
class nvtripy.InputInfo(shape: Sequence[int | DimensionSize | Tuple[int | DimensionSize, int | DimensionSize, int | DimensionSize]], dtype: dtype)[source]

Bases: object

Captures information about an input to a compiled function.

1inp = tp.InputInfo((2, 4), dtype=tp.float32)
Local Variables
>>> inp
InputInfo(min=[2, 4], opt=[2, 4], max=[2, 4], dtype=float32)
Example: Dynamic Dimensions
1# The first dimension will support values in the range [1, 3],
2# optimizing for a size of 2.
3inp = tp.InputInfo(((1, 2, 3), 4), dtype=tp.float32)
Local Variables
>>> inp
InputInfo(min=[1, 4], opt=[2, 4], max=[3, 4], dtype=float32)