Neutral Atom


Infleqtion is a quantum hardware provider of gate-based neutral atom quantum computers. Their backends may be accessed via Superstaq, a cross-platform software API from Infleqtion, that performs low-level compilation and cross-layer optimization. To get started users can create a Superstaq account by following these instructions.

For access to Infleqtion’s neutral atom quantum computer, Sqale, pre-registration is now open.

Setting Credentials

Programmers of CUDA-Q may access Infleqtion backends from either C++ or Python. Generate an API key from your Superstaq account and export it as an environment variable:

export SUPERSTAQ_API_KEY="superstaq_api_key"


The target to which quantum kernels are submitted can be controlled with the cudaq::set_target() function.


By default, quantum kernel code will be submitted to Infleqtion’s Sqale simulator.

To specify which Infleqtion QPU to use, set the machine parameter.

cudaq.set_target("infleqtion", machine="cq_sqale_qpu")

where cq_sqale_qpu is an example of a physical QPU.

To run an ideal dry-run execution of the QPU, additionally set the method flag to "dry-run".

cudaq.set_target("infleqtion", machine="cq_sqale_qpu", method="dry-run")

To noisily simulate the QPU instead, set the method flag to "noise-sim".

cudaq.set_target("infleqtion", machine="cq_sqale_qpu", method="noise-sim")

Alternatively, to emulate the Infleqtion machine locally, without submitting through the cloud, you can also set the emulate flag to True. This will emit any target specific compiler diagnostics, before running a noise free emulation.

cudaq.set_target("infleqtion", emulate=True)

The number of shots for a kernel execution can be set through the shots_count argument to cudaq.sample or cudaq.observe. By default, the shots_count is set to 1000.

cudaq.sample(kernel, shots_count=100)

To see a complete example for using Infleqtion’s backends, take a look at our Python examples. Moreover, for an end-to-end application workflow example executed on the Infleqtion QPU, take a look at the Anderson Impurity Model ground state solver notebook.

To target quantum kernel code for execution on Infleqtion’s backends, pass the flag --target infleqtion to the nvq++ compiler.

nvq++ --target infleqtion src.cpp

This will take the API key and handle all authentication with, and submission to, Infleqtion’s QPU (or simulator). By default, quantum kernel code will be submitted to Infleqtion’s Sqale simulator.

To execute your kernels on a QPU, pass the --infleqtion-machine flag to the nvq++ compiler to specify which machine to submit quantum kernels to:

nvq++ --target infleqtion --infleqtion-machine cq_sqale_qpu src.cpp ...

where cq_sqale_qpu is an example of a physical QPU.

To run an ideal dry-run execution on the QPU, additionally pass dry-run with the --infleqtion-method flag to the nvq++ compiler:

nvq++ --target infleqtion --infleqtion-machine cq_sqale_qpu --infleqtion-method dry-run src.cpp ...

To noisily simulate the QPU instead, pass noise-sim to the --infleqtion-method flag like so:

nvq++ --target infleqtion --infleqtion-machine cq_sqale_qpu --infleqtion-method noise-sim src.cpp ...

Alternatively, to emulate the Infleqtion machine locally, without submitting through the cloud, you can also pass the --emulate flag to nvq++. This will emit any target specific compiler diagnostics, before running a noise free emulation.

nvq++ --emulate --target infleqtion src.cpp

To see a complete example for using Infleqtion’s backends, take a look at our C++ examples.

QuEra Computing

Setting Credentials

Programmers of CUDA-Q may access Aquila, QuEra’s first generation of quantum processing unit (QPU) via Amazon Braket. Hence, users must first enable Braket by following these instructions. Then set credentials using any of the documented methods. One of the simplest ways is to use AWS CLI.

aws configure

Alternatively, users can set the following environment variables.

export AWS_DEFAULT_REGION="us-east-1"
export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID="<key_id>"
export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY="<access_key>"
export AWS_SESSION_TOKEN="<token>"

Submission from Python

The target to which quantum kernels are submitted can be controlled with the cudaq::set_target() function.


By default, analog Hamiltonian will be submitted to the Aquila system.

Aquila is a “field programmable qubit array” operated as an analog Hamiltonian simulator on a user-configurable architecture, executing programmable coherent quantum dynamics on up to 256 neutral-atom qubits. Refer to QuEra’s whitepaper for details.

Due to the nature of the underlying hardware, this target only supports the evolve and evolve_async APIs. The hamiltonian must be an Operator of the type RydbergHamiltonian. Only other parameters supported are schedule (mandatory) and shots_count (optional).

For example,

evolution_result = evolve(RydbergHamiltonian(atom_sites=register,

The number of shots for a kernel execution can be set through the shots_count argument to evolve or evolve_async. By default, the shots_count is set to 100.

cudaq.evolve(RydbergHamiltonian(...), schedule=s, shots_count=1000)

To see a complete example for using QuEra’s backend, take a look at our Python examples.