Earth2Studio is now OSS!

class'1990-2017_6h_1440x721.zarr', cache=True, verbose=True)[source]#

Climatology provided by WeatherBench2,

A climatology is used for e.g. computing anomaly metrics such as the ACC.
For WeatherBench 2, the climatology was computed using a running window for
smoothing (see paper and script) for each day of year and sixth hour of day.
We have computed climatologies for 1990-2017 and 1990-2019.
  • climatology_zarr_store (ClimatologyZarrStore, optional) –

    Stores within gs://weatherbench2/datasets/era5-hourly-climatology/ to select As of 05/03/2024 this is the following list of available files:

    • 1990-2017_6h_1440x721.zarr

    • 1990-2017_6h_512x256_equiangular_conservative.zarr

    • 1990-2017_6h_240x121_equiangular_with_poles_conservative.zarr

    • 1990-2017_6h_64x32_equiangular_conservative.zarr

    • 1990-2019_6h_1440x721.zarr

    • 1990-2019_6h_512x256_equiangular_conservative.zarr

    • 1990-2019_6h_240x121_equiangular_with_poles_conservative.zarr

    • 1990-2019_6h_64x32_equiangular_conservative.zarr

    by default 1990-2019_6h_1440x721.zarr

  • cache (bool, optional) – Cache data source on local memory, by default True

  • verbose (bool, optional) – Print download progress, by default True


This is a remote data source and can potentially download a large amount of data to your local machine for large requests.


Additional information on the data repository can be referenced here:

__call__(time, variable)[source]#

Function to get data.

  • time (datetime | list[datetime] | TimeArray) – Timestamps to return data for (UTC).

  • variable (str | list[str] | VariableArray) – String, list of strings or array of strings that refer to variables to return. Must be in the WeatherBench2 lexicon.


climatology data from WeatherBench climatology

Return type:
