
Defined in include/cuda/experimental/__stf/places/places.cuh

class exec_place

Indicates where a computation takes place (CPU, dev0, dev1, …)

Currently data and computation are together (devid == int(data_place)).

Subclassed by cuda::experimental::stf::exec_place_cuda_stream, cuda::experimental::stf::exec_place_grid, cuda::experimental::stf::exec_place_host

Public Functions

exec_place() = default
inline exec_place(const data_place &affine)
inline bool operator==(const exec_place &rhs) const
inline bool operator!=(const exec_place &rhs) const
inline iterator begin()
inline iterator end()
inline ::std::string to_string() const

Returns a string representation of the execution place object.



inline const data_place &affine_data_place() const

Returns the data_place naturally associated with this execution place.

inline void set_affine_data_place(data_place place)
inline stream_pool &get_stream_pool(async_resources_handle &async_resources, bool for_computation) const
inline decorated_stream getStream(async_resources_handle &async_resources, bool for_computation) const
inline const ::std::shared_ptr<impl> &get_impl() const
inline exec_place activate(backend_ctx_untyped &state) const

Set computation to run on this place.


exec_place The previous execution place. See deactivate below.

inline void deactivate(backend_ctx_untyped &state, const exec_place &p) const

Undoes the effect of activate.

Call with the previous exec_place object returned by activate.


Undefined behavior if you don’t pass the result of activate.

inline bool is_device() const
inline bool is_grid() const
inline size_t size() const
inline exec_place_grid as_grid() const
inline size_t grid_dim(int axid_is) const
inline dim4 grid_dims() const
template<typename Fun>
inline auto operator->*(Fun &&fun) const

Execute lambda on this place.

This method accepts a functor, saves the current CUDA device, changes it to the current execution place, invokes the lambda, and finally sets the current device back to the previous one. The last step is taken even if the lambda throws an exception.

Template Parameters

Fun – A callable entity type


fun – Input functor that will be forwarded and executed


auto the result of the executed functor.

inline exec_place(::std::shared_ptr<impl> pimpl)

Public Static Functions

static inline exec_place device(int devid)
static inline exec_place_cuda_stream cuda_stream(cudaStream_t stream)
static inline exec_place_cuda_stream cuda_stream(const decorated_stream &dstream)
static inline exec_place current_device()

Returns the currently active device.



static inline exec_place_grid all_devices()
static inline exec_place_grid n_devices(size_t n, dim4 dims)
static inline exec_place_grid n_devices(size_t n)
static inline exec_place_grid repeat(const exec_place &e, size_t cnt)

Public Static Attributes

static const exec_place_host host = {}
static const exec_place device_auto = {data_place::device_auto}
class impl

Subclassed by cuda::experimental::stf::exec_place_cuda_stream::impl, cuda::experimental::stf::exec_place_grid::impl, cuda::experimental::stf::exec_place_host::impl

Public Functions

impl() = default
impl(const impl&) = delete
impl &operator=(const impl&) = delete
virtual ~impl() = default
inline explicit impl(data_place place)
inline virtual exec_place activate(backend_ctx_untyped&) const
inline virtual void deactivate(backend_ctx_untyped&, const exec_place &prev) const
inline virtual const data_place &affine_data_place() const
inline ::std::string to_string() const
inline virtual bool is_device() const
inline virtual bool is_grid() const
inline virtual size_t size() const
inline virtual void set_affine_data_place(data_place place)
inline virtual bool operator==(const impl &rhs) const
inline virtual stream_pool &get_stream_pool(async_resources_handle &async_resources, bool for_computation) const
inline decorated_stream getStream(async_resources_handle &async_resources, bool for_computation) const

Protected Functions

inline explicit impl(int devid)

Protected Attributes

data_place affine = data_place::invalid


friend class exec_place
class iterator

an iterator class which goes over all subplaces in an exec place.

This is a trivial singleton unless we have a grid of places.

Public Functions

inline iterator(::std::shared_ptr<impl> impl, size_t index)
inline exec_place operator*()

Implementation deferred because we need the definition of exec_place_grid.

inline iterator &operator++()
inline bool operator==(const iterator &other) const
inline bool operator!=(const iterator &other) const