Defined in cub/block/block_radix_rank.cuh
BlockRadixRank provides operations for ranking unsigned integer types within a CUDA thread block.
Keys must be in a form suitable for radix ranking (i.e., unsigned bits).
Assumes a blocked arrangement of (block-threads * items-per-thread) items across the thread block, where threadi owns the ith range of items-per-thread contiguous items. For multi-dimensional thread blocks, a row-major thread ordering is assumed.
Performance Considerations
Efficiency is increased with increased granularity
. Performance is also typically increased until the additional register pressure or shared memory allocation size causes SM occupancy to fall too low. Consider variants ofcub::BlockLoad
for efficiently gathering a blocked arrangement of elements across threads.
#include <cub/cub.cuh> __global__ void ExampleKernel(...) { constexpr int block_threads = 2; constexpr int radix_bits = 5; // Specialize BlockRadixRank for a 1D block of 2 threads // Specialize BlockRadixRank for a 1D block of 2 threads using block_radix_rank = cub::BlockRadixRank<block_threads, radix_bits, false>; using storage_t = typename block_radix_rank::TempStorage; // Allocate shared memory for BlockRadixSort __shared__ storage_t temp_storage; // Obtain a segment of consecutive items that are blocked across threads int keys[2]; int ranks[2]; ... cub::BFEDigitExtractor<int> extractor(0, radix_bits); block_radix_rank(temp_storage).RankKeys(keys, ranks, extractor); ...
Suppose the set of input
across the block of threads is{ [16,10], [9,11] }
. The corresponding outputranks
in those threads will be{ [3,1], [0,2] }
.- Template Parameters
BLOCK_DIM_X – The thread block length in threads along the X dimension
RADIX_BITS – The number of radix bits per digit place
IS_DESCENDING – Whether or not the sorted-order is high-to-low
MEMOIZE_OUTER_SCAN – [optional] Whether or not to buffer outer raking scan partials to incur fewer shared memory reads at the expense of higher register pressure (default: true for architectures SM35 and newer, false otherwise). See
for more details.INNER_SCAN_ALGORITHM – [optional] The cub::BlockScanAlgorithm algorithm to use (default: cub::BLOCK_SCAN_WARP_SCANS)
SMEM_CONFIG – [optional] Shared memory bank mode (default:
)BLOCK_DIM_Y – [optional] The thread block length in threads along the Y dimension (default: 1)
BLOCK_DIM_Z – [optional] The thread block length in threads along the Z dimension (default: 1)
Collective constructors
inline BlockRadixRank()
Collective constructor using a private static allocation of shared memory as temporary storage.
inline BlockRadixRank(TempStorage &temp_storage)
Collective constructor using the specified memory allocation as temporary storage.
- Parameters
temp_storage – [in] Reference to memory allocation having layout type TempStorage
template<typename UnsignedBits, int KEYS_PER_THREAD, typename DigitExtractorT>
inline void RankKeys(UnsignedBits (&keys)[KEYS_PER_THREAD], int (&ranks)[KEYS_PER_THREAD], DigitExtractorT digit_extractor) Rank keys.
- Parameters
keys – [in] Keys for this tile
ranks – [out] For each key, the local rank within the tile
digit_extractor – [in] The digit extractor
template<typename UnsignedBits, int KEYS_PER_THREAD, typename DigitExtractorT>
inline void RankKeys(UnsignedBits (&keys)[KEYS_PER_THREAD], int (&ranks)[KEYS_PER_THREAD], DigitExtractorT digit_extractor, int (&exclusive_digit_prefix)[BINS_TRACKED_PER_THREAD]) Rank keys.
For the lower
threads, digit counts for each digit are provided for the corresponding thread.- Parameters
keys – [in] Keys for this tile
ranks – [out] For each key, the local rank within the tile (out parameter)
digit_extractor – [in] The digit extractor
exclusive_digit_prefix – [out] The exclusive prefix sum for the digits [(threadIdx.x * BINS_TRACKED_PER_THREAD) … (threadIdx.x * BINS_TRACKED_PER_THREAD) + BINS_TRACKED_PER_THREAD - 1]
Public Types
struct TempStorage : public Uninitialized<_TempStorage>
The operations exposed by BlockScan require a temporary memory allocation of this nested type for thread communication. This opaque storage can be allocated directly using the
keyword. Alternatively, it can be aliased to externally allocated memory (shared or global) orunion
’d with other storage allocation types to facilitate memory reuse.