chemistry.create_molecular_hamiltonian(
geometry, 'sto-3g', 1, 0)
electron_count = data.n_electrons
qubits_num = 2 * data.n_orbitals
spin_ham_matrix = hamiltonian.to_matrix()
e, c = np.linalg.eig(spin_ham_matrix)
# Find the ground state energy and the corresponding eigenvector
print('Ground state energy (classical simulation)= ', np.min(e), ', index= ',
min_indices = np.argmin(e)
# Eigen vector can be used to initialize the qubits
vec = c[:, min_indices]
Ground state energy (classical simulation)= (-1.1371757102406843+0j) , index= 3
# Collect coefficients from a spin operator so we can pass them to a kernel
def termCoefficients(ham: cudaq.SpinOperator) -> list[complex]:
result = []
ham.for_each_term(lambda term: result.append(term.get_coefficient()))
return result
# Collect Pauli words from a spin operator so we can pass them to a kernel
def termWords(ham: cudaq.SpinOperator) -> list[str]:
result = []
ham.for_each_term(lambda term: result.append(term.to_string(False)))
return result
coefficient = termCoefficients(hamiltonian)
pauli_string = termWords(hamiltonian)
def U_psi(qubits: cudaq.qview, dt: float, coefficients: list[complex],
words: list[cudaq.pauli_word]):
# Compute U_m = exp(-i m dt H)
for i in range(len(coefficients)):
exp_pauli(dt * coefficients[i].real, qubits, words[i])
def U_phi(qubits: cudaq.qview, dt: float, coefficients: list[complex],
words: list[cudaq.pauli_word]):
# Compute U_n = exp(-i n dt H)
for i in range(len(coefficients)):
exp_pauli(dt * coefficients[i].real, qubits, words[i])
def apply_pauli(qubits: cudaq.qview, word: list[int]):
# Add H (Hamiltonian operator)
for i in range(len(word)):
if word[i] == 1:
if word[i] == 2:
if word[i] == 3:
def qfd_kernel(dt_alpha: float, dt_beta: float, coefficients: list[complex],
words: list[cudaq.pauli_word], word_list: list[int],
vec: list[complex]):
ancilla = cudaq.qubit()
qreg = cudaq.qvector(vec)
cudaq.control(U_psi, ancilla, qreg, dt_alpha, coefficients, words)
cudaq.control(apply_pauli, ancilla, qreg, word_list)
cudaq.control(U_phi, ancilla, qreg, dt_beta, coefficients, words)
def pauli_str(pauli_word, qubits_num):
my_list = []
for i in range(qubits_num):
if str(pauli_word[i]) == 'I':
if str(pauli_word[i]) == 'X':
if str(pauli_word[i]) == 'Y':
if str(pauli_word[i]) == 'Z':
return my_list
# Define the spin-op x for real component and y for the imaginary component.
x_0 = cudaq.spin.x(0)
y_0 = cudaq.spin.y(0)
#Define parameters for the quantum Krylov space
dt = 0.5
# Dimension of the Krylov space
m_qfd = 4
# Compute the basis overlap matrix
## Single GPU:
if not multi_gpu:
# Add identity operator to compute overlap of basis
observe_op = 1.0
for m in range(qubits_num):
observe_op *= cudaq.spin.i(m)
identity_word = observe_op.to_string(False)
pauli_list = pauli_str(identity_word, qubits_num)
wf_overlap = np.zeros((m_qfd, m_qfd), dtype=complex)
for m in range(m_qfd):
dt_m = dt * m
for n in range(m, m_qfd):
dt_n = dt * n
results = cudaq.observe(qfd_kernel, [x_0, y_0], dt_m, dt_n,
coefficient, pauli_string, pauli_list, vec)
temp = [result.expectation() for result in results]
wf_overlap[m, n] = temp[0] + temp[1] * 1j
if n != m:
wf_overlap[n, m] = np.conj(wf_overlap[m, n])
## Multi-GPU
# Compute the basis overlap matrix
# Add identity operator to compute overlap of basis
observe_op = 1.0
for m in range(qubits_num):
observe_op *= cudaq.spin.i(m)
identity_word = observe_op.to_string(False)
pauli_list = pauli_str(identity_word, qubits_num)
wf_overlap = np.zeros((m_qfd, m_qfd), dtype=complex)
collect_overlap_real = []
collect_overlap_img = []
for m in range(m_qfd):
dt_m = dt * m
for n in range(m, m_qfd):
dt_n = dt * n
collect_overlap_real.append(cudaq.observe_async(qfd_kernel, x_0, dt_m, dt_n,
coefficient, pauli_string, pauli_list, vec, qpu_id=count_id))
collect_overlap_img.append(cudaq.observe_async(qfd_kernel, y_0, dt_m, dt_n,
coefficient, pauli_string, pauli_list, vec, qpu_id=count_id+2))
count += 1
tot_dim = 0
for n in range(m_qfd):
for m in range(n,m_qfd):
observe_result = collect_overlap_real[tot_dim].get()
real_val = observe_result.expectation()
wf_overlap[m, n] = real_val + img_val * 1j
if n != m:
wf_overlap[n, m] = np.conj(wf_overlap[m, n])
tot_dim += 1
# Compute the matrix Hamiltonian
## Single GPU:
if not multi_gpu:
ham_matrx = np.zeros((m_qfd, m_qfd), dtype=complex)
for m in range(m_qfd):
dt_m = dt * m
for n in range(m, m_qfd):
dt_n = dt * n
tot_e = np.zeros(2)
for coef, word in zip(coefficient, pauli_string):
pauli_list = pauli_str(word, qubits_num)
results = cudaq.observe(qfd_kernel, [x_0, y_0], dt_m, dt_n,
coefficient, pauli_string, pauli_list, vec)
temp = [result.expectation() for result in results]
temp[0] = coef.real * temp[0]
temp[1] = coef.imag * temp[1]
tot_e[0] += temp[0]
tot_e[1] += temp[1]
ham_matrx[m, n] = tot_e[0] + tot_e[1] * 1j
if n != m:
ham_matrx[n, m] = np.conj(ham_matrx[m, n])
## Multi-GPU
ham_matrx = np.zeros((m_qfd, m_qfd), dtype=complex)
for m in range(m_qfd):
dt_m = dt * m
for n in range(m, m_qfd):
dt_n = dt * n
ham_matrix_real = []
ham_matrix_imag = []
tot_e = np.zeros(2)
for coef, word in zip(coefficient, pauli_string):
pauli_list = pauli_str(word, qubits_num)
ham_matrix_real.append(cudaq.observe_async(qfd_kernel, x_0, dt_m, dt_n,
coefficient, pauli_string, pauli_list, vec, qpu_id=count_id))
ham_matrix_imag.append(cudaq.observe_async(qfd_kernel, y_0, dt_m, dt_n,
coefficient, pauli_string, pauli_list, vec, qpu_id=count_id+2))
count += 1
i = 0
for coef in coefficient:
observe_result = ham_matrix_real[i].get()
real_val = observe_result.expectation()
tot_e[0] += real_val * coef.real
tot_e[1] += img_val * coef.imag
ham_matrx[m, n] = tot_e[0] + tot_e[1] * 1j
if n != m:
ham_matrx[n, m] = np.conj(ham_matrx[m, n])
# Diagonalize the matrix
def eig(H, s):
#Solver for generalized eigenvalue problem
# HC = SCE
s_diag, u = scipy.linalg.eig(s)
s_prime = []
for sii in s_diag:
if np.imag(sii) > 1e-7:
raise ValueError(
"S may not be hermitian, large imag. eval component.")
if np.real(sii) > THRESHOLD:
X_prime = np.zeros((len(s_diag), len(s_prime)), dtype=complex)
for i in range(len(s_diag)):
for j in range(len(s_prime)):
X_prime[i][j] = u[i][j] / np.sqrt(s_prime[j])
H_prime = (((X_prime.conjugate()).transpose()).dot(H)).dot(X_prime)
e_prime, C_prime = scipy.linalg.eig(H_prime)
C =
return e_prime, C
eigen_value, eigen_vect = eig(ham_matrx[0:m_qfd, 0:m_qfd], wf_overlap[0:m_qfd,
print('Energy from QFD:')
Energy from QFD: