Earth2Studio is now OSS!, source, time, variable, lead_time=array([0], dtype='timedelta64[h]'), backend='netcdf', chunks={'variable': 1})[source]#

Utility function that can be used for building a local data store needed for an inference request. This file can then be used with the data source to load data from file. This is useful when multiple runs of the same input data is needed.

  • file_name (str) – File name of output NetCDF

  • source (DataSource) – The original data source to fetch from

  • time (list[str] | list[datetime] | list[np.datetime64]) – List of time strings, datetimes or np.datetime64 (UTC)

  • variable (VariableArray) – Strings or list of strings that refer to variables to return

  • lead_time (LeadTimeArray, optional) – Lead times to fetch for each provided time, by default np.array(np.timedelta64(0, “h”))

  • backend (Literal["netcdf", "zarr"], optional) – Storage backend to save output file as, by default “netcdf”

  • chunks (dict[str, int], optional) – Chunk sizes along each dimension, by default {“variable”: 1}

Return type:
