
Defined in include/cuda/experimental/__container/uninitialized_async_buffer.cuh

template<class _Tp, class ..._Properties>
class uninitialized_async_buffer

Uninitialized stream-ordered type-safe memory storage

uninitialized_async_buffer provides a typed buffer allocated in stream order from a given async memory resource. It handles alignment and release of the allocation. The memory is uninitialized, so that a user needs to ensure elements are properly constructed.

In addition to being type safe, uninitialized_async_buffer also takes a set of properties to ensure that e.g. execution space constraints are checked at compile time. However, only stateless properties can be forwarded. To use a stateful property, implement get_property(const uninitialized_async_buffer&, Property).


uninitialized_async_buffer uses stream-ordered allocation. It is the user’s responsibility to ensure the lifetime of both the provided async resource and the stream exceed the lifetime of the buffer.

Template Parameters
  • _T – the type to be stored in the buffer

  • _Properties... – The properties the allocated memory satisfies

Public Types

using value_type = _Tp
using reference = _Tp&
using const_reference = const _Tp&
using pointer = _Tp*
using const_pointer = const _Tp*
using size_type = size_t

Public Functions

inline uninitialized_async_buffer(__async_resource __mr, const ::cuda::stream_ref __stream, const size_t __count)

Constructs an uninitialized_async_buffer, allocating sufficient storage for __count elements through __mr.


Depending on the alignment requirements of T the size of the underlying allocation might be larger than count * sizeof(T). Only allocates memory when __count > 0

  • __mr – The async memory resource to allocate the buffer with.

  • __stream – The CUDA stream used for stream-ordered allocation.

  • __count – The desired size of the buffer.

uninitialized_async_buffer(const uninitialized_async_buffer&) = delete
uninitialized_async_buffer &operator=(const uninitialized_async_buffer&) = delete
inline uninitialized_async_buffer(uninitialized_async_buffer &&__other) noexcept

Move-constructs a uninitialized_async_buffer from __other.


__other – Another uninitialized_async_buffer Takes ownership of the allocation in __other and resets it

template<class ..._OtherProperties, ::cuda::std::enable_if_t<__properties_match<_OtherProperties...>, int> = 0>
inline uninitialized_async_buffer(uninitialized_async_buffer<_Tp, _OtherProperties...> &&__other) noexcept

Move-constructs a uninitialized_async_buffer from __other.


__other – Another uninitialized_async_buffer with matching properties Takes ownership of the allocation in __other and resets it

inline uninitialized_async_buffer &operator=(uninitialized_async_buffer &&__other) noexcept

Move-assigns a uninitialized_async_buffer from __other.


__other – Another uninitialized_async_buffer Deallocates the current allocation and then takes ownership of the allocation in __other and resets it

inline ~uninitialized_async_buffer()

Destroys an uninitialized_async_buffer and deallocates the buffer in stream order on the stream that was used to create the buffer.


The destructor does not destroy any objects that may or may not reside within the buffer. It is the user’s responsibility to ensure that all objects within the buffer have been properly destroyed.

inline constexpr pointer begin() noexcept

Returns an aligned pointer to the first element in the buffer.

inline constexpr const_pointer begin() const noexcept

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.

inline constexpr pointer end() noexcept

Returns an aligned pointer to the element following the last element of the buffer. This element acts as a placeholder; attempting to access it results in undefined behavior.

inline constexpr const_pointer end() const noexcept

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.

inline constexpr pointer data() noexcept

Returns an aligned pointer to the first element in the buffer.

inline constexpr const_pointer data() const noexcept

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.

inline constexpr size_type size() const noexcept

Returns the size of the buffer.

inline constexpr size_type size_bytes() const noexcept

Returns the size of the buffer in bytes.

inline const __async_resource &get_memory_resource() const noexcept

Returns a c const reference to the any_async_resource that holds the memory resource used to allocate the buffer

inline constexpr ::cuda::stream_ref get_stream() const noexcept

Returns the stored stream.

inline constexpr void change_stream(::cuda::stream_ref __new_stream)

Replaces the stored stream.


Always synchronizes with the old stream


__new_stream – the new stream

inline constexpr void change_stream_unsynchronized(::cuda::stream_ref __new_stream) noexcept

Replaces the stored stream.


This does not synchronize between __new_stream and the current stream. It is the user’s responsibility to ensure proper stream order going forward


__new_stream – the new stream