: Models#
: Prognostic#
Prognostic models are a class of models that perform time-integration. Thus are typically used to generate forecast predictions.
Pre-trained prognostic models provided in Earth2Studio may be provided under different licenses. We encourage users to familiarize themselves with each prior to use.
Deep learning weather prediction (DLWP) prognostic model. |
FourCastNet global prognostic model. |
FengWu (operational) weather model consists of single auto-regressive model with a time-step size of 6 hours. |
FuXi weather model consists of three auto-regressive U-net transfomer models with a time-step size of 6 hours. |
Pangu Weather 24 hour model. |
Pangu Weather 6 hour model. |
Pangu Weather 3 hour model. |
Persistence model that generates a forecast by applying the identity operator on the initial condition and indexing the lead time by 6 hours. |
Spherical Fourier Operator Network global prognostic model. |
StormCast generative convection-allowing model for regional forecasts consists of two core models: a regression and diffusion model. Model time step size is 1 hour, taking as input: - High-resolution (3km) HRRR state over the central United States (99 vars) - High-resolution land-sea mask and orography invariants - Coarse resolution (25km) global state (26 vars) The high-resolution grid is the HRRR Lambert conformal projection Coarse-resolution inputs are regridded to the HRRR grid internally. |
: Diagnostic#
Diagnostic models are a class of models that do not perform time-integration. These may be used to map between weather/climate variables to other quantities of interest, used to enbable additional analysis, improve prediction accuracy, downscale, etc.
Pre-trained diagnostic models provided in Earth2Studio may be provided under different licenses. We encourage users to familiarize themselves with each prior to use.
CorrDiff is a Corrector Diffusion model that learns mappings between low- and high-resolution weather data with high fidelity. |
Climate Net diagnostic model, built into Earth2Studio. |
Precipitation AFNO diagnsotic model. |
Identity diagnostic that is coordinate insensitive. |
: Utilities#
A generic file system abstraction with local caching, uses Fsspec WholeFileCacheFileSystem to manage files. |
Batch utility decorator which can be added to prognostic and diagnostic models to help enable support for automatic batching of data. |