
Defined in include/cuda/experimental/__stf/utility/dimensions.cuh

template<size_t dimensions>
class box

An explicit shape is a shape or rank ‘dimensions’ where the bounds are explicit in each dimension.

Template Parameters

dimensions – the rank of the shape


Construct an explicit shape from its lower and upper bounds (inclusive lower bounds, exclusive upper bounds)

using coords_t = array_tuple<size_t, dimensions>

Construct an explicit shape from its upper bounds (exclusive upper bounds)

template<typename Int1, typename Int2>
inline box(const ::std::array<::std::pair<Int1, Int2>, dimensions> &s)

Construct an explicit shape from its upper bounds (exclusive upper bounds)

template<typename Int>
inline box(const ::std::array<Int, dimensions> &sizes)

Construct an explicit shape from its upper bounds (exclusive upper bounds)

template<typename ...Int>
inline box(Int... args)

Construct an explicit shape from its upper bounds (exclusive upper bounds)

template<typename ...E>
inline box(::std::initializer_list<E>... args)

Construct an explicit shape from its lower and upper bounds (inclusive lower bounds, exclusive upper bounds)

inline void print()

Construct an explicit shape from its upper bounds (exclusive upper bounds)

inline ::std::ptrdiff_t get_extent(size_t dim) const

Get the number of elements along a dimension.

inline ::std::ptrdiff_t get_begin(size_t dim) const

Get the first coordinate (included) in a specific dimension.

inline ::std::ptrdiff_t get_end(size_t dim) const

Get the last coordinate (excluded) in a specific dimension.

inline ::std::ptrdiff_t size() const

Get the total number of elements in this explicit shape.

inline constexpr size_t get_rank() const

get the dimensionnality of the explicit shape

inline iterator begin()

Construct an explicit shape from its upper bounds (exclusive upper bounds)

inline iterator end()

Construct an explicit shape from its upper bounds (exclusive upper bounds)

inline bool operator==(const box &rhs) const

Construct an explicit shape from its upper bounds (exclusive upper bounds)

inline bool operator!=(const box &rhs) const

Construct an explicit shape from its upper bounds (exclusive upper bounds)

inline coords_t index_to_coords(size_t index) const

Construct an explicit shape from its upper bounds (exclusive upper bounds)

class iterator

Public Functions

inline iterator(const box &b, bool at_end = false)
inline auto &operator*()
inline iterator &operator++()
inline bool operator==(const iterator &rhs) const
inline bool operator!=(const iterator &other) const