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class'gec00', cache=True, verbose=True)[source]#

The Global Ensemble Forecast System (GEFS) forecast source is a 30 member ensemble forecast provided on an 0.25 degree equirectangular grid. GEFS is a weather forecast model developed by National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP). This data source provides the select variables of GEFS served on a higher resolution grid t 6-hour intervals spanning from Sept 23rd 2020 to present date. Each forecast provides 3-hourly predictions up to 10 days (240 hours) and 6 hourly predictions for another 6 days (384 hours).

  • product (str, optional) – GEFS product. Options are: control gec00 (control), gepNN (forecast member NN, e.g. gep01, gep02,…), by default “gec00”

  • cache (bool, optional) – Cache data source on local memory, by default True

  • verbose (bool, optional) – Print download progress, by default True


This is a remote data source and can potentially download a large amount of data to your local machine for large requests.


Some variables in the GEFS lexicon may not be available at lead time 0. Consult GEFS documentation for additional information.


NCEP only provides a small subset of variables on the higher resoluton 0.25 degree grid. For a larger selection, use the standard GEFS data source.

__call__(time, lead_time, variable)#

Retrieve GEFS ensemble forecast data

  • time (datetime | list[datetime] | TimeArray) – Timestamps to return data for (UTC).

  • lead_time (timedelta | list[timedelta] | LeadTimeArray) – Forecast lead times to fetch.

  • variable (str | list[str] | VariableArray) – String, list of strings or array of strings that refer to variables to return. Must be in the GEFS lexicon.


GEFS weather data array

Return type:


classmethod available(time)#

Checks if given date time is avaliable in the GEFS object store


time (datetime | np.datetime64) – Date time to access


If date time is avaiable

Return type:
