-, nsteps, nensemble, prognostic, data, io, perturbation, batch_size=None, output_coords={}, device=None)[source]#
Built in ensemble workflow.
- Parameters:
time (list[str] | list[datetime] | list[np.datetime64]) – List of string, datetimes or np.datetime64
nsteps (int) – Number of forecast steps
nensemble (int) – Number of ensemble members to run inference for.
prognostic (PrognosticModel) – Prognostic models
data (DataSource) – Data source
io (IOBackend) – IO object
perturbation_method (Perturbation) – Method to perturb the initial condition to create an ensemble.
batch_size (int, optional) – Number of ensemble members to run in a single batch, by default None.
output_coords (CoordSystem, optional) – IO output coordinate system override, by default OrderedDict({})
device (torch.device, optional) – Device to run inference on, by default None
perturbation (Perturbation)
- Returns:
Output IO object
- Return type: