Ion Trap


Setting Credentials

Programmers of CUDA-Q may access the IonQ Quantum Cloud from either C++ or Python. Generate an API key from your IonQ account and export it as an environment variable:

export IONQ_API_KEY="ionq_generated_api_key"


First, set the ionq backend.


By default, quantum kernel code will be submitted to the IonQ simulator.


A “target” in cudaq refers to a quantum compute provider, such as ionq. However, IonQ’s documentation uses the term “target” to refer to specific QPU’s themselves.

To specify which IonQ QPU to use, set the qpu parameter.

cudaq.set_target("ionq", qpu="qpu.aria-1")

where qpu.aria-1 is an example of a physical QPU.

A list of available QPUs can be found in the API documentation. To see which backends are available with your subscription login to your IonQ account.

To emulate the IonQ machine locally, without submitting through the cloud, you can also set the emulate flag to True. This will emit any target specific compiler diagnostics, before running a noise free emulation.

cudaq.set_target('ionq', emulate=True)

The number of shots for a kernel execution can be set through the shots_count argument to cudaq.sample or cudaq.observe. By default, the shots_count is set to 1000.

cudaq.sample(kernel, shots_count=10000)

To see a complete example for using IonQ’s backends, take a look at our Python examples.

To target quantum kernel code for execution in the IonQ Cloud, pass the flag --target ionq to the nvq++ compiler.

nvq++ –target ionq src.cpp

This will take the API key and handle all authentication with, and submission to, the IonQ QPU(s). By default, quantum kernel code will be submitted to the IonQsimulator.


A “target” in cudaq refers to a quantum compute provider, such as ionq. However, IonQ’s documentation uses the term “target” to refer to specific QPU’s themselves.

To execute your kernels on a QPU, pass the --ionq-machine flag to the nvq++ compiler to specify which machine to submit quantum kernels to:

nvq++ --target ionq --ionq-machine qpu.aria-1 src.cpp ...

where qpu.aria-1 is an example of a physical QPU.

A list of available QPUs can be found in the API documentation. To see which backends are available with your subscription login to your IonQ account.

To emulate the IonQ machine locally, without submitting through the cloud, you can also pass the --emulate flag to nvq++. This will emit any target specific compiler diagnostics, before running a noise free emulation.

nvq++ --emulate --target ionq src.cpp

To see a complete example for using IonQ’s backends, take a look at our C++ examples.


Setting Credentials

Programmers of CUDA-Q may access the Quantinuum API from either C++ or Python. Quantinuum requires a credential configuration file. The configuration file can be generated as follows, replacing the email and credentials in the first line with your Quantinuum account details.

# You may need to run: `apt-get update && apt-get install curl jq`
curl -X POST -H "Content Type: application/json" \
    -d '{ "email":"<your_alias>","password":"<your_password>" }' \ > $HOME/credentials.json
id_token=`cat $HOME/credentials.json | jq -r '."id-token"'`
refresh_token=`cat $HOME/credentials.json | jq -r '."refresh-token"'`
echo "key: $id_token" >> $HOME/.quantinuum_config
echo "refresh: $refresh_token" >> $HOME/.quantinuum_config

The path to the configuration can be specified as an environment variable:

export CUDAQ_QUANTINUUM_CREDENTIALS=$HOME/.quantinuum_config


The backend to which quantum kernels are submitted can be controlled with the cudaq::set_target() function.


By default, quantum kernel code will be submitted to the Quantinuum syntax checker. Submission to the syntax checker merely validates the program; the kernels are not executed.

To execute your kernels, specify which machine to submit quantum kernels to by setting the machine parameter of the target.

cudaq.set_target('quantinuum', machine='H1-2')

where H1-2 is an example of a physical QPU. Hardware specific emulators may be accessed by appending an E to the end (e.g, H1-2E). For access to the syntax checker for the provided machine, you may append an SC to the end (e.g, H1-1SC).

For a comprehensive list of available machines, login to your Quantinuum user account and navigate to the “Account” tab, where you should find a table titled “Machines”.

To emulate the Quantinuum machine locally, without submitting through the cloud, you can also set the emulate flag to True. This will emit any target specific compiler warnings and diagnostics, before running a noise free emulation.

cudaq.set_target('quantinuum', emulate=True)

The number of shots for a kernel execution can be set through the shots_count argument to cudaq.sample or cudaq.observe. By default, the shots_count is set to 1000.

cudaq.sample(kernel, shots_count=10000)

To see a complete example for using Quantinuum’s backends, take a look at our Python examples.

To target quantum kernel code for execution in the Quantinuum backends, pass the flag --target quantinuum to the nvq++ compiler. CUDA-Q will authenticate via the Quantinuum REST API using the credential in your configuration file. By default, quantum kernel code will be submitted to the Quantinuum syntax checker. Submission to the syntax checker merely validates the program; the kernels are not executed.

nvq++ --target quantinuum src.cpp ...

To execute your kernels, pass the --quantinuum-machine flag to the nvq++ compiler to specify which machine to submit quantum kernels to:

nvq++ --target quantinuum --quantinuum-machine H1-2 src.cpp ...

where H1-2 is an example of a physical QPU. Hardware specific emulators may be accessed by appending an E to the end (e.g, H1-2E). For access to the syntax checker for the provided machine, you may append an SC to the end (e.g, H1-1SC).

For a comprehensive list of available machines, login to your Quantinuum user account and navigate to the “Account” tab, where you should find a table titled “Machines”.

To emulate the Quantinuum machine locally, without submitting through the cloud, you can also pass the --emulate flag to nvq++. This will emit any target specific compiler warnings and diagnostics, before running a noise free emulation.

nvq++ --emulate --target quantinuum src.cpp

To see a complete example for using Quantinuum’s backends, take a look at our C++ examples.