
Defined in include/cuda/experimental/__stf/utility/dimensions.cuh

class dim4 : public cuda::experimental::stf::pos4

dim4 class defining the size of a multidimensional object (default value 1 in each axis)

Public Functions

dim4() = default
inline explicit constexpr dim4(int x, int y = 1, int z = 1, int t = 1)

Create a dim4 from its extents.

inline constexpr size_t size() const

Get the total size (multiply all dimensions)

inline constexpr size_t get_index(const pos4 &p) const

Get the 1D index of a coordinate defined by a pos4 class within a dim4 class.

inline constexpr size_t get_rank() const

Get the maximum dimension that is not 1.

inline constexpr int get(size_t axis_id) const

Get the position along a specific axis.

inline constexpr int operator()(int axis_id) const

Get the position along a specific axis.

inline constexpr bool operator<(const pos4 &rhs) const

Comparison of two pos4 in lexicographical order.

inline constexpr bool operator==(const pos4 &rhs) const

Equality test between two pos4.

inline ::std::string to_string() const

Convert the pos4 to a string.

Public Members

int x = 0
int y = 0
int z = 0
int t = 0

Public Static Functions

static inline constexpr dim4 min(const dim4 &a, const dim4 &b)

Compute the dim4 class obtained by taking the minimum of two dim4 along each axis.