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class earth2studio.perturbation.Brown(noise_amplitude=0.05, reddening=2)[source]#

Lat/Lon 2D brown noise

  • noise_amplitude (float | Tensor, optional) – Noise amplitude, by default 0.05. If a tensor, this must be broadcastable with the input data.

  • reddening (int, optional) – Reddening in Fourier space, by default 2

__call__(x, coords)[source]#

Apply perturbation method

  • x (torch.Tensor) – Input tensor intended to apply perturbation on

  • coords (CoordSystem) – Ordered dict representing coordinate system that describes the tensor, must contain “lat” and “lon” coordinates in last two dims


Output tensor and respective coordinate system dictionary

Return type:

tuple[torch.Tensor, CoordSystem]