Source code for nvtripy.backend.api.executable

# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright (c) 2024 NVIDIA CORPORATION & AFFILIATES. All rights reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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import base64
import inspect
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Sequence, Tuple, Union

import mlir_tensorrt.runtime.api as runtime
from nvtripy import export
from nvtripy.backend.mlir import Executor
from nvtripy.backend.mlir import utils as mlir_utils
from nvtripy.common.exception import raise_error
from nvtripy.frontend import Tensor
from nvtripy.utils import json as json_utils
from nvtripy.utils.types import str_from_type_annotation

# TODO(MLIR-TRT #923): Can generalize `InputInfo` and drop this class.
class ArgInfo:
    shape_bounds: Sequence[Tuple[int, int]]
    """A sequence of tuple(min, max) indicating the bounds of each dimension"""
    dtype: "nvtripy.dtype"
    """The datatype of the argument"""

# Executable.__call__ is in the hot path for benchmarks, so we would not want additional overhead
[docs] @export.public_api(document_under="compiling_code", bypass_dispatch=["__call__"]) class Executable: """ Represents a compiled executable generated by the compiler. .. seealso:: :func:`compile` """ # The constructor is intentionally undocumented because it is not meant to be called by users. # TODO(#155): output_devices is not needed after they can be queried from executable def __init__(self, executable, arg_names, output_devices): self._executable = executable self._executor = Executor(self._executable) self._arg_names = arg_names self._num_expected_args = len(arg_names) self._output_devices = output_devices self._executable_signature = self._executable.get_signature("main") # Build a signature so the executable works with `inspect.signature` params = [] for name in self._arg_names: params.append(inspect.Parameter(name, inspect.Parameter.POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD, annotation=Tensor)) return_annotation = Tensor if self._executable_signature.get_num_output_args() == 1 else Sequence[Tensor] self.__signature__ = inspect.Signature(params, return_annotation=return_annotation) @property def stream(self): return @stream.setter def stream(self, stream): = stream def __str__(self) -> str: params = [ f"{name}: {str_from_type_annotation(param.annotation)}" for name, param in self.__signature__.parameters.items() ] return f"Executable({', '.join(params)}) -> {str_from_type_annotation(self.__signature__.return_annotation)}"
[docs] @staticmethod def load(path: str) -> "nvtripy.Executable": """ Loads a executable from the provided path. Args: path: The path from which to load the exectuable. Returns: The executable object loaded from the file. .. code-block:: python :linenos: :caption: Save and load executable import os import tempfile # doc: omit def add(a, b): return a + b # doc: no-print-locals compiled_add executable_file compiled_add = tp.compile( add, args=[ tp.InputInfo(shape=((1, 2, 3),), dtype=tp.float32), tp.InputInfo(shape=((1, 2, 3),), dtype=tp.float32), ], ) out_dir = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory().name # doc: omit # Assuming `out_dir` is the directory containing the executable: executable_file = os.path.join(out_dir, "executable.json") # doc: omit assert os.path.exists(executable_file) loaded_executable = tp.Executable.load(executable_file) """ return json_utils.load(path)
[docs] def __call__(self, *args: Tensor, **kwargs: Tensor) -> Union[Tensor, Sequence[Tensor]]: """ Invokes the executable with the specified tensor arguments. Args: *args: Positional arguments. Must be of type :class:`Tensor` . **kwargs: Keyword arguments. Must be of type :class:`Tensor` . Returns: The output :class:`Tensor` s of the compiled function. .. code-block:: python :linenos: def add(a, b): return a + b # doc: no-print-locals compiled_add compiled_add = tp.compile( add, args=[ tp.InputInfo((1,), dtype=tp.float32), tp.InputInfo((1,), dtype=tp.float32), ], ) a = tp.ones((1,), dtype=tp.float32) b = tp.ones((1,), dtype=tp.float32) out = compiled_add(a, b) """ num_positional = len(args) NUM_ARGS = num_positional + len(kwargs) input_tensors = list(args) # Need to get arguments in the order of self._arg_names, which may be different from kwargs ordering. expected_kwargs = self._arg_names[num_positional:] for name in expected_kwargs: if name not in kwargs: raise_error(f"Missing argument: {name}", [f"Expected the following arguments: {self._arg_names}"]) input_tensors.append(kwargs[name]) del kwargs[name] if kwargs: raise_error( f"Extra keyword arguments: {list(kwargs.keys())}", [ f"Expected the following arguments: {self._arg_names}.\n" f"Note: The following arguments were already provided as positional arguments: {self._arg_names[:num_positional]}" ], ) # We do this after kwarg checks since those will be more informative (we can explain which arguments are missing/extra). if NUM_ARGS != self._num_expected_args: raise_error( "Incorrect number of arguments.", [ f"Expected {self._num_expected_args} arguments but got {NUM_ARGS}.\n" f"Note: Expected arguments were: {self._arg_names}", ], ) # The executor expects concrete tensors as inputs, so we need to eval() here. for tensor in input_tensors: tensor.eval() try: executor_outputs = self._executor.execute( self._output_devices, inputs=[tensor.trace_tensor for tensor in input_tensors] ) except runtime.MTRTException as err: # TODO: Evaluate whether this should be moved into the executor if "function expects a memref type with element type" in str(err): # If the problem is a mismatched data type, we can provide a better error message than the executor can. expected_input_dtypes = [info.dtype for info in self._get_input_info()] for tensor, dtype, arg_name in zip(input_tensors, expected_input_dtypes, self._arg_names): if tensor.dtype != dtype: raise_error( f"Unexpected tensor data type.", [ f"For parameter {arg_name}, expected data type: {dtype} but got: {tensor.dtype}. Note: Argument was: ", tensor, ], ) elif "InternalError: failed to set input shape" in str(err) or "Runtime shape mismatch" in str(err): expected_input_shapes = [info.shape_bounds for info in self._get_input_info()] for tensor, expected_bounds, arg_name in zip(input_tensors, expected_input_shapes, self._arg_names): shape = tensor.shape for i in range(len(shape)): if shape[i] < expected_bounds[i][0] or shape[i] > expected_bounds[i][1]: min_shape, max_shape = zip(*expected_bounds) raise_error( f"Unexpected tensor shape.", [ f"For tensor: `{arg_name}`, expected a shape within the bounds: min={min_shape}, max={max_shape}, but got: {shape}.\n" f"Dimension {i} has a shape of {shape[i]}, which is not within the expected bounds of {list(expected_bounds[i])}.\n" f"Note: The provided argument was: ", tensor, ], ) elif "Runtime stride mismatch" in str(err): # Just raise the error for now. raise raise_error(str(err)) raise output_tensors = [Tensor.create_directly(output, fetch_stack_info=False) for output in executor_outputs] if len(output_tensors) == 1: output_tensors = output_tensors[0] return output_tensors
def _get_arg_info(self, idx): arg = self._executable_signature.get_arg(idx) arg = runtime.MemRefType(arg) arg_bound = self._executable_signature.get_arg_bound(idx) shape_bounds = tuple(zip(arg_bound.min(), arg_bound.max())) if len(shape_bounds) == 0: # For static shape arguments, get_arg_bound returns an empty list and we fallback to arg.shape shape_bounds = tuple((x, x) for x in arg.shape) return ArgInfo(shape_bounds, mlir_utils.convert_runtime_dtype_to_tripy_dtype(arg.dtype)) def _get_input_info(self) -> Sequence[ArgInfo]: input_info = [] for idx in range(self._executable_signature.get_num_input_args()): input_info.append(self._get_arg_info(idx)) return input_info def _get_output_info(self) -> Sequence[ArgInfo]: output_info = [] offset = self._executable_signature.get_num_input_args() for idx in range(self._executable_signature.get_num_output_args()): output_info.append(self._get_arg_info(idx + offset)) return output_info
[docs] def save(self, path: str) -> None: """ Saves this executable to the provided path. Args: path: The path at which to save the executable. .. code-block:: python :linenos: :caption: Save executable import os import tempfile # doc: omit def add(a, b): return a + b # doc: no-print-locals compiled_add executable_file compiled_add = tp.compile( add, args=[ tp.InputInfo(shape=((1, 2, 3),), dtype=tp.float32), tp.InputInfo(shape=((1, 2, 3),), dtype=tp.float32), ], ) out_dir = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory().name # doc: omit # Assuming `out_dir` is the desired output directory: executable_file = os.path.join(out_dir, "executable.json") assert os.path.exists(executable_file) """, path)
@json_utils.Encoder.register(Executable) def encode_executable(executable): return { "arg_names": executable._arg_names, "output_devices": executable._output_devices, "executable": base64.b64encode(executable._executable.serialize()).decode(), } @json_utils.Decoder.register(Executable) def decode_executable(executable_dict): executable_bytes = base64.b64decode(executable_dict["executable"]) return Executable( runtime.Executable(executable_bytes), executable_dict["arg_names"], executable_dict["output_devices"], )